Walk to Gazebo for lunch' 19th & Agate 683-6661 Lunch Mon Fri 1 130 2 i Dinner Mon Sat from 5 i CDs and TAPES Buy Sell Trade music Pieuolutiori 1217 Alder sea,. SPRINGFIELD SMOKE SHOP TOBACCO • PIPES • LIGHTERS • INCENSE KNIVES • GIFTS • CANDY 1124 Man St. Springfield. Of! 97477 Y>« Sir t*4 503-747-8529 1 8007829495 1 Tin; HAWAII CLUB PRESENTS The 16th Annual Spring Luau Sunday April 14, 1991 EMU Ballroom .Y.V) S M» pm I )OOI s 1 Iprii S *|I I Stimv St .111 s '(()<) ( H'lK'l.11 V 7 f) M) <) (X) |>m I )t mi s V >I>t■ f 1 I S|n>\\ St,II tH'lHTal V I Ki s< i v < () S I IS , V) ' ( K) I ic kct s on s.ilr ,lt: UO Bookstore • I Ml I ot luitlu-i inloi m.ition i.ill: 603-5069 U of O Career Week SCIENCE CAREER FAIR April 10th 11am-3pm Willamette Hall Atrium Meet and talk with professionals in sc ienc e-related fields. I earn about the many jobs available after graduation. ARTS Photo bv |rtf Prislitv I Imath.i s \[*olo ti\ o/irns tonuiirm* m^ht .it \rrmi Ihr.itrr t I Oft t)l; heduted 1 • ? Apr M1 13 and 18 20 T i *> ■ • , a, 4«: * office is open ’ v 1- ; !•. 4 , " W • !h• : ,? • ,ini1 Uti I- d '• • 6 30 p in to 8 15 p m on performance nights This is .1 (ila\ lh.it i olebrutes tin- hit tersweet i ninplexities ot thi> human (■motion As direi tot Marion Rossi summed it up Klmath.i s \poloi’\ explores issues ol honestv moral it \ love self awareness and personal strength I he |>lii\ lurries .1 message th.ii goes Iwsonil just (hr slor\ of ,1 young vviiin.m s quest for love ■ mil happiness Klmatha s struggle to find true love m a loss Ilian Irui* u * irlil asks that wo i onsidet tin- reasons ami results of our at lions in rolalKinships while rei ogni/.mg where true beauty lies in out solves ” saui Rossi a master s student in theater arts In the pi.i\ I Imafha rot ounls memories of her past lives ospoi taliv her relationships with men and refler Is on how fulfillment Inis somehow eluded her Hut .is slir reviews these events In hei life Ml mat ha reconstructs her own sense of sell' esteem through the ha/e ol her emotional lutrden The end ol the |da\ however is i ratted ambig uously The audience is I el I to dei ide II Klmalha is resolved in her willingness to Irv again at love ot d as the title suggests, she is offering an apol ogy lot taking her life and putting an end to her agony Written in 107 C playwright Kehei i a Kunson entered Apology in the Amerii an ( Allege Theater I estival Since then Kanson. a North Carolina native, has written more than til plays many about rural women and grass roots politics. Kanson tom lies on issues whii h I think we all need lo think about and look at in our lives. Kossi said "I find lllm.illui s Apoiogl in Irigumglv different lyru al and poetii What Kossi finds appealing as well is Kanson s stvlistit elfort to mesh musk and movement in lei hides into her w orks to enhan. e then dramatii strut tore By Ming Rodrigues Fmeraid Fnieflammen! Reporter EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENT! AN EVENING WITH Conversation & Music MONDAY J APRIL 15l 8 PM " HILTON BALLROOM $14 UofO, $16 GEN. ADM. TICKETS AT EMU MAIN DESK, RECORD GARDEN, CD WORLD, FACE THE MUSIC