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GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED . 14 * ground Word pro* esirngiFull *«'>■•# I d'! i4'.c" i)' ON CAMPUS* The WORD SPECIALISTS! ► (rradualr S« hool Appfovrd ■ ► !>litcrt«ftnftv''Iltr«rv1*Apf ft ► IBM ( <>mp*t»bk,I >i»k l on* rr .»> u * I Atri 1‘nnlmjt,( MAphk .* * I dtiinjr, Hrtumr • CAROLYN CINDY DIAL A TYPIST M3 7777 Eva % Typmg M3 3565 Report* 0t**er1ation* Rtiumn Printer FLYING FINGERS !, i ... r< Fant » i u’dte pn>»e**ion*i I’ * ! *»,. 484 WU Jackie • Typing Service Editmg- t an*” Pnnte* 4H‘»0*j?B JO THE TYPING PRO M3 60M6*An%SvC) IBM WON© PW •' I SSlNG f *'*.■: f ’ H£ A V>NABi I CONM I \ ’ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land Laser Printer 48S 334 3 * ormeri' ■ ■ nied R , u Tf><***rr«* i- *>, WORD PROCESSING Introductory Offer JtWVpage’ Laser quality pu * uprtkNtwy A g«ia 344 M09 WORD PROCESSING La»er printing ft peg** 66.3 ?Jtfj after ? pm vO - 344-4510 } WORD PRO I *. ■ Lw u.'.** a a U, n.*A'i L -*xs Aj-ylvli l r M I MM VI « , niu»h ' • • ■ ■ • Mb I 13th 1 ?0 TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS April 12 Dead Week UH 7 30 9 00 107 Gilbert Provided by Academic learning Service* courtesy of the Panhellenic and Interfratermty Council* iZi INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATIONS Here's our schedule for Beginning Macintosh Orientalions for Spring Term ‘91: Tuesday, April 9 Tuesday, April 16 Tuesday, April 23 Tuesday, April30 Noon-2:00 pm Room 175 Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations lor beginners 125 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC WORKSHOP Here's our schedule (or Advanced Mac Workshops (or Spring Term ‘91: Thursday, April 11 Thursday, April 18 Thursday, April 25 Thursday. May 2 11:30-1:30 pm Room 175 Computing Center Macintosh Operations with Advanced Tips and Hints What is "Birthday Babies"? FREE MAC WORKSHOP Thursday. April 11 11:30 1:30 pm ' M» *.? \ Atlh Adv«' »!' %bO graj>h «M» ■ ■ $ ‘ * Ml MS • Mf ; . double fXKJ with frame %fb mca dress e* iso large SecbO-nal t nuch <•*'- ei»ent $360 smai; b-.«nh«rlf $10 0»yn 346 3Tt 1 eves 66) 5628 Rebecca Comics (o4 sate A: kinds in mini ; -SfJ'i ' n ( at ask (o' Ronn!«• Desk C • ; .ie • »».-.>• ,, ,.*>»• ( i eii#ni cond 2 dr ewers Oak finish $110 344 •.#* • Dorm Refrigerator Only $75 0 B O Cell NOW" 346 9360 G* a the dark t ondomi iS for $tui t.uSlt-i’ foosbad men i$6 cat wattMbaltO* ' ifeiACfiaft A 200 yd range it.. SO aai rnicfophomi (see* helmets i$19 50 t'A embrcdered Grateful Dead t*es $22 SO «*a A much more* Order >a 1 800626 TOYS vVe ,» ept ah Nintendo * i 1 • .■ • • • $*20 143 1913 Onkyo TA 2*2 race de< * $150 Qna,. A 6200 mi amp $2’s Onkyo 0* C500 t-d.s. CO $4SO Hulk A,id- senes S riv • » r speakers $ t*>0 Su-y Portable CD i>l*y6' $1S0 Kennriire tkittn si.'r fridge ISO iSOC a an spec# heaie' $V; A ( egohafMe 34 3 04 79 Patrick Nagel collector editions IN 14 and I N 15 $250 and $.“00 respectively 66 3 1064 Smith Corona Spellnght Typewriter Good condition $79 firm Call Dean at 346 6991 and laave message Sony 13' Cm ■ < T y $, i k M vV HC A VCR $200 • • Ref* 2 $< Specialized , t.i > tnkn • . .ue * actually Mend • «-A v at! i44 7991 (Oeigi 2 United Airline one way tickets to Burbank Cell! Leave May 1 !991 $100 each 345 1372 ns CARS 1965 Mustang Wish to sell fast $2750 OBO 744 0552 1976 Voleo 242 -» .t • w‘ ' « ■ •. a.- ir . u. t>c •. 