Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS JULIill_VI Mj> .Ifr (Offline Mav Hth" W 4l« h for «frl.»iU »n him ominic p4i>cr%_________ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 iao CONNECTIONS Meet eictfirtg new friend* at the world* moil watched film Wad at 100 WiUam*11* 7pm Thui al Me Alister Lounge flpm It s Free' Can you think of a belfer way fo get a date">' Congrafulafionft Sol Naalman on guesting William Shetner as out Birthday Babies myslery celebrlly, the movie Happy B Day Care Bear! Hope you have a •'wonderful" day. I love you! Richie \ X A Thanh you for the graffiti party on Saturday night You guys definitely left some lasting impressions' Love Gamma Phi Concerned about pregnancy'7 ■ i help Free pregnancy tests Birthright 68 7 8651 John C Will I see you at the worlds most popular film'7 Jesus the movie which will be shown in 100 Willamette at 7 OOprn Hope to see you1 It s free Barbara U of O Career Week SCIENCE CAREER FAIR TODAY! 11am 3pm Wed. April 10 Willamette Hall Atrium IQS PERSONALS V! '• S' 'list, • V.v! M,v- * ; M DELTA WEEK i* going great* Goo<1 Luch Winn Heather Mandy Su;i'in« A'/. Diane B Congratulations on your engagement *1- Itaih-n- I h l ap ’ * JM * *■ I ilittriv K uni' CINDY Eva *, Typing 68 1 JS6*' Report* Dieeertetions Resume* Laser Printer FLYING l INGE RS . 4«4 903fl Jackie * Typing Service nb TYPING SERVICES - v-3 - 344-4510 OUAllTY WORD PROCtSSING Q - w»»* **«• —»• • » ) u. v b*.« . -t .*» x a _-v ~.*± it - -ax'.' If TM IBM M*.«»•■•*< i T ; '\*VV* «*>1 YV ] 60S l 1 'ih JO THE TYPING PRO WU im, .141 JWMMAn»S»o t‘M .V ”<: • '■ -i ■ • N i ‘ * P»yyy * T yptrty Call P»yyy *t U. 4A*a PROFESSIONAL TYPINv. TYPING UNLIMITED Ha»t>a'J» Land l**»f P»inl«f 46S JJ43 WORD PROCESSING Introductory OH«» tlSOpay®' a , >44 6409 J44 0FS9 ROBIN L.RAD SCHOOL APPROVE D . - ' ■»- * j . • . ON i AMPUS1 i,*b INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATIONS Here's our schedule for Beginning Macintosh Orientations for Spring Term '91: Tuesday, April 9 Tuesday, April 16 Tuesday, April 23 Tuesday, April30 Noon-2:00 pm Room 175 Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations tor beginners 125 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC WORKSHOP Thursday, April 11 11:30 1 30 pm SOLVE THE PUZZLE' IS ' iFRII FREE MAC WORKSHOP Here's our schedule lor Advanced Mac Workshops for Spring Term ‘91: Thursday, April 11 Thursday, April 18 Thursday, April 25 Thursday, May 2 11:30-1:30 pm Room 175 Computing Center Macintosh Operations with Advanced Tips and Hints 130 FOR SALE Dorm Only I?*! O B O • ji! NOW' l4h '< Ifni , ,, in* ‘ \' ’ j,*.i ' *•" l* '■ \ i JO FOR SALE Comic* lor Nag*l 911 Mint »hnnk wiapp*d Wi>'1h ISOO a*kingl37S OBO m; a n.'-« . • , • i i.'-. ■ •. • »> ■! ". »4V *\.ik A , 1 Ji-n • . ,• $.IM •• , ' »{ t 0 .playtn HW w* .? ,-m. .. .c • ij. j-,; 'mi: *,t! n.... « h«*4l«r *• Smith Corona Sp#lli»ght Typ*wnl*r Good condition S?9 firm ( alt 0*an .»t 146 8991 and l*a*» m*t*ag* Sony 13 . i * M A H< A . .*i,« a . Mot ! I' 2 United Antio* on* way tick*!* to Burbank Cali! lea** May 1 19*1 1100 • ach 14 S 1312 us CARS 0o»#mm*nl tetrad 1' 1*6 S Mustang W.*h to ***l last S.VSO OHO 744 Q*>S2 19 .'ft Volvo «42 > 1 •' *•• • 14i* J. ««» w».|.t. • • 1"» ' * V W < amp*I 8'. Honda ( iv»c 1 3000 iso MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS »986 i#d Honda 1 111* 80 iss BICYCLES Mon « hwmn VO »p**d 10 »pd 3*«ug«ot 19 Giant Iguana 165 COMPUTtRS/ELECTRONICS f 0» Sela' ny >' (Hr- -T ,un« s. >M I**' *4.* 0M4 IBM compatible '.» ■ ' • *,.».» 4. Mtl HO f!{>» !f - • . 4 ■< • .*» ■ it. A t. .. S’V* ■ * \ ■?! *44 IM M ac Int II i •>. $ ■ M.» ' n«.» ' , i , I . <• J ' • * i A .», 4 4A4 '-'I ' wo SOUND SYSTEMS Magnate* Book* a*a SI*«ao System T . - ei \ 2 b > •! I jv.al .! .,‘im n^tllr ;}«!•■ * CO ; •.»»*»• : | *. ; •'.»*? - S<* bH l %*»4) I W5INSTRUMENTS BRAND NIA ' • 1' ■ ■ ^P^I »'r< \4h •* M no RESALE CLOTHING No %alt ♦ '4* v - »>*’ f 1 Jlh 185 BOOKS UO BOOKSTORE Last Day for Spring Term Coursebook Returns Is April 13th Please bring your receipt, I D , and books when making rotund requests • 50l S?0*M *-A* 4 )Ji i1 iso SKI EQUIPMENT » OR SAL t The first LaserWriter that fits in pur wallet Introducing the uflonhil)le Personnl t.ncerW titer /A Now you am got impressi\e, professional looking documents without waiting in lino tor tho laser printer at the computer lair The new IVrsonal LaserWriter LSprintor istlio most :iileed serial connection ti>further onluuKV printing |K'rt'orm;uKX'). It incorporates Truelvpe.' Apples new font technolog} that lets \ou scale and print characters smooth l\ amt precisely tnmi tlu* smallest tootnoH' to tlir largest tuautluu This means that now e\en. student amt prolessor can altont a printer that cii-atfs tile shar|X'St midmost impactful documents willi diagrams, charts and illustrations that leap oil the page In other words, it was designed to let yon get everytiling out of a Macintosh computer that \pjile hnilt into it Not just tl le [ x iwer to kx >k voi ir best 11 le | xiw t *r to he yoi i r I nst Microcomputer Support Lab. 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am • 5pm. 3464402 /W/ < imfUittr hn M'ir ^ Vf rttr//»r