SALEM Continued from Page 3 these students." Bunn said "We have a responsibility In those students to sav. 'Are there any alternatives7' Despite the questions from the committee Tuesday Rep (iilmour told education admin istrators the legislature would not "mu ro manage' the budg eting process but would trust them with tiic "check" that is written to them Ami Hunn said legislators will keep their "fingers off" higher eiim alum's budget tier i sums more than thev do with hudgets from other slate pro gra ms i'niversits I’resnlent Mvles Brand said the committee hear mgs show legislators are "trying not to lie hostile" Imt tiial there a e mam difficult problems to Ih- worked out l.vnn F’inrkney. rxn utive di rector for the Oregon Student laihln said she is pleased to see legislators asking important questions of higher education offu nils sut h as Hunn s ques lions ahout student enrollment Hunn also asked the < hair man of the State Hoard of High er Faille ation to explain Ins per < option of committee's role is in the budgeting proi ess "The oversight role of the (ommittec is not < leer Hunn said In the past, the < imimit tee's role has done little more than "rubber stamp" its ap proval fur the higher edui ation budget Board (Chairman Mark l)od son said be vuliomes ,i more i role" between legis lators and the higher education s\ stem to form poll! v Several other legislators ex THE UO BOOKSTORE PRESENTS ITS FIRST ANNUAL UP TO s100 CASH BACK WITH PURCHASE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM (Check at EMU Computer Shoppe For Details) COMPUTER OFFICE PRODUCT SHOW 1991 APRIL 8-20 EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (BASEMENT OF EMU BUILDING) UO BOOKSTORE (THIRTEENTH AND KINCAID, PH. 34M331) NO iNTEREST PAYMENT PLAN OAC. STUDENT DISCOUNT PRICES LOW PRICES On Computer Systems, Software, and Accessories. Huge Selection of Top-Name Brands. Hands-On Demonstrations. Manufacturer’s Reps On Hand to Answer Your Questions! Panasonic 0**> t» Ai;‘ "'^ilony mitac PACKARD BELL ZENITH ri <1.1 t.l N\ sterns LJ c.* Commodore AMIGA SAVE NOW ON COMPUTERS WORD PROCESSORS & TYPEWRITERS r GET THE ANSWERS! Talk to Manufacturer's Reps MICROSOFT: Tues. April 9 PANASONIC (Computers): Wed April 10. Tues April 16 ZENITH: Thursday. April 11: Friday. April 12 CANON: Mon April 8. Tues.. April 9 BROTHER: Thursday April 11 PANASONIC (Word processors) Mon . April 15: Thurs., April 18 JDISKETTE SALE! JVC: TDK: Supra Moderms: MF2DD3 • 2 MF2HD 3 i 2 MD2DD 514 M02HD 5 ' 4 MF2D0 3 ’/2 MF2H03 1 2 MD2DD5 1 4 MD2HD51 4 '••tema BM 24C t .t. : E»ter^.i lB*.* 24 t:auit f >!('■■■ 1 VAC 24 0 t.iud t i MNP 2-: : i. Saif 8 50 Sale 17 25 Sale 4 10 Sale ’ 7 30 Sale ' 9 00 Sale 16 60 Sale 1 5 90 Sale 9 90 Sale 89 95 Sale 119 95 Sale 119 95 Sale 13995 pressed concerns about the higher education budget pro posal Rep Kldnn lohnson. R Med ford s.od be would like to know in dollars" what it ( osts to run the University's law si bool bei ause he said it might be the "right size" to cut Uilmour said the i ummittees i ritena for determining which programs should be reduced or eliminated mav be different from those used by the higher education "We have our own |< ritena) and politics enters into it. be said Hut he added be would 1 ike to leave politic s out of tile budgeting process as much as possible Senate bill lets relatives halt feeding S.M.I-.M (AIM family or friends of someone who is ter min.ilk ill .uni m .1 ( mini amid order feeding tubes removed with or without the patient s prior ( onsent under .1 hill .ip proved Tuesday by au Oregon Senate panel The bill approved In the Health Insurance and Hio I tli us Committee would expand upon 1‘lH‘l legislation that al lows a person to sign a state ment that they want life sus taming treatment stopped d lat er they are in a 1 iiina. terminal ly ill and death is imminent The neyy legislation would alloys a person to order dot tors to withhold food and yy.iter d I he person becomes u m ou st unis and unable to Minimum i ate due to a terminal condi turn The bill does not sper ity that the person be near death It the patient has not spet i tied yvhat at turns should be Ink i’ll if they enter a coma. SH tu t would alloys someone previ ousts designated by the patient to make health care decisions tor the patient including rshether feeding should he stopped II no one has been designated to make health cure det isions for the patient, a t ourt t mild appoint someone, including a relative or close friend, to do so Correction Mark Winger's name svas omitted from .1 list n! candi dates tor AM ( ) offit es that ysus printed in Tuesday s I'mvriild Weiger is running for a two year seat on the KMH Hoard I he h'nwriilil regrets the error I THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it! SunShower on campus enui-Dii tM> Up«'a»« ►» *»*• • * nUNKRlAND * C.HIA1 fOR PARTlf s ANO BIRTHDAYS 5^vinpn ahcamis*ork CV,UtU WITHNICKHS GAMES admission m 65 5TM STRUT PUBLIC MARKT f UCf Nt • 613 1464 *8* I)K1 \ kI\(i \\l) I)RI\ l\(i CAN KILL A I KII NDSHII*