Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    Our Education Majors are
better off in grade school.
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Continued from Page 1
reading of I hr (i instil ul urn hints no provision in whit ti I hr A.SI'()
livei utive has I hr power .mti or authority to redesign the title or
position III whit li S hr h.is her n i oust it ill lon.ll I \ elec ted to
The i ouit .li know ledged the motivation tor ( renting the ( o-presi
denr \ as an effort to promote a sense of ( (immunity
! he i onrt in no ua\ suggests that Kirk Hailey and Sheila
Sin kid have not performed their duties as president and vit e presi
dent, that is not at issue here." the ( ourt said
1 he (jiiestion is whether the ( (institution allow s them the lati
tude they have taken in designing the to pres idem. y and the an
swer is no
In another dei ision also released \tonda\ night, the court said
the AM () w as ai ling w ithin its authority w hen it released a stale
merit during lall term (ailing lor the resignation of three law
si hool administrators, mi hiding Dean Maurn c Holland
The \Sl’t) released the staleinent after a law school instrut tor
was asked to apologize last N'ovemhci tor talking about Ins expert
en< es as a member ol the guy community
( nmplamants had asked the ( ourt to "rei|uire the ASI '( ) I set u
live to substantiate or t tirrei ! its statement" demanding the resig
nation of the administrators
In its det ision. the i our! said the ( omplainants had no evident e
to support their ( laim that the ASI '( )'s 'statements were ( ontrary to
the interests of law students 01 that the statement was ill re
scan lied or ill advised
Idle i oiirl further staled that they have no lurisdit lion to poll( e
the i (intent ol polite al spee( h hy the ASI '( ) |.\ei utive
In a thud ruling, the ( ourt said the Recreation and Intramural
program was discriminating against law students by not taking
into ai ( mint I he law s< hi nil's semester sc hetiu-le when si lied tiling
signups for athletii teams
Continued from Page 1
wounds and post mortems
I m |usi Irv mg lo hr heir ,is
a tei linn ill advisor, said Katti
w bn has been a deputy ini'dii al
examiner lot Lane (amiltv since
puts I in not a writer cm opt
tor a lot i it reports
Haiti's presentation was just
one in a series of seminars pul
on by tile Heart of Oregon
Chapter HU A which formed
this |uiuiur\
We want to get people in
.lie,is of expertise we're not la
rniliai w ith. said I’al Bray.
newly elected chapter presi
rhotigh the sulijei t niattei
seemed a little mar afire Ann
Simas publicist for the group,
stressed the seriousness of the
We have people in the
group writing romantii adven
lure Hint mystery novels.”
Simas said ''They wanted to
know how tn kdl i harai lers off
and (Haiti's) helping them do it
1 i ame here hoping to yet
some tei him ,il information
said I'atty Hyatt who writing a
In I lima I ac. count of a real 10 ills
crime Writers have to be ion
i el lied w ith being realistli We
don't want to make any ohvi
ous mistakes
Simas said she was writing a
book in wllii li she had several
i harai lers die ot knde wounds
and learned some valuable in
I did a lot ot research. es eu
down to finding out the color
ot Denver's police cars,” she
said Now I have to go hai k
and find out d the i its has a
coroner or a medical examin
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