Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Student in satisfactory condition
By Came Dennett
Emerald .Reporter
A tTniversitv student who
was r riticalh injured Iasi week
when she was thrown from a
state owned van is recovering
following pelvir surgerv Mon
day night at a hospital in Reno
(labrielle Hubbard. 10 a
freshman undeclared major,
was moved out of intensive
care at Washoe Medical Hentei
Moiuhiv She is listed in satis
lai lory condition
"I'm doing well." Hubbard
said In phone "I'll prohabh
he here until Wednesdav of
next week
f lubhard said she and most of
the six other passengers' were
asleep w hen the vail rolled over
about 7: to a m on Highwa\
H7t) near Tonapah. Nev
Susan Winn. 7 1 a junior
Knglish major, was killed in the
ai cident
"All 1 remember is when I
woke up in intensive care and
realized oh itn Hod. I'm in the
hospital'." she said "I had
thought it was a dream, that the
van rolled over, hut then I
knew it wasn't a dream ”
Hubbard said that mam ol
the passengers were not wear
ing their seatbelts .it the time of
the ait ident because they were
"I was huddling against Su
sie, we were sharing tin* same
seal. she sanl It's |ust a
weird exponent o to realize that
I was sitting next to her then
she lin'd
"I feel realiv had that Susie
lost her life, and I w ish that I
i iillUi have gone to the tuner
ah' IItihhard said
\V inn's f ii ne ra 1 was he Id
Monday morning in Saratoga
( aid
Hubbard said they were hop
mg to take a short! ut. to Mer
run, Nev . the site of the
American IVaie l est hut had
taken a w rong turn
' We real i/.ed w e took a
wrong turn, so we stopped the
van. got o u I a ltd vv a Iked
around.' she said ' U e
wall hed the sunset it was real
Iv beautiful Ue took some pit
tores, and got bai k in the van
"We had |llst driven a lew
(Wore miles before vv e (ell
asleep.' ’ she said
"We had just had this t leant I
lul moment, and then the an i
dent happened
llubhard said she plans on
traveling to the Amerii an Peat e
lest next year, despite the ai i i
I leel really bad about not
going,'' she said I even
thought about going before I
leav e Nevada
I ll IS VM 111 1(1 ll.l VC IlCI'll (lie
lirst time Hubbard attended the
"I was iiisi hopinvt to i’ll and
(live some support tin all the
people who are working for
peai e she said
lobn.db.in St hwart/ a 22
year old junior psyi hology ma
|or and the driver at the time of
the act'blent vs.is arrested for
involuntary manslaughter, a
routine charge when a fatality
is involved and released on his
ow n ret ogni/ant e
The I ugene /register (.uanl
reported Wednesday that the
dislrn t attorney \s off it e has not
yet dei ideil it St hwart/ rvill be
jiroset uted
Hubbard said she has relent
ly talked to Si lot art/
He yy.is hurting, he r\as
look mg pretty dins u she
said I yy.is trying to comfort
him and tell him to look on the
bright side
Hubbard Winn and Mary
Ager. .!() a sophomore sm min
gy major were all thrown from
the ran Ager ttns released
from a hospital in I niiapah I ri
day and is now recovering
from a frat lured shoulder at her
parents' home in Sail Diego
The other passengers yy.re
released from the hospital the
day ot the ai i ident
GTFF to hold membership meeting
mi :ktin( ;s
Craduate Teat hing Fellow
Federation h.is a membership
meeting .il I ill p m ,iI 870 I
Hili Si
Et als
Alpha I’hi Omega meets in
lilt* (arson I Fill Cold Koom .il i>
p in
(art It* K International meets
al li 111 tonight at tile Agate
Streel Crosswalk Im Redyvood
Alpha Kappa Delta Honor
Society meets at a p m lor in
formation on CRF's the gradu
ale s< hool entrant e exams in
705 Fix:
OSt’IKt.'s Recycling (• roup
has a meeting in I Alt' Century
Room K al 5 .10 p m
Karth Week Table will he
giving information on alterna
live energy and the Art lit S'a
lional Wildlife Refuge m (tie
1-All' lobby from 10 a in to t
|i m This event is sponsored
bv OSl’IRC .old the Survival
CD-ROM tutorial to learn to
use tin* library s computerized
database to find information in
education takesplat t* m the
Knight Library's referenta* tie
partment at 4 p ill
Larry K Churchill, professor
of medicine, let hnoiogy and
the humanities at the 1’niversi
ty of North Carolina, will speak
on "Rationing, Rights and Re
sponsibilities Basil Vocabu
lary of a Health Care Hthit for
the Future " Flit* lei ture takes
place today in 100 H illamette
at 7:30 p in and is sponsored
by the Humanities Center
Free MAC Workshop today
in Room 175 at the Computing
Center from 11:30 a in In 1 30
p in for those interested in
learning advanced Macintosh
The Cniversity Outdoor Pro
gram presents Best of the
Alps <i slide show by Jim
Blanehard. noted outdoorsinan
and direr tor ot the I niveisitv
Outdoor Pursuit Program. 1 lie
event is at 7 (!) p in in ! Ill
Willamette l or more minima
turn i .til s-tn i no
I he |esus Film \\ ill In shown
in the Mi Alister lounge to
night at H This event is sport
sored In the Campus Crusade
lor ( dirist
I he Neuman Center Hi el
I ini-iiilil St is sponsnriiiK .1 Hi
bl»‘ stuilt Oil till' tpispl'l of l.llkl'
,lt - III p 111
Deadline tor subnuttinn Id
nls h> tin■ I mer.ild front desk
I \ll Suite .Hill, is mmu llir if.it
before fiublii ation I t ,1/s run
the i/dt nl the event unless the
cl oil/ takes pi.11 e holme noon
Sollies ol events with ,1 1I0
nation or admission 1 Inline tt ill
nut be .11 1 e/Jltu/ I ampins
events anil those si hedulvd
nearest the pnblit at ion dale
will be alien pnont\ I he Km
it.iIiI resenes the n^ht to etbt
notii es fur gramma’ and st\ b‘
“Curse you, Ahmad! This is a picnic lunch,
and I specifically asked you not to bring your
work with you!"
ww w\
MuAiqua Gounnet
Catering to the
Discriminating Collector
CD's FROM $5 95
In the Fifthpearl Building
?07 I " lh Avenue
•i'S K ' A t •
^ y
Kwam Sak Pee Mai
...or, happy New Year
April 1 tlh i' tlif S.>|.ii NV» Year .uul i\ cc'lcbratni .is the wmi ■
beginning throughou
Southeast Asia i >n ibis
m rhailand. people
temples to wash the
I ties also throve ss aler
strangers It's a blessing
ss.iler ssashes assas all
Ami to give animals
release birds from their
then boss Is into the I
celebration lasts lor
the everyday s (Hires of
singing, darning, arid
believed that the
hi mg abundant rainfall ^
crops lor ills’ year
rhailitrul and iiiik h of
day, known As \Songkian"
traditionally go to
statues ol tin* Huddlia
at cveryone, even
to ho soaked because the
the evils of the old year
new hie as well, people
iages and pour fish from
river flu* full
three day s at u. hie h time
llif «!.t\ arc irjtl.it ril In
playing games Is is
throw mg ol w .iter will
ami thus insure good
Free Tasting: Sat, April 13 from 3-6pm
We ll be serving a Thai Noodle Salad in
celebration of the New Year.
Come taste and enjoy!
Sundance Natural Foods
^ 24th & Hilyard Open Daily 8am-1 1 pm 343-9142^
It’s Your Education.
Take it Seriously.
I he l iklergraiiuate I-dm .it ion Iask I one n. sponsoring two
ojH*n forums on undergraduate edui ation
Issues to be addressed ini hide
• I the nivei ity committed to undergraduate teaching?
• Whv is it so ditin ult to graduate within tour years ’
•Shi>uld the l niv ersitv pk e greater emphasis on idv ising'
• Wh.it is the i orient state ot the . .impus environment'
•What .ire the major comerns about undergraduate life'
Wednesday. April IT |W|
Wednesday, April 24, IW|
1 2 IHI P 111 to 2 (Ml p III
I Mi l .umwood or Walnut Room
Come express votir views and take an ai tive role
in votir education.
Materials will be a\ ai table ahead ot time at A'si ( >
the Provost s Office, or In calling Student Affairs, V|<> 1121'