Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Bailey should release
investigation report
Watergate and Iran 'Conlragate are behind us. but
now students at this University are faced with a new
government scandal: Colgate.
And it doesn't include tartar control.
The ASUO Executive has charged Incidental Fee
('.ommittee Chairman Mike Colson of tampering with
IFC minutes. Colson has vehemently denied the
charges and asked that the ASUO release the tran
scripts of the in
vestigation So
far. ASUO ca
Fresident Kirk
Hailey hasn't pub
licly released the
iletails of the in
vestigation be
cause he prom
ised participants
Releasing the entire re
port is the best way to
counter Colson's claims
that the investigation is a
sham and that he is be
ing railroaded.
Hailoy now says
ho will release key portions of the investigation later
this week
Releasing the details of the investigation is not
only a good idea, it is absolutely necessary Up to this
point, what Hailey has basically been saving about the
incident is. "Mike Colson is gmltv but we can t tell
you how we know that."
Hailev can add credibility to his investigation by
letting people view the information and come to their
own conclusions Even his promise to release "all the
information that led ns to the conclusions that are out
lined in our report" could provide a biased view of the
investigation If the ASUO releases only the informa
tion that makes Colson look guilty, students still aren't
being allowed to make their own decisions about the
case. The ASIR) will be steering people to the conclu
sion that Colson is guilty
Although this is an “agency level" investigation
where normal "criminal trial" type rights do not ap
ply. as Bailey has stated, the investigation would have
more validity if Colson was allowed to face Ins <ici us
ers as he wishes
If the ASUO Executive has confidence in its find
ings. releasing the details of the investigation should
not he a problem More importantly, releasing the en
tire report is the best wav to counter Colson’s claims
that the investigation is a sham and that he is taring
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
University community. Comments must In; factually
accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char
acter of others.
P I) H-t\ I ugrnr. <>rrg<ttt
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^A", f CUE-65 iT
ApO^T T'/'M.E 1 tR^
to OUT POWNl Ofvl
My pKiVlN6.
- *7*
'p t ;*pi;
It is ,i tragedy lh.it Dan Wil
liams' tli‘i ision to authorize tin*
tlfstrin tiou of tiirs south of the
library cannot be reversed .is
painlessly as his i areless
"ban of the (.rateflil I )ea«l
I he tiet eitful way ill whit h he
treated students (.(interns, his
sneaky timing and Ills pathetu
justifications are all reprehensi
(ustin Nfi Kenna
Political Scient e
Different moms
When I was young, growing
up my mother instilled in me
to not ipnt a joh until it was
completed I see that President
Hush's mother didn't implant
in linn that same idea
So now as I understand it. it
is alright lor a t ountry to mur
der "human beings" in their
own country just as long as
they don't cross a border to
murder "human beings " in a
i ountry with a sizable amount
ot oil wealth
We are living in .1 land of
rn pin risv i mi i ,tn t detenu
one group ol hum.m.s (the Ku
waitis) and not another group
of humans (the Iraqi relrels)
We started a war and persuad
ed the Iraqi people to tight
against their own government
I we pulled out ol the war
before it was completely over,
leaving multitudes ol Iraqi re
bids and i iti/.ens to be slaugh
tered In tin- Iraqi government
We need to finish what we
Krett luhnson
No write-ins
()n March 1 .1 verv had ml
ing was handed down bv the
I S r.ourt of Appeals lor the
nth 1 in uit. wtin h im hides Or
egon A three-judge panel ruler!
that the 1' S (Constitution does
not proter t the right of a voter
to vote tor whomever he or she
wishes to vote for
Specific.allv. the court said
that it doesn't violate the (.'on
stitlition for the slate ol Hawaii
to abolish write-in spate on all
ol its ballots
This <!••< ision sharply ( ontra
iln ted all previous i ourt rul
ings on this subjei I Twenty
stale Supreme Courts (includ
ing Oregon’s) and four U S
I listi K I ( aiurts had all ruled
that state or federal constitu
tions protet I .1 voter's right to
vote for the t undulate of his or
hei choice even d that person
(for some reason) didn't get on
the ballot
Tour members of Congress
were first elected h\ write-in
votes The voters need the abil
ity to i ast write-in votes be
cause frei|uentl\ some scandal
i omes to light shortly Indore .in
election, or some other lines,
per led incident on urs and the
voters want to vote lor someone
other than the people listed on
the ballot
I hope this issue will get
some publicity and that the
U S Supreme Court will over
turn this ruling
Ki< hard Winger
San f- rani ist o
Look both ways
Regarding tin- editorial of
April ri
I rue bn vi lists should keep
oil tin* sidewalks In a related
matter pedestrians who use the
extension of 13th Avenue that
runs through campus should
keep It open enough to allow
hikers to use it
Don1! stand in the middle of
the road and give vour evalua
tion of "War and Peace" to a
h'iend And something we
learned when we were five
\ears old hut have since forgot
ten look both ways before
i rossing the street
( \i lists have brakes and abil
ities of control that vary from
person to person When it s wet
it takes even longer to stop In
stead of placing blame on one
group or another, lets just
vxah h out for ourselves and
It s a simple matter of courte
I.ucax | (hitman
Teler ommunir ations/Films
Kverytime I open your paper
.old see the advertisement for
liggles and the Oreat North
American Bush Co. (a disgust
mg name in itself, referring to
female sexuality). I feel that the
l'diversity paper is condoning
and encouraging women to
support themselves of their sex
uality. both overtlv and covert
Does the Emerald realU
want to see half-naked and or
barely clothed women, in front
of the public (mostly male),
dancing and entertaining in
who knows what other ways to
make it through college as the
ad suggests to them?
Does anyone on the Emerald
staff know what it is like to do
something like that? What is
the impact on women?
I ask because 1 want to know
lust who dec ides what is adver
tised and what isn't and how
they can feel good about allow
mg such advertising to be in
the Emerald, a student newspa
Kathy Wilson
International Studies
It seems that someone has
taken issue w ith the Public At
cess television show "Our Ver
sion of I lell "
It is too bad that Anthony
Russell (OI)E, Apr. 5) could not
know the people who produce
that show He blatantly calls
them "drunks'" and "weasels
If I were Russell I would not
use sue h knee-jerk reac 11 unary
words to desc rihe people w hom
you have never met
I wish 1 knew Russell so that
I could defame his character
with support for my accusa
tions. unlike him. who treats
people as it they were animals
that he can judge by appear
ance only.
Jim Shea