19H5 Plymouth f< sate Brand -A brakes good condition $1960 77 VW Camper , *-.r M Rebuilt engine racbolape $3200 345 1505 65 Honda Civic $3000 1 d* htbk 40 (XX' m* slanda'-.J Ai ■ ••a ciutch A brakes Can 687 6925 150 MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS T9M red Honda fit!© SO Run* g'eat and m good o^cl WW filx Call Jinny * I AM &40 155 BICYCLES Men % r. .tf V 5 * .c jr tram# UpngM bars Tenders lots o' \ '•<** ; **t* 1 ‘ 20 U'. ?ft*6 e»c*. Schwinn 10 spaed Va’vG ‘ -.if Gfe*» >n *• 4 a! 341 201.1 K> tpd Peugeot G»eat Condition 1?$ 080 744 - >*.*>2 19 Giant Iguana Min Bile Ma . .» '•av.M#5 l ike '<«* street ndde' >* • 14 JO '.r. 1. <¥. f i n* d'.v* • ■ % v*» 'd i• at. Ga»' i4r. ,*YM i and *>avf< *'’>»•*, *iaga f4i * Maclnt im*Q«wilt' II .«• * S-* ' e*f*n .*1 f i>py r-.r 11 ' 4% oe* Cali Am«r« 4(U VI i 1/0 SOUND SYSTEMS Car Stereo 0©* IV ► a a { • <• Spkr* Good do a- l.C'4-- (.an W av Magnavu• Bookcase Stereo System i Turntatii© receiver l?-tntnd Lgua j itOuM cassette deck CD player * i oocJitton 1400 otx 683 6503 1/5 INSTRUMENTS BRAND NEW . MGt Tak amine gu'ta? kmc as# Black at*»«" stony 16V or best . He- 346 l»96 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING 115 BOOKS UO BOOKSTORE Last Day tor Spring Term Course book Returns Is April 13th Please bring your receipt, I D., and books when making refund requests. 190 SKI EQUIPMENT FOR SALE1 i • •- v ... slmup ak> pant* I'kr T* :v B S’.. uaOBO Ca K.mbariy J4<>8/3£ 195 OUTDOOR RECREATION EXPERIENCE THE ALPS N. Vil sr» .i u 1 .lira. ' ma UO Outdoor Rut5u't % program J.m flirt? * present a Or* *fH a c aptunng the dr*" at-, twauty . 1 Eu "FREE Thursday April 11 at 7 30 pm in 110 ?oo TRAVEL On* way plana ' kef f V ...» Seattle .eaves Eugene June t0 34b 8113 ?00 TRAVEL FwQ*n* • ’.««!T1P SpoAar•«* ft?** M.*> Jrurtl in fulutr + Uh ODt 4.; r'r, ,n, Tr*r*tirvg Soon’ Apply lo* an American f ipratt card Fly anywhar# in th# USA •or Call TOOAY" 4«Sft«J9 ?i5 OPPORTUNITIES University Day Design Contest Submit design for bench to 364 Oregon Hall April 19. Winner builds bench at Cratt Center. We supply wood and $300. Bench dedicated on University Day May 16. Wanted 5 * • • ' •« 4614 LAST CHANCE Greek Endorsement Applications due Thursday 4/11 5:00 in Suite 5 Rotary Foundation Schotarthipi W2 93 On*. arlf-r- ,*’*! Study as •' .vl A:! !Pipensr*. pAut For data--* phone OPPORTUNITIES ?is OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION: Sludtnl j® irvc has 3 opan r-mpioy* uvff 40 studa-nt® ant} 4 [ Staff m tha nf>f'.ttion n* f ?!#» nota taking in.-.rjj (i »»%«. ,-’Q and FA* sarvu n Tha B, •<»• 1 •naata a! *>*»! ?« month fpi*>i»mg .« S?Vmonth siipond Studant* onl» .V .rrupn. mir: phy®K.a»ly f»afmng*d »ri! gays and t«st>i*ns ! m •»Q*K3 16 apply m Sud* 4 ' Rm i * 1B t MU Appl.rati •' )<»«vjl< ni- Apn! I PM Caraar Chorea*? Vex .i* • ,v '■>«»«»• Jr. a ‘ potential* cum be indicated via astroio gy phone consultation call 6H3 t 3ft4 16 ,**y (.olson/Gray son OPPORTUNITIES YOl R t.ARKKR. Uli.il arc vou (Iiiiiik this summer to prepare tor it? I imi trul w hv IBM Prot tor & (>aml)lr \rru\ .itnl scwul Imiulml t »r|Mirjlmtts ar* interested in v-1adualr*> of our Summer Program I! vou re intprrvlrd in developing vour rt*sume and enhani mg vour (uturp tdtm options fill in vour name Below \ < antpus represent*! live will i ontai t vuu and prov ide more information • Make nver SMHHI • i.ain valuable < arrer experieuir • Develop vour resume SKNI) WMI MA|()K VhAK & PHONh M MHKK Stop b> and visit your ArU aiscd representative during this sjxuul event Oicvk out our awesome collection of styles ArtCarvcd will customize a college ring just for you with thousands of sf**v lal options Don’t ilcla> see >our Anlarvcd representative hclore this promotion ends South* extern P () Bov mr» fulgent’. OK H74UJ SOUTHWtSU^N Order Now! No Payments 'Till August /IRTOiKVED Ku.'i'-MiiULi.'Oi.'iitujid Al’KlL g.m Irum K'A*.1 aju. tu .'