>ur shears make you look sharp. Peg SSO. Now *27.95 • Perms customized for your hair type includes conditioners, cut & style, longer or color treated nac may t>e extra* • Loop Rods-Spirals.d because we re not for profit, you can expect to earn more when you save and pay less when you borrow A recent survey showed that credit union members are the most sati-Wed ■; ut any f.naru > station md the least likely to change fmancia institutions That s logical When you re one ot the owners, you re bound to be more satisfied When you're a member you re an owner That s the credit union difference T23 CIRUUS U-Lane-0 488 E. 11th Eugene • 687-2347 UNIVERSITY Candidate roster set The following students filed for ASUO offices as of Monday s i |, m deadline A mandatory meeting for all candidates will 1» held tonight .it t> in Room 177 Lawrence. General elei turns will he held April 24 and 25: runoff elections w ill take place April to and May 1 l he deadline for submitting ballot measures, approved by the Constitution Court, with verified signatures is 5 p m Friday in the VSl'O F\ec utive Offit e KMC Suite 4 AM () president/vice president Jennifer Hills and JoSonja Watson Mit had ( ailson and Ha relay l Iray son Scott Dunlap and Connie Seeley |in idental Fee Committee, one-year seat (three will be elected) — Jason Ashley Daniel Wchison. Robert Cruz. Sara Dodge. Anne I eig. William Caskill Karl l’ond. Ion Tucker. Anthony Stumbo. Jason Wilson IH . two-year seat (two will be elected) — lohn Coodman. I.ydia 1-errna, Prisi ilia Warren I Ml Board, one-year seat (one will be ele< ted) — Jon Organ, kev in Riley I-;Ml Hoard, two-year seat (three w ill he elei ted) — 1 ravis ( been |ne t Tube I rii 1 loma. Jason Moore President's Xdvisory Council — Nb-y.in Cogswell. I leather Moore Student Senate Seat 1 Stephen Thomas Seat 2 Brian Hoop. Punch Moasser Sr.it t Alexander Foote Seat l I isa ( dark Seat "i ( hail Mi Bride Seat 6 David kimura Seat ‘1 Rosemarie Calderon. David Hand, Todd Hausman Darren l.uvaas. Peter ()zolin Seat 11 Fdward Beanes Joel it; Hall Seat I t Wendv ( urran Seat lr> l imotliv Mi Nees Jon Motohiru. lason Sprague OSPIRG to combat hunger OSl’IKCi is sponsoring '1'' seventh annual Hunger Clean up on Saturday The group's goal is to get 200 students out to various work sites in the area, sill ll sis I nod For Fane ( mintv and the I amily Shelter House and to raise $3,000 for local (hardies Director Peter 1 Jrake said Grapevine Partii ipanls are asked to en list the support of as inatu sponsors .is possible with eac h sponsor contributing between SJtl amt S 10 Students who are interested are ent ouraged to stop b\ the OSI'IKC office in KMI Suite 1 and pick up a sponsor sheet Half ot the monev raised will be divided lot ally between Whitebird and booking Class Shelter and the other hall will be given to the National Stu dent Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness Colleges and uni vers it ics across the ( ountr > part in pate 1 n t hr event Last year, a total of about $200,000 was raised, Drake said. I hose who are participating w ill meet at 0 10 a ill Saturday in the I Ml' (amrtvard where everyone will he divided into groups and taken to a v\mk site ( areer l air a two-d.n event that offers students a i haiue to meet will) representatives from a variety oi companies, begins today m the F.M1' with a focus on careers in tie- fields ot t om men r arts and government Tables will hr set up from It a m to .! p 111 ()n U etl nestlat the focus w ill shift to careers in si lent e Tables will lie set up in Wil lamette I fall ‘"Representatives will be ready to talk to students about Turn to BRIEFS. Page 7 PIZZfl~TO ' i- i PtTfj. ► ALL YOU CAN EA Tf ” J SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BREAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m. to 10 p m 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery