UNIVERSITY Parts of University campus under construction Photo h» Van Potion (,ar\ Thompson ol \/i ken/ie Commert ial l nion General ( ontrai titrs works on the new st tern e buildings, one ol many t unstriu lion propels around the t ni lenity (ampus Agate Street project should be finished soon By Lisa Millegan f mf'.id Reporter Ilave v'oti ever walked hv mu* of the tinnier mis * mist ruction sill's on .campus and asked yourself aloud. mi '-'earth is yomt! on hern II so (he foilin'inn list esplams I lit* s i y> n i f i i .1 iu e of the '.ui'H. 1 'ni \ersily pio|rt ts \gale Street (ninslruction on \gat> Street should " mp up before .in' of the oilier i .iinpus building pro jet ts according to t’niversd' planning assun ■lie (aria I.evillski I he const rue lion fiegan last year alter the i its ot Huge tie tlei idetl to redesign the street to provide ai t ess to (He l adversity s proposed Riverfront Keseari h Park Iplanned tor tin area direi 11 \ hetweeii the .campus and the Wiliam etle River) Alter approval try me i iiiutmu riauuiitg l dniiliiltrc lire i it\ extended \gate Street to the north past tire otliei -.tile ol I lunklin Houle yard to tin1 first mtersei tioo ol the park I,e\ inski said thi' i lls also widened and re aligned the se< turn ot Agate Street between I ranklin Boulevard and I ith \vetiue last sum met to maki the intersection safer I unding tor the SI 5 million projer t was pro vided by the stall' Irovinski savs the entire projei t should be loinpleted b\ Aug 1> after some cosinetu mi pros einents are finished Workers will be land si aping in the median strip on ea» h side of the niiidw.H in addition to the sidewalks neat Ore gou 1 hill Bowerman 1 rai k-and-Field Building l r.ii k athletes will probably have to wait mi til nest fall to enjoy the two story Bowerman trai k anil-field budding now under construi lion near llayward field said Oiurie Ask of the t ’rnversity f oundation I hi1 exact date (il completion is uncertain. Imcause crcus will nut In* working during trai k and field mi'els and finals she said Hill Howerman former I'niv'ersitx men's track i uai h and on founder ol Nike Ini is fumliiik the V’ ! million ini lilK through the Howerman I'onndatioiv and the Oregon t om munitv foundation Workers broke ground in Man h at the site, wtm h is located neai the bleachers at the start ot the till) nielei dash I lie budding will wrap around the northwest corner ol the field and will house looker rooms and training rpinrters. as well as offii es lor the International Institute tor Sport and Human Performance Ihe building should also serve to screen Mas ward I odd from strung uortherU winds that have sometimes invalidated Amerii an and world os old tunes at trai k meets I tin .11 \ I \pansion After thr removal of Hint' Itirs ni'itr the knight I 11>r.11\ over spring break main sin ilrnls have become aware of impending lo ex|Mini till' f.n 1111\ I'niversllv Planner I ).i\ iii Kiiut oil IihIiIiih: will si.irt this work lor roustrm lion ot tin I tn.not) sipi.iir loot .iild it ion Part o( llir nrw construction will extend tlit* building into the field .it thr ol thr library, while part of it will im hnlr tin' addition ol floors to thr i urn'iit building, Kuwr said Addi lions will also hr uiadr on thr west side ot thr |lbrar\ thr loading dor k .lira I ventually . thr lihrar\ will hr internally reorganized and remodeled "to make more rffii lent use ot spat r that wr do have in thr library lie said A combination ot state tunds and gdts troin private donors will help pay thr S.' I million lull lor the improvements, yvhit h will start at the end ol April or the hrginuiug ot May Kowr say s the additions are crucial 1 >i•< ause Tom to AGATE Page 7 South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sporrs Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 3% E. 18th St. 683-9070 Student rates Near Campus FRAMES 4 PRINTS IM 1280 04 St • 343-4119 • 9 am-4 pm, Mon i