Oregon DAILY EMERALD Walnesiiav . April 10. 1991 1 ugenc I Ircgon \ olumo 92, Issue I 2K Inside Laurie Anderson Laurie Anderson pet liirms her current slum .1 multimedia presentation in a lecture format. .it ttn 111 lion on Monday "We re not sure evai I Iv sure what she'll talk about, but at.i ording to tier she’s (40111# to sav a little something about war and something about authority and mavbe something about her grandmother.'' says lesun Miller of the KMl' ( ullur al Korum See story. Page 7 SA1.KM .Members ot the Joint \\ ay s and Means educ ation subtnmmittee commended higher edu cation administrators on ! uesday for doing a "good job' 1 lioosing pro grams to 1 ut or reitui e in the fat e of ballot Measure See story. Page :l The )eyy isti Student l 'nion is sponsoring Shoal) Day events in the ben Linder Koom all day in memory ot the ti mil lion people who died in the 1 Inlot aust See story. Page A International (AP) Iran's premier stii.irt ut thru■ lr.tiinin; In hr l-.S( \l’l ftroffr.im rourdin.itnrs I'hr stmlrnts siii'iit List wrrkrtul an .1 t\\i>-iln\ rrlrr.it .it thr I nn rn.it\ ta ilrvrlo/i tr.innvnrk ,iml Irinlrishiji skills Photo l>\ \l.irk Ylen Medical examiner helps out with whodunnits By Don Peters tmiMid A oc .,'r (cieor It mis ./ d.irk ,md stonily night Thr tiro mm rouhi srr thr hath on thr floor illumi tnitrd by brirt fl.ishrs of light long through thr o/irn inn ilon Thr thin onr hrnt ihnni ,md Init tini fingrrs on thr both \ iirrsl llr turnrd to thr short in.in slonll -.linking III-, hr.id It rll. dot tor " thr short 111,111 drm,indrd Hon did hi ll n •7'' ' Uni in " thr dm tor '.ml " s hi'st ,11 I i .in trll U lull thru ■' How did the man din7 Heart attack' (iun.sluit wound Hu Ikiiih Del ISICII1S . (il'l ISIOIIS Running mil of methods to kill .1 i harac ter is perhaps .1 novelist’s worst nightmare, hut Ume ( '■ >11 lit \ Deputy Medical 1 yammer I rank Katti did Ins best Tuesd.n night to make sure local writers never lac k 111 their murdering wavs \t a meeting of the I leart id ( Iregon < Tiapter Kom.tnc e U 1 it ers ul Americ a Haiti explained the differences lie!ween 1 tiro ners (elected offic ials) find medic al examiners (vs ho .ire s t .11 e e ill [) I 0 V e d I . I) e I o r e segueing into the more grue some details of gunshot ’ .it- ■ . WHODUNNIT Page 4 I’hnlti b\ Jrll Patl«t miuin.il rx.immrr trank Kuth rxpLuns thr iinrr points oi \mlrnt liruth to ,rn uiniirin ** ol lot .tl In hon n ritvrs