COMMUNITY Public ‘pleased’ with Downtown Mall guides By June Russell 1 mei iilcl Hepor ' Its still too early for the sta 11stii s to |»- in but one thing is clear tin1 downtown guides' mi|M( t on tho mall is Ixx online apparent 'Wi re Vert pleased They ve done a ureal job so tat and overall then pertomiam e lias been e\i ellenl said Kuss Brink Downtown 1'iijjene lin executive director "The most important criteria to me for judging sm cess is how the businessmen feel they re doing We haven't done a rpies tionnaire yet. but from the allot dotes people are telling us they re very pleased'.with the servir e Naturally any improvement in the perceptions and comfort level ol people y isiting the mall EPD, businesses also happy with performance after nearly three months of patrolling shopping area will take timi'. hul brink re in.mis optimistic The guides Itegan patrolling lilt' in.ill I l b lli repl.ti ing (lie se< unt\ guards from Absolute Sim urit\ Modelled after I’lirt laud's suit essful "street am bassador" program, tin* guides ari‘ i• 111riisIimI with m,iking the mall a friendlier plai e In \ isil Don Zadolf owner of H.u k stage Danreweai i 1 \V Hroad w.n, said tlif guides arc niak ing Ihcir present c know n "Thc\ seem In be in aulhori I\ liere be said I he\ lihik nu-lumseiiH' \f\ impression is that I lies are making people more comfortable I Ibink they‘re working vcr\ well "The oiiK improvement I would make would l>f to him1 them more authority so they i .tu h.u k up thus s.iv IAcept lor i.ailing the polite to handle fights, most of tlio guides duties are routine sm h as giving directions and stop ping people tiding lakes on the mall Brink said Anything that involves threat or harm they i all the police immediately and also for any medical enter gent \ they call '111' lit ink saui Obviously, if there's a c rime in progress they also call ‘111 hut there hasn't been am of that so far Brink said the guides have ■ Aperient ed no problems with "yvanna he " gang members or NO DOWNTOWN TRANSFERS ■ NO PARKING HASSLES NO POISONOUS SNAKES faculty and staff. In fact, you can go on free expeditions anywhere, anytime—free with LTD's Club Express Your U of OLD card is your passport to unlimited adventure! OTHER DIRECT PASSAGE ROUTES TO OR FROM THE U OF 0: *3XEXPRESS Rw Road SAfTU C Ufa va CotMg Road and ft**!*'* #11 THURSTON •F SpS' #11X EXPRESS (Thurston toWth* *21 ICC HARRIS *23XEXPRESS .Foi HokM Oon«J *23 FOX HOLLOW iFcuHoscwOon**: »28UOFO HILYARD *31A BAILEY HILL U OF 0 Vt 'Hr' #31B CITY VIEW U OF 0 »31C OAKPATCH U OF 0 *36 MAC COURT *Vrs!"xve^|fVi W *8tfi Explore your options in your LTD Rider's Digest or call 687-5555 L 1V'** 'Af» :+*. D* tiuMfx *Yi3r with t he street kills and are able to put names on them and provide other information Ac tualh . u e haven't gotten that main calls front the guides a feu assault vie tints, a fen drunks. ' /altar said "Thev're helping to some degree to con trol intoxicated or disorderH |ieople on the mall, and collec t irtg information to revoke oc denv permits U of O CAREER WEEK Tuesday April V: Commerce, Arts, (Government ('areer Fair I lam 1pm I Ml I IK ROOM Wednesday April 10: Science ( ni cer t’nir 1 I am-3pm Willamette Hall Atrium Mi l I WII IM KlMill PROFESSION \l S I E 1KN \HOl I I 111 \l \\\ CAREERS \\ All ABI E I'O TODAYS toi l I t.I (,K VIX VI ES Ihm'i /mss the /iii.ij'r I pilule H orlis/io//.' ' 10pm April 10 I Ml (iumvHMH.! Room FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS POSTERS RESUMES AND M ORE LETTER PERFECT Graphics 346-4381 -300 EMU