SPORTS Cycling team to host Spring Criterium Sunday CLUB SPORTS T he ('lu b Sports ( \ i ling te«im s\ ill lie Inist mg its Spring i .1 mpiis ( riteriurn Sun il.iv with the rai e wrapping around the KMl The Cluli Sports ( ycling team is hosting the event along w ith Pedal Power Hit V( les and l)om inn s Pizza Nearly $ 1. >00 in i ash and pm es will he award ed in three different i ompeti lion categories The ( u lists w ill follow a rei tangular course around cam pus. st t hole si ore ot nun to finish ]tisi strokes ott 111st place 1 ' S( whii ti tired an M7M Kotmdmg out tile top five were t ( I A Texas HI Paso. Stanford and Or egon (Iregon's I ro\ Ianm a tin ished fourth individually with a it 17 with rounds ot 71 ’■) and 72. respei lively Taniiya fin ished only live strokes hetimd l l td' medalist I lave Bishop v\ hii tired a 2 12 Doug Dili hateau .uni 11-ff 1 \ mis also had good tournaments tin the I)ui ks tiring si ores of 1 and Jill respei lively ( am Martin (2,1 i| and I'aul Kegali (2 )7) rouiuli'il out Ihn Oregon scoring Tin* Oregon women s golf team remained m eighth |da< e at the Sun Devil Imitatlonal in tempo Art/, alter luesday s play I'he tournament udl t on i hide U eduesilav San lose State leads the team (limpet 11 ion with a it>- hole si ore ot iHH v\ liile the I )ui ks have ti2a strokes l.eigh Homung led tin- Dm ks I uesda V Vi It h a 7ti zO*ocoo $1.00 OFF Posters Bedspreads • Lava Lamps $1.00 OPP Converse 5hoes 24 Pk. 151 Whip Cream Charges $9.99 Lazar's Bazar Skateboard Headquarters 0 u p o N 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall 687 0139 WEEKEND SPECIAL $4200 250 FREE MILES Pick up on Friday Return Same Time on Monday (72 hours) 683 0874 • 110 W. 6th (By the Hult Center) Some restrictions • Must be 21 RENT A CAR CLUB SPORTS T h «• ('l u b Spotts wumrn w.itci polo fimshail liltli .it il s im n tourn.i mi-ill this wi'i-krnil .it 1 i lin Hollow pool I ugenr I lls < tub sson llif tiiimiainent while .1 1 lub team from \ewberg was m i uml ()i rgml State s (lilt) Iimiii is,is lliml ,iiul Hainbridge Wash Ion rlh I ol I owed by • )rvn(ni anil \\ ashingtoii 'stall' Ori'Kon heal HainliridKc 111 ils 11 r st i>a mi- M l' tui I "as toppl'd i ' ll\ Xl-wtlfl’K Ilf ton- bf.ilini; YY.ishin^tmi Sl.ito H 7 lur lillli llmv li‘s ( ,iy;t Kng,i \hkki Krn/oni .1 mi k.itMeeti I humpsmi led the Oii'vtmi of tensn*> .itl.K k in the Imiin.i men! 'Preventative maintenance 1917 Franklin Blvd., F.ugen** 485-8226 is a fine art" 15th & Willamette Full Italian Dinner Menu Including: Chicken Cacciatore • Pizza • Calzone • Spaghetti • Lasagne • Daily ! .uncti Special* Hours: Mon I imrs 11 (X) mulnitjht I n 11 < H) 1 (X)am Sat .-I (K) 1 (X)am Sun ’> (M) 1 1 OOpm Delivery Available 342-8111 _ - -* HMM USE YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD | Busch & Busch Light 1/2 case cans BUSCH Tillamook 2 lb. Cheese Medium. Jack, or Colby BE SURE TO COME IN AND CHECK OUT THE BEST HEALTH FOOD & NATURAL FOOD DEPARTMENT IN TOWN! shop save COUPON Western Family Milk nonfat, 1%, 2% #991 expires 4/16/91 17 COBURG RD HOURS 7a m. 11p m 7 DAYS A WEEK AD EFFECTIVE b&3-867U 4/10/91 THRU 4/16/91