Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    We Need:
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The Oregon Daily Emerald is currently accepting
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The rewards are many. You will gain experience in
sales, layout, design, advertising production and
business communications, along with mam other
fringe benefits.
YVe must be honest and let \ou know,
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However, if you have sense of pride in doing a
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age of 25-35 local businesses, as well as maintain a
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encourage you to attend our informational meeting
on April 10, 3:30-4:30 pm in the EMU Board Room,
3rd floor of the Erb Memorial Union. Please stop by
and pick up an advance application in room 100
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this meeting.
Sophomores and juniors majoring in journalism,
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You must be able to work at least one lull academic
year (excluding summer) to be considered. You
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torcycles & bn yc les are not acceptable).
...who like
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Oregon Daily- _
The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Testing irrelevant, speaker says
Ex-researcher decries cruelty
By Brian Bloch
I •• . •■) ) Reppl'er__
I hr president ul .1 national
animal rights organization said
Monday that animal rrsrart h
not onh causes pain and suffer
mg hut is useless for studying
the human t ondition
Don.ild Barnes National
Anti-Vivisri turn Soi i«*t\ presi
dent, said in a presentation in
the f Ml' I n Room th.it si ien
lists are killing thousands of
animals even year under the
false pretense ot researi ll
Animal researi h is paradoxi
( al in that si lentists justify i ru
el and pamfill experiments bv
their benefit to man. he said
Win do sve use them (lor
evperunentsl ' Because linn re
like us he said Whs do sve
treat them differently than us7
He< ause tlies re not
Barnes blamed a soi let \
geared to the human animal"
lor ('.renting a sell serving atti
tude toward animal research
Kxisting within sot lets m ien
lists are ti,lined to an even
higher degree ot disassm lation
for animals lie said
'When tlies scream, tiles
verbali/.e lie said We use
[mm to make these animals do
our bidding It s unethical, or
else we'd use humans
In addition to ethical viola
lions Barnes said animal re
seen h often iluplii ales proven
theories or seeks to prove theo
ries having no reasonable use
to human beings
1 If said tin' mental and phys
ual aspects of non-human am
mals are mi vastlv different in
some i ases from those of hn
mans that experiments attempt
inn to make correlations .ire
' ludicrous
I maintain the use of non
human animals in the laborato
t\ retards the si ientific pro
less Barnes said "What does
it tell us that we don't already
An animal researcher in the
I S Air Force for lti years.
Barnes said his position lead
ing a group against animal re
search is ' about a 180 degree
He said even as boy growing
up on a farm, he was taught
that animals were a resource to
be used at will That attitude,
he said, was further compound
ed in Ins si ientific training and
work with the government
1 In- Kit'd was that as a hu
man being. I hail Ihc right to do
whatever I wanted to other ani
mals ’ ’ Harnes said
Ills work willi tile Air force
involved subjei ting monkt'vs lo
radiation and various chenn
t als lo observe their responses
and relate them to human silua
Harnes said he began lo see
the useless nature of his experi
merits and the suffering the\
were causing after he was
itsketl lo irradiate tour monkevs
for the government in
His refusal lo part it ipnte in
the "st ienlifu allv invalid"
testing tost him his job with
Donald Barnes
the Air Force.
"1 began not to buy it." he
said. "I began to hear voices in
side that asked Do I have the
right to do this?'
Similarly, Harnes critic i/cd
University offic ials and re
searchers lor surgical barn owl
experiments they are now con
due ting lor the 1' S Navv
He said the motivation lor
the research lies in gaining
"knowledge lor the sake of
knowledge’’ and for the
$:t:ts,:t79 Navy grant to the1
I tniversily
"You can come up with am
reason to get monev. " Barnes
said "The government wants
tec spend it
"VYe hope we can stop pen
pie like (University neurosci
enc e researc her) 1 )r (Ten \ i
Takahaslb from doing this kind
of research.'
TI IE 1991 U OF O
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