EDITORIAL Police already have powers they need riic Oregon House passed a bill last week allowing police officers to stop, question and detain people tbe\ believe are about to commit a crime Hep. Kevin Mannix. I)-Salem. said be sponsored the bill because Oregon is the only state that won’t al low polite officers to approach and question .1 person who is about to commit a crime According to Mannix. under current law. it a po lice officer sees someone in a dark alley at 2 a m the officer c annot stop that person and ask what they're doing Wrong! Police officers already. have the right to stop uid question siispii ions individuals if there is re.i suitable cause Instead of enacting more legislation to nit lease polit e powers, the state should better define the word "suspicious" as it applies to behavior The\ should also im rease the training and education of po lite officers .is to police rights and limits when stop oing and questioning people Of course, for the entire system to work, citizens must better edui ate themselves as to their ow 11 rights it stopped by a police officer for "suspicions ai livity 01 lor appearing to he "about to commit a crime Everyone agrees police should be allowed to light t rime and criminals as effectively as possible And il all policeman were perfect crime lighting "robot ops" without human flaws such as rat ism or personal bi ases, this law would he fine But as the beating of Rod ney King in Los Angeles proved, the police department is made up human beings just like the rest of society. (Jiving police the right to (mil over anyone they think might be about to commit a crime is gist too much power Will suspicion mean die cop doesn't •hink people of color should tie in particular neighbor hoods after hours? Will people driving less expensive automobiles he tree to roam through the "good side ot town"? Why open up the laws so police could more easily justify such cases? The large majority of policeman are honest, up standing citizens. But in the interest of civil rights and fair treatment for everyone, they do not need more power House Bill 2921 just increases the ambiguity surrounding the policy of what constitutes suspicion. More importantly, in light tit the terrifying, yet en lightening. incident in Los Angeles, citizens should have some role in overseeing claims of police harass ment and abuse Instead of giving police more power, local governments should create a police review board an independent commission made up of citizens and police officers who would review police actions and policies. Unfortunately. HB 2921 does not address review hoards, just police powers. Some legislators have said the hill Inis a fair chance of becoming law . hut tin* hill still has to get through the Senate for approval Two years ago the Oregon Senate defeated .1 similar hill, .mil it should he ilcle.iled again I’Le mole power one group 01 l ives, the grealei ( Inlin e it li.is to .ilinse il Oregon DAILY EMERALD I’ » > H.n ► ujcnc t h ** W' • <411 14ft "II «... » , < «*•..-• **#o M !». ■* j- * «■ *• •»-* i ; ®* * * • ■» ■» <'■« [ » , I rn+ia ’ f I*'1 ' . ■ ** ‘'l» > ■»«■*''» ‘ I "<•; ’ ( •'.#-*>1 • ■ I • 1 lr,

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