UNIVERSITY MUSLIMS Continued from Page 1 belong to the Sunni sect .uni be members of the ISI-. In or der to rorrtpK with ASl'O rules, the group must be open to all Muslim students because its name is Muslim Student Association Anderson informed group members that it tbe\ wanted MSA to remain a re< ogni/ed group and continue to re i eive incidental lee funding, tllev would have to rev ise their bylaw's and hold new elections khaled Al Azzouni. who was the direr tor ol MSA List year and was re elected in October would not com men! I lower er. he and and a fellow MSA member hired attorney t diaries hotter to ar t as the group sspokesman "The Muslim Student As sot iation t hose to Withdraw its status as an ASl 'O group organization rather than ill lute and deteat its longtime role of serv ing the interests of the Sunni branch," he said in a written statement "hast (fall), petitioners de mantled that all Muslim stu dents at the I niversitv he al lowed to vole ill MSA elet tions and that LSI- member ship not he required," it states "This was unaccept able to the MSA B u I \! u h .1 tn m .1 ii .1 n il Yousef. Iiulli Sunnites, said some members with r\ pellet! from the mosque night ami not allowed to vote bet ause they were not memhers of the U .ihahi brant h of the Sunni sei t or not from Saudi Arabia, where most Wahabite', are from 'll you are not from Saudi Arabia, vou were probably not allowed to vote they pist created an atmosphere where i ertein decisions were made along national lines or ideological lines ’’ said Yousel, a graduate stu dent from l.ibya He said he was allowed to \ ote bet ause he had been \er\ active m the mosque and "it would have been e\ tremek risk\ to deny me I've always been there, and it would not have been an easy thing to get away with " The group's I FI! funding $4,110 this year was "serving the interests of a very close ( in le of people. Yousef said Not only was voting restrii.•»'tl .1 mong mi'ii. no women wort* .il IouimI to participate either, Ill' s.llli rh«T«' aro mam interpre tation.s of Islam." Moham m,id said "Ur told them that ( and diversitv is normal hut wr ucm like a soi ially non -existent I v pr of people in I h f mosipit' Ur have no prohlrm with those people Inti thev have to irspri t nir as a lull human being I haye nil opinions hr said '' I his is u hat U r u e re t 1 g 11 t 111 g about, thrs have to giv r i ights to all othi'i Muslims and women At trinpts at ined ia turn lailed. and In: Man h the ASIA) suspended MSA's status as, a re< ugni/ed pro gram and fro/e its funding lit i ause MSA group mem tiers registered its name Muslim Student Association of Kugene Oregon bit with t lie Oregon (airporation Division, its members have sole at cess to it. I'orter said M.SA still has a strong membership The group plans In maintain a presem e on or near the l 'in versity will remain m to.e and will i onlinue to serve I 'niversitv students. lie said I he iifvv group is hf mg formed will he known us (lie Muslim Students Associ ation of tile I diiversity ol Or egon. will lie accessible to all Muslim students and will not lie affiliated with INI' Mohammad said Moreover w omen will be given lull pari it ipation and w ill lie eli gible to vote and run lor of fu e lie said Yousef and Mohammad have submitted a new set oi bylaws and are now working with Anderson to ensure that they are in line with Asm lAecutive Rules An derson said hi1 hopes to ap prove the new bylaws and have new leadership in plat e bv t be end of t he month Mohammad and Yousef said thev w ill not run for a leadership position in the new group but are activelv recruiting other Muslim stu dents to tin so "It is my dream before 1 leave this campus to see .1 Muslim student assot lation on this 1 ampiis united and organized bv .1 common set of values.' Yousef said * tMJNDCRIAND * G«f AT f OH PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 54*Vintn ALL GAMES WORK £VIUtU WITHNICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M 65 5TH SHUT fUHIC MARKET EUGENE • MJ-MM THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus ewuM'H 1 >»*■ Dim sum every Sunday 11-lpm Luncheon Specials BAUNG BAUNG CHICKEN ( p't.iif' Si'll Id l dt ( > Hoik'ti nr try our dinnor too! CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I 1 ith i-1 ?-_>8 iJ mmiiimtiiiiii Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. MHiiiiiHimiiHittniiiMiiiHiimHiNiiiHmiiiitiiiiHiiiHitiiiiimmimiiiHiiiHimiiiiiimiiiii ASUO candidates to meet tonight Nil MI\<;S \SI (I t andiilates meeting will In- hclil tonight .it t> m Room 1 77 I„iwrrm •• Pre l aw S«m ii'ts meets to night it ' in in I Ml 1 eiiar Room A Et als \sklepiads nii’ot tonight .it i. Ill in tho I Nil ! ir Room SI’I.AkKRS I hr l’s\i hologn al Well-Re mg nl I’tmi.ilrs -■ ! ho 11' a t i seminar to he git mi In I h K.ithf \ n H.n m- \ i'ti'1 in.irv ho li.niori'.! Iioin tin- \ In stilnti's ot Ili'.iith 1 In' preseti Nict/si he's I rem h I egat t Remark1, on Loin ault. I)eleu/e ami 1 \otard tho !th of a presentation to ho given tnilav at -I p m m the I Nit Hen I .in tier Room in philosophy I’m lessor Alan Si hrift I lit n the I irst \mend ment" is the tith ot a presenta tion to he given tonight at 7. in in (ierliilger Lounge In I rank Wilkinson \!1N< ltd Wi t II S / rgem/ nl Surani I nrtrr\> I’aradzhaiiov's film version ol .1 Ceorgian folk legend will be shown tonight .it t> in in Kooiti lli I’tif ific ’Hit* showing is part of lilt- Soviet anti hast fu rope,ill I tint Senes free Macintosh computer orientation will I"- field today from noon to d p in in Room 17r> of tlie Computing Center f ile orientation will tie tor tie gurnets OSt’IKC's legislative forum will tie held tonight at ? in Room ! -IP Straub Career Week’s Conimerie, Arts and Coveminent Career f air will be held today from 11 a III to I p III 111 tile I- Ml 1 II Room "Applying to Craduate School Is tile title ol ,1 work shop to lie held today at i to pm 111 Room llel (Jregoii I bill free cholesterol screening lor Cniversity students will tie held tins morning from't HI to 1 1 HI at the health edin at ion room m tlir Student Health ( enter "From .1 Ortain IVrsper - live” 11 i reative writing read ing session, util be held to night ,it in m Room lot l-au rein e I n I loll writers k i m H. lines k.iths I hits and poetr\ writers \nn Mine and Nanrv I lahlbetg u ill be featured KH.IUON 'Where did (. o il ( o m e I rum ' \nd (fther Mv stories' the title of a mtllldtable dis< us Stoll to be held in I All t enturv Room 1 tonight at ’ l all Resto ration ( 'anipus Mmfstrv at II t -I'll a for more information llrlim.irk 4 1" 1 lee! I, t men! of the i'M ape id thou saints ot Jens from the Nazis, is tlir title ul .1 filui to be show 11 tonight .it 7 to ,it .! ">211 Harris St Werner Miner. a Herman Jew , will drsi rihe his own ns tape and answiT questions A tree dinni'r vv ill hr offered n ttl ( all the Baptist Student I mini at -\ ' i(i< \eriou\ ahotil the yiime\ \ou [>la\ DELEGATOS ^7 / I as\ to find Just north of I 105 and Mohawk in Sprmelield’s Mohawk Marketplace • 741 MSI THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r Just ignore him That s our rebellious young calf Matthew he s into wearing leather clothes just for the shock value