.(W tJi, 5 UP BOOKSTURK ! 1 Vh hkI KiiHAtil. Open Miii Sat . Hkik 346-4331 EXPERIENCED DEDICATED ACCESSIBLE PROFESSIONAL VOTE FOR COLSON/GRAYSON ASUO PRESIDENCY Paid for by Colson-Grayson WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED at m«» Oregon Daily Emerald Freelancing for the Emerald «*> a great a ay ?.> gel , bps for your file or photos for your portfolio Come to the freelance information meeting Tuesday at 3 30 pm in the Emerald Library Suite 300 EMU This t MU [/ Undergraduate Art Show enhibit is open to all undergrafl I Students working in any urn Students interested in cipating may submit up to three i ‘S Wednesday April 17 in the Gallery _ J ★ VOTE * ASUO Elections April 24 & 25 PRISCILLA WARREN 2 Year IFC Position EXPERIENCE DEDICATION LEADERSHIP d for by the Committee to Eli Priscilla Warren 220 HELP WANTED Summer job interviews A.,-mge * u mgs $3900 University Directories the nation s largest publisher of campus telephone duet tones hires over 250 college students tor their summer sales program Top earnings $5000 $8000 Gam valuable experience m advertising sales and public relations selling yep w page advertising for you' campus telephone directory Positions also available m other untver sity markets Expense paid training p' g-.i • • Chapel M il N( Look y for enthusiastic goal-oriented students for challenging well paying summer t. internships may be av.i able interviews on c ampuS Wednesday April 17th Sign up at Mendncks Hall Alaska summer employment fisheries I am $5000 • month F 'ee t'ansporta bon* Room & Board1 Over 8000 open ■gs N npr’ :i*"i I- ***-. essary Male Female an Student Employment Servt n t 800 )bb t>418 ext 36 Collegiate Representative f you te the sale*, ■’ the IBM pe-sona- system * n U of O Call today' Manpower Tern porary Services 757 0959 COUNSELORS ut -,*• • •> d : waterfront sta'f needed for Coed summer resident camp For info cal) 12 2 at 484 0665 Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Company Excellent money 1030 Hwy 99 North 688 9027 Earn money reading t». »•. $30,000yf income potential Details (1) 805 962 8000 E»t y 9642 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU [• '*A--09tART MING 70 HAvt 10 ADMIT fCwne H&TUPrPOMI I .<•:•• pen ■ . •• ,y:7MW - "IT iuAGNANCf WHOnCTATW H‘ /ws irr sy fWTZVHIG L<>. •<*»/<' 'UJHLN HIS AIKS PR£SWTEPH»1 x/Th A Pf TALWAeeWA FORHtS FIRST A HFTJ.NO XHTH (&8AOW, w FVWVfNTvAtP.'HAVt YOU‘HOMY THIS TO NANCY?' 'NO, UR‘. 'ii'iU cV T tiAc’K TOMi AFTtRSHFSPASni,' 0V/^'. wt~ii eaum turn hl mj r Am ROBERT BJWAsPOlhtR -*A A1VR-. AfcCUf iARl? Rtmi ’ . j/ - KANT JO 7HAW JOU KX JOOK \ PUT. (2) CAN YOU mu .W ft VNE ABOUT iOUXEffOm ^ . 5 . • . BU../ (I) BORING. MARK (2) UTT’^UP AriiAP TO m 6oa? PAPT5' 0) PARTY ON, ZONK. (CUP HANP5 ANP MAKS BARN YAPP NOtoeS.) EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7am-11pm • drop offs 1430 Orchard Si. • dr> cleaning 345-6133 Recycle t This 1 Paper