BOOK SIGNING J \ N I > K I w \\ \ H n GENERAL H(K)K DEPT. SI COM) I I OOK ANDREW WARD WILL SIGN COPIES OF HIS NEW BOOK OUT HERE AT THE IK) BOOKSTORE (ieneral Book Department WED., APRIL 10 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Funns and niimnt reflections on boss a transplanted I asterncr and ius tamiK ad|Ust in Ills on Bamhndge Island. Washing Ion Oni lhi< is a collection ot Andrew Ward s humorous personal essass dial trask die Ward Iannis s relocation troll) Connecticut lo .m island a leirs rule trom Seallle Mans ssere lirst heard on Via tionai Public Radio's All I limes Considered or read in maga /mes liki lln Minina Ml reseal the sense ot wonder and hurnoi dial base made Ward one ot NPR s most populai personaliltes \ mil ess Ward is a lormei t. onir ihuline editor al lht \thuUn and die author ol diree piss ions hooks He lises ssilh his Iannis on Bniiihtidee Island, near Seattle. Washington Come meet Andrew Ward a popular and refreshing aulhoi al die l () Bookstoie on Wed April 10. 12 hi I hip m 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat 10 00 6 Student Prop** N ln« Men \sjino K 1 hr \sl O t nnstituliun < mirt m Straub Hull OSPIKI. v • • • Ir|i m (tt .Room tv. Straub Hall f hr t mvrrsitl t nivrnut> of Kl Salvador I VII « ed*r Hoorn A I at in \rnrruan Support C ommittrr .-.u ..t A 10 « m in KMi ( *ntur> Room I hr International \ *»«* I ation of Mudenlv I i M meets .0 n m in Hoorn 1 HI Gilbert Hall Et als Sf'KAKKHS Lori n da M o h o I t \\st >< i ,*• M • '• vV. sp. -o • • v i ■ ’ .«• i . 1 Ml Oak Hoorn I hr presrnt..11.■ sponsored hv AVdmen in t oimmiim aiion-. Nora ( row lev > Oregon Htsilth Sr jew rs tniversity S« hool ol I )r nt i st r \ wilt 'review and : •tpplit at ions prut editres today at 4 111 p m in Room It.4 Oregon Hall frank V\ ilkinson w • National Uwvi'tv t.uilil mi*eting at I - " a n. in ot the law a hool MIS4 hi I \\1 ( H s What is the Hole ot the l’h \ mi al I hrrapisl in the \rmv workshop to In held by Hrenda Mosley d the I S A mi v Health Support Agency today at J p m in Room lh-4 (begun ) hill \Sl () higher ed budget tuts letter m riling w ' -'..i. '• ‘ 1 in in the KMI Lobby Student Senate grievante table rt\ adatile m the I \ft I nhhv today u Hi« m to i m |1 rn / a 'farsrr//aiv»' , iassit film made