SPORTS Ducks take four from Huskies By Robert Weber fcrneiaid Spoils Reportm Winning four out of 20 matt lies doesn t work out to be .1 great pun milage. no matter sport \ou re playing Not Tom (Ireufer tame home from Seattle tins weekend thinking 20 peri enl w .is |usl fine (fruitier who i oat lies the ( It egon women s tennis team en tered the mati h know mg that his team hadn't won a matt h from Washington in the last two seasons lie and his team left with four wins against the 1 lusk les and a load of i nidi dent e I'm extremely, pleased be c ause we won four rnati hes whit h is four more than the first two veers combiner! (Ireider said An one hiitl tiro ki'ti the nnstique until now "Two years ago Washington w ent 4H l) and I w .is so new I got sn k (inrider added Washington State the third i mnpetitor in the Pat ifii in Northern Division finished the round robin weekend in the < el la r dropping 1t> of - 0 in.lit.lies against the Dinks and all i-’O < untests will] Washing ton Oregon s Jli w i it's plai ed them in sei and p I .it e and Washington maintained top honors w ith t(> vu tones freshman Katie (.him was the only itin k involved 111 mul tiple wins against tile Huskies (ilVlvil outlasted Washingtons Andrea I’oIhm k (. I win over I’oIIim k and Siisan ( iahoon Margaret I raleigh playing sev enth singles i oiler ted an other Oregon w in over W ash ington with a three set triumph against Heth Hutton t> i n i. 2 (ireider s squad plays at hurt land Saturday before a out lud mg its season In hosting both Washington and Washington State in the I ’at ll) Duals on April tu 21 It's too bad He re getting to the end of the season, (ireider said. bei ause w e re really play ing well right now All-American Strahm wins wrestling MVP Senior ( urt .Strahm, who had the fourth inpst w ins in Ore gun wrestling history, was honored Sunday as the team's most valuable wrestler Strahm, who was third at last month s N( A A ( hampion slops at lot) pounds was named the winner of the Howard Wit klultd Trophy by a vote of Ins teammates Strahm had it) wins this past season and finished lus ca reel w ith 'U vit lories During the season, Strahm won his weight i lass at both the Oregon Olassii and the Mat Iown ( lassit and was the most outstanding wrestler at the Oregon t 'lassit. |uii|c>r Dan Vullak who was an all \morirnn at 1 18 pounds for the second straight season, won the John Miller Award as the teams most dedit aled w rest let junior Darren (lustafson and freshman Mat Sprague won the team s other two awards DUCK BUCK ■tot® k DAY J KEEP YOUR SPRING BREAK TAN! | $5*00 Off Current Prices Good lot 10 sessions ot in SunShower Tanning Center hi ON CAMPUS S 874 E 13th Ave • Up»ta«rs by Kmho s • 485 2323 I ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT • Expires April 23. 1991 SunShower Tanning Center •A, .11. (hr tun salon mntl conveniently lotatrd tor students t.i« ult> .m the waimth and your < him e ol music as you regain that lusc ions summer coll i 874 E 13th Ave • Upstxin by Kinko » • 48S-2323 WOllf An conditioned ^ WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ****'" ' TRACK TOWN PIZZA 51.00 OFF MEDIUM PIZZA 484-2799 < »IU* v OUpoll {>*■! i Ifdi’f Valid in h.niKc or l)| l IV! KN N< >1 v. Mini W 1' 1 *llu! < i f | »* f IT S HOT. IT’S FRESH IT’S DELICIOUS. IT’S DELIVERED WHAT IS IT? its a TRACK TOWN PIZZA of course' FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL 484-2799 FREE Med. Soft Drink! (20 oz. 80c) with purchase of Salad Bar/Self Serve. Limit 1 coupon per person, per visit Nol good with .ey other discount or otter Otter expires May 31. 1991 Otter good in Fountain Court Cate Buy One Large Coffee (90$) Gourmet Varieties GET one FREE! Limit 1 coupon per person per visit Not good with any other discount or otter Otter expires May 31, 1991 Otter good in Atrium Bree.’eway Cate, or Skylight To Go Food Services “WHEN THE HUNGRIES HIT” _£mu Food Services STUDY AID!