ARTS The word from Laurie Anderson Performer tries lecture format S«H«0« W*T*I*M*E SHOWTIME A- - • ''' .t? H ;• • ? ■ M 1. A; ' ' • the Eugene Hilton s Ballroom t,, kets avaiijb't- .if jf'. * Mil M.i • * tie purchased for $10 general and $-4 students Doors wilt open at’ U) THrv (all it a imiltirnrilia slu > v\ I hat means there will ire video ami audio ami I .am ir AmlftMin (luring An l.\rniiin -\\ itii I .auric Anderson Anderson's name .mil repute lion sprang up in the eurlv fills. Since then, she's rec 01 ded album ettei elhum end i reeled mem multimedie events She s .performed at the 11 nil I enter before end the slum sold out. surd lesou Miller I Ml ( ulturel l oruin publicist fins lime around til kets seles ere excellent again I'm sure it will sell out The pertii uler show that An derson will he performing in Kugene is a bit different then most of her past shows for this tour, w hull will continue through Mev. her shows w ill he primarily let lures "She's coming with music, she's coming with video she'll pla\ some of her own music but it will be primenh a lec - ture Millet said ' We're in it sure exec 11\ w hat she'll talk about hut according to her she's going to suv a little something about war end some thing about authoritv end mev he something about her grand t uurlnt |ihutii /ntvrt.nncr I auriv \iutrr\ttn isill ftvrtnrm .it tht‘ Hilton HaUnutm in ,i \him in< hulrs \ uint nmsn .uni In turr mother That's what she said anyway In ,i press release Anderson said The best thing about the term 'performance art Is it s so ambiguous It ini hides just about everything you might want to do Anderson has been doing tins lor lure show only situ e January but it s been really well received said Steve (lovven of Original Artists, the company that manages \ndei soil I he idea ot a on minute lei lure may not sound appealing. but (aivven said Anderson s lei tun's are uiultitui eted U liiui sin' talks it s tin' must i ompelling thing he s.llil I V • • si'HH 111'! speak III' tori' on vi*r\ serious sublet ts like r.n ism i eusorship .mil sexism but in the end esers boils atsvays ends up laughing rheii tiles go ass as s\ ith thought pnrvokmg ideas She's In stern alls tunny but pnlitu a! and sel lolls too She gises a good dose ot seri ous slutl along with a huge dose ot entertainment The EMC Cultural Forum Presents THE 3RD ANNUAL STUDENT COMEDY CONTEST WITH SPECIAL GUESTS Tarawa :wrax©£ V\SA'Y \O^AV c OV'iEC)'' $3.00 for (J of O Students $5.00 for General Public Tickets Available at the Door Friday, April 12, 1991 7:00 p.m., 100 Willamette I ) Contest open to all full and part time U of O students onl 2) Contestants must register on Friday, April 12, between f MCI Cultural Forum Office if MU Suite 2i y 10 a rn to 5 p m in the St your dollars by iisiiiK coupons Irom (hr Ort^on Daily Kmerald. "27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount to U of 0 students on all repairs. 342-29 U f rtinklin Blvd fcugeni* Oregon 97403 n ii i| THE BEER IS * ONUS! , starting at 8:30pm (while supplies las!) STiVt 41 *S * Free food will be served at 11:00 pm PARTY NIGHT k ON WEDNESDAY! * 2222 Centennial Blvd. 343-4734 ^ * (Next to Autzen Stadium) Don't torget about Thursday and Friday COMEDY nights!" 1991 - Fashion Swimwear EUGENE’S BEST SELECTION OE SWIMWEAR Specials !.ly I EUGENE rill Hl> 91 West Bro.idw.iy • Lugene Oregon «