Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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Edmunson fighting against Measure 5 in Salem
By Troy Anderson
E' ne'r a ut Contributor
Like Rubin llond stale Rep
11 m Kd m u n su n says ' 1 V\ r
slunild be taking from the rit b
.ind giving to tlic poor
At liiast tlwt is the position
the former journalist takes on
issues sui h .is Ballot Measure
a workers to ill peii sa t io n
health coverage campaign Ii
nani e and Ins own renter relief
bill whit h would fori e land
lords to pass on property tax
sav ings undni Measure > in
rent i barged to tenants
The I )emo( I at it represent,!
tive. whose District if) repre
sents about 411.011(1 people in
the North Eugene area, is often'
the lone dissenter on bills' that
he believes are not ill the pub
lit good
I d m u n son bet a rile best
known lor his dissenting vole
against last Mav 's spet i.d ses
sion workers compensation re
form bill, which reduced the
amount of monev injured work
els received in health tare anti
disability benefits
"East session I vvas fighting
ha injured workers, which is a
very unpopular position to
take." Edmonson said "I vvas
one of six votes out of tit) on the
I louse floor against the bill
"People said Id pas a terri
hie price lor tii.it politii alls
but 111 tile end 1 won both the
Democrat ami Kepubln an mini
illations lor re elei lion." he
said "1 have no problem being
the only no' vote if it's for a
good reason I'm not airaid of
being outspoken
Kdmunson. to grew up in
the Kugene-Spring!iehl area
and graduated from Oregon
State I'niversits in liberal stud
ies in 1*17-4 lie received his law
degree from the I'niversiH in
Kdmundson said he voted
.igamst Measure a and that Ore
gumans should gel another
c hance to vote on it
Kdmunson. w ho is also a Ku
gene workers compensation -it
tornev. said that while he does
not llkf the icit'il lit .1 -..ill's tax
In- iliit's likf till' itliM ut i urnss
receipts and luxury tax
I think Kutim lluml Hits
right tn .1 large degree
Kdmunsnn said I rhi*<in we
shoulil be taking from lhc.ru h
ami gis mg tu tin- tii>iit Ami
that kind of tax jinlli \ Is nut
fulfilled in tin- salt's tax Ms
proposal to repeal Measure .
would also have rei]uireil the
Legislature In adopt a replat e
men! revenue
\ 111 it fit'I hill related 111 Mil
lire i is the rente! s relict lull
that would ret pure landlords to
ret lei t tav savings ,.t Measure
. in rent i barged |to| tenants
Measure 'i has given land
lords andproperts owners a
ss 11illtaiI th.it renters don't en:
|u\ I'dntlllisoii said I think
it s the height ot In pm ris\
w hen we ( Ut pioperts taxes
and then the rents iIK lease I n
mi' that's gross enrii hineiit it
the expense nl people who bs
and large are not \erv affluent
"You don't see a lot of rent
ers heating the Hal lot Measure
"i bandxvagon," he said, "id
though 1 think a lot o! renters
voted lor Measure ■ because
(lies assumed landlords would
pass ttie savings along
I utorltinalelv , i d mu nuin
said most lulls lh.it he pro
poses like this ,ne killed h\ the
Kepu hlii an-coil trolled House
Hut now lh.it his anti Measure
lull has been introdm ed he
hopes to bring It to the people
through ail initiative
"M\ contribution this ses
sum ill the I.legislature lias been
to be another voice and to re
mind others in the assembly
that we all have an obligation
to light for e.u h other's right to
express our opinions he said
Other lalmunson lulls would
repeal certain exemptions to
the public records laws defend
Native Americ ans use of peyo
te in religious i eremonies and
limit the amount ol money po
litical ac tion committees c an
c out rihllte to elec t mu cam
()t c nurse lalmunsoii isn 't
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alone .1! the state i apital I or
mer \St ( ) President Ynd\
( iark is working .is his icgisla
tive .mle
As Ini Measure ') and higher
edttc;atlon. I.dmunson said it is
important to keep the insiitu
tion--intact and that means
keeping it a 'full service inslitu
ticm without eliminating van
mis schools and departments
We have to he consumer ad
A m ates when It i nines to sill
dents to make sure students ale
getting w hat thev pav lot ' he
said Aon might sav that we
need some lemon law s tor
higher (‘duration to make sure
lh.it when \on hu\ an edin a
til III It Ill'll
\Yr ni'i'i! to make sure, as i
state th.it there in- ioh oppur
tunitifs tm students .uni thiit
uii reiogmze students itf go
mg to iiff.l help making the
transition into professional lift*
lii tfrins nt housing .1 mi day
1 .Iff . Ilf SUIll
Kdmunson s.ntl In-1 .in appro
i,itf .1 student\ transition into
professional I itf \t!fi gr.niu.il
mg trom ()St lie worked as
thi> i:it\ ami sports editor til the
/.isf (tregoriiuri for.three years
Tiled he spent nearly (uv rears
. i s a reporter at the /),((/1
|imi Ktlmimsnn
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