Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS WK.1I_VI 1IC.VI. I lU.N^i. 4 ♦ 4 s SOLO! Run your For Sala" (undar SSOO) ad for 4 paid Issues If it doesn t sell. call us and we'll run it again for 4 days FREE' To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ??o HELP WANTED Dancer* wanted »'•*.«? A i ii Company E.ceiient money t030 h*. ‘W North 688 902/ Alaska summer employment ' fern $5000* month Free transport# *. No. expenen n ■ , Male Female Call Student Employment Services 1 800 J66 6418 ext 36 Christmas Spring Break ■tuminpi Pavel FREE An couriers needed and cru«seship |ot)S Can 1 806-682 7555 ...» F 1451 Earn money reading boohs $30 lXX>yr income potential Details (1) 80*’ %2 8000 E *t Y 9642 Home typists. PC ..sers needed $.15 000 potential Details Calidi 805 962 8000 Eat B 9642 Intelligence jobs An branches US Custom DEA etc No* hiring Cali < 1) 805 962 8000 E«t K 9642 It’s easier than you think to pay■•fm your college education working ar Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Can Nancee or Brook tor per . nal interview 344 6697 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES WE RE OPENING THE DOOR TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES I njoy all the advantages o» working j with one of the leading Wall Street investment firms Only aggressive ■j motivated people need apply Le e more about this opportunity as a reg stored representative with a ■ areer potential m management by sending | resume with cover letter to j First Investors Corporation Attn Richard Perry 12753 S W 68th Suite 212 Portland OR 97223 Part time office assistant Mon Fc H 12 Past A,P experience helpful Typing 45 WPM Please bring resume to 301 Monroe St Eugene OR STUDENT P0SITI0NS<2). $5 *>w ’ S'00 HR DOE ELECTRONICS TECH Nil IAN Electronic and mochamr v construction electronic and PC repairs custom cable assembly mstai ciiion pit kup/delivery stockroom and related work Must be proficient with mechanical hand tools and soldering Prefer CIS or Physics students that win t»e on . ampus for one to two years or more and can work 16 20 hours-week while school is m session and more during breaks MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN M* ha* cal fabrication machining pick updelivery stockroom maintenance assist shop users cleanup etc E*peri ence with milling and lathe machines and hand tools Please bring your resume to Technical Science Admin Room lb Pacific Hall EG A A Institute ■rnmitted to cultural diversity THIS SUMMER WORK AT WORLD FAMOUS SUN VALLEY, IDAHO A Sun Valley company will be on cam Pus April it to interview for summer employment »n the the housekeeping department Employees receive bee swimming • price on ah recreations reduced food t ost Low cost men s women s housing available Rase pay JS/ftour f or interview time1, or more formation contact Leslie at 346 32'4 Wanted responsible mature *** \ women to umpire baseball f •< k.rdsports paid positions. we « Have tun and nsake money tew [ 7410807 225 WORK STUDY POSITIONS PROOFREADERS NEEDED Must have work study Start at V Jfrhr Apply at Footnotes Room B?t WORKSTUDY JOBS Do you love the Outdoors and Wilder Program needs people who c an work '2015 f»rv Must be w »*sludy edified Bruce ,346 416*. ?3Q HOUSES FOR RENT WILL GO FAST' wood floors off street parking $485 346 2266 230 HOUSES FOR RENT 760 JeUerson i yard JTOOrmu ' "M439 f Amazon : By appointment Spyglass Au(KiiI«) 666 1130 235 APTS/DUPLEXES V* BLOCK TO CAMPUS MOVF IN BONUS' 3 bdrm appl laundry parking J‘rf; 7 71V. f 16th (behind nousei 3436000 Campus, large furnished 1 K : bedrooms 1350'J475 No ; •** I S 666 2823 Castle Terrace 243 F Street Ni. «• lean 1 K 2 bedrooms in quiet attractive '>mpie« on bust'’1*4 P »oi onsite laundry Off street parking storm doors and fenced courtyard From 1335 Call 74 t 2296 'showing CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUDIOS FOR JUST 1265’ Do* ociltiOM PARKING or' Hite .HV'dry Call 344 5563 Jennings A Co 663 4219 Fumishad studio. ’ md 2 he ! 1 ’ .• blocks from U of O library 484 9922 2956/2960 WILLAMETTE Completely remodeled studio 6.'-1 bed room apt*, available immediately New carpet drape* new Boors and pa>nt Great loc.atn.if' off Wi earned# 'Ni V 1295/1325 Call Jim to view 484 5351 Jennings Co 683 4219 GREYSTONETOWNHOUSES 1395 Large 2 bdrm newly rem-.deled units on busline On site park ingdaurulry Exc ellent CLOSE IN River Road area location ( id Tim 889 8667 Jennings & Co 683 4219 One bedroom duple* carg*.* ■"* , 2 - Property Mgmt 570 Lawrence #1Q9 1325 485 7776 Plan ahead and have *en, ;u »•' bed rooms near .impus ne*t year One is available a N•> pels ' at port i-. ' dry paho dishwasher $44r 49& lease 14.17 High 144 7434.,t 342 8668 553 E. 18lh F urn*shed quad in small compie* available now Private baths private refrigerator, on Site parking and laundry ONLY $?4‘ Jennings • Co 6A J 4219 RIVERVIEW APTS. 229 S. 2nd, Splld OR 726 5276, TROY j Clean units quiet neighbors i kept grounds overlooking the wale I t studio 1 K 3 bedroom units a I available starting at |ust $2’** ta-.» I access to U of O and L C C Drop by j I or call METCO INVESTMENT REALTY INC. 315 E 13th 683 8093 RED MAPLES APTS teth a oiive Great stud < S 1 badn>on apt-, t.a able soon Breakfast bar private park mg 8 til- ns »' .m U of () l-M*. $ 36*> Jennings Co M-l 4219 THE COLLEGIAN A a ; leasing Upscale student housing .■v.iudmg meals 14.} 1266 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 1 BlDO ’Ol AM Pub' l t *-<*'* • *t $366 Largo 2 • bedrooms A j badroorns $635-666 FREE PARKING Nk e C Hiftyard' 663 0729 Jennings A Co A4IJ 4219 Will go t«»t’ 2 r-.t • i .irnpuS New Jfpet and ff st'eet parking $456 346 2265 CAMPUS Spacious t bdrm located m a vintage 6 pie* New plush arpet-uy and custom tiled kdchen Private pat»o laundry fa 'hfios and parking Was $4ft*j sublett.ny for $426 346-2266 235 APTS/DUPLEXES GREENWOOD APTS PattOfSOfl Lr )*> '■ < 2 hodr-tom avadaW* • .•* courtyard t 4i‘jfil.to . ♦* * 342 2183 U&5>*495 . Jtnmn^t Co MJ 4219 RUSTIC MANOR 3*5 Rut tic Piece One twdroont unit with *’* 4#pa*fv small compi«> Great Coburg Mi ,*.} ■1 k: at ton =*u-u.jr, 4 paring 1100 mo»« .n bonu* 1325 Jtnnmgi • Co M l 1390 Mill SI New, remodeled 2 bed ment just 5 Woe*•» from U o* O Rfse-md parking amt bau . "ie«i J4H* Jtnmngi ■ Co Ml 42t9 11th & Alder 794 l 11 th Umqu« 1 bdrm Hal m pet me • am pus u.w abon Ver» ioom|i S '*'■ Jennings • Co 6*3 4219 9*3 F try l an* t txlrm; ha/dwxvd - »'* 34.r5 532 W Slh j 1 twdroom 1.330 Springfield 1304 Si r ee t F*eshiy painted 1 bdrm laundry (Malting 1330 j Byappointment Spyglass Associates 6*6 1130 1923 Garden Ave j Spacious apart man! designs 1 ' t up ’ ; *• M >*r»a? -• ■••• llVKlefS Groat IOC at-on 1446. mo Jennings « Co 6*3 4219 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS" Aldenwood Manor 1*60 Aider wood Siudios 12*3 bedroom . 1315 to $r50 We have . . f Mi ! i• A .*e, • S, , • N f ( . AilN: Mi and more Call Don 344 5696 Jennings ♦ Co 6*3 4219 1156 PATTERSON f «ception*J 1 bedroom apartment .1# I .it •’ •t>> campus Do not miss if'-s opportunity Call 344 3a 18 OI M6 9/65 1186 Ferry H I • 1. < ■ • » • ■ ! • wonderful remodeled house AlI ul - ties p*»r From S.’SO Jennings • Co M3 4219 599 Cobury Rd i bcJrm apt off campus Ne * a* pet end f •%>-<■ i-. ' -j M i*.f .»'** i ; r- ■ " 1200 security dep Henneti Mymt Co 915 Oak §200 95 W 15th A. . . , »! S X>5 Features >vered parking S convenient tocaton and most .(■i t. Manager 4H4‘>r,3J Bennett Mymt CO 915 Oafc §200 240 QUADS CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 t 17lh • t !99 par month • ALL UTILITIES RAI0 • RECYCLING Call F’aul at 344 9290 Janningi A Co M3 4219 T wo week s F Rl I rant »• ■ vacancies at M.iyard quads Rent $209 245 ROOMS Smyla and Double rooms ->..i c - Spuny term Cooperative housing ne block from campus Student * e<5 and operated Very inexpensive and a guOd living environment Contact l aura or Em.ly MJ 4960 Lora. Manner l dual Opportunity Housmo 255 ROOMMATES WANTED •mala non smoking »'•' w.t ’ fv.lw' S' P»u* dap * ■’ VKI NON SMOKING ROOMMA 1 f AANTft) • i 4;-! *.M? *4» *i> u! - Includa* Wi u'l!y bw ! !"'\J ‘-’Kne ’ ampu* . all J45^V14 starting 4’-) • >. mik* .v . ■ ir- 14.’ 44 * REAL ESTATE Govammant hom«» 1 -» tw*i ta« property . ••"■■» > ••>,» ar«» ill '*■>.' 8000 I •> Gm *j4.' • ■ .Want -ftp. i'if 275 MEETINGS Order ol Omega Member*' M.i ' )4!i,iy ('■.m'’ ' j 4 ' l' membership selection ri i X) pm 4! tf>« f MU PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 7:00 133 Gilbert Wed April 10 All encouraged to attend m EVENTS Dinner with a Dozen Ducks Sunday May 5, 1991 ( hat with your prof* outside the cla**room ilncuit currant arrant* with administration at thay opart than door* to u* for con vacation and Pick up application* at 130 Hendrick* Deadline is Monday April 15. I' . ’ any t)a MjMi . df Mt> 2\07 ?»5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ~ Rmdc this |U|HI Pocket Playhouse Presents Tis Pity / She's a Whore April 11 12 13 «l S pm Mm 102 Villaid Hall No latecomer* ac cap tod Si donation yladly ac cap tod University Theatre Second Season presents ELMATHA’S APOLOGY by Rebecca Ranson April 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 8:00 p.m Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Otfice 346 4191 $4 00 General Public S3.00 Students ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT ot*ccH#rr *Mom •*,*• w u»< 11 „ iKMlB tUCJ (Ml ra£o*Wparoiiu m CYRANO DE BERGERAC *»U jour* f<» * » k r l la About SovtiWMiH J 4, KLCX 10J 7 LATE NITE 4 r ***•, i ? v* momMmr 00 **o [KTl iiOODFKLLAfl ^ 111 * HA THf BA Tin ™ [HiddenAgenda •i _J MISERY 795 HEALTH & FITMESS WANTFO KX) PfOPlf ,V«» .s l'4> ,1>U tw ' ■*.«» 10.*9 >bl ! J■ 4!., l! l rtQO M ’ 'VU 310 SERVICES Coy*' yourteif tor unlo'*i«#-' medi cal •*pen»e* for )u»! pennievday with ASUO Health Insurance To en roll bnng your tee card to room IS of lh* t MU by Monday April IS live 1 on I talk • 1 'f 'ft 4000 • S i >' * T ft)'.(> 22* 2 'M • 1 976 3939 • lay*a d i f vigen* s hottest party bn* .’<* Mrs si T Tl y9ifi 2*3 2?\4 ’it LOST CONTACT LENS* W* i help’ Over KXX! -xil*> ts >n atm a I •*«’', .» y i •«*■■* .1 No j harge ’ an jmir doctor for ;*v .pt-.n 4U HAINBOW OPTICS 343 3333 NEED FINANCIAL AID^ Cab • * ' >» FREE tutor mat'on Packet1 1 UOO S71 70S3 Temporary health insurance .ivatiaf'i* at reasonable rates 30 days IAS days Ran |y R«daa 4-1* : rtAI (Ban S pmi • t 9 re a;ss . t tlen ’ >n hot ta'* S' r* m T TI i'»16 223 ?r*»4 CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 O'Hara from* 5 Revorber ate 9 Marshy area 12 In Iho center of 13 Stir up 14 Altar phrasa 15 Conceited 17 Enota — 18 She was born fraa 19 Alncan lake 21 Hooded snake 24 How 25 Clovo land's lake 26 Cocked hals 30 Joplin opus 31 Word with troops or absorber 32 Hurricuno cantor 33 Rubbur bands 35 Bridge position 36 Iho dawn, to a pout 37 Turns on a pivot 38 Fictional Vance 40 Architect Saarinen 42 Aliys sin cm pnnce 43 Group ol stars in Ursa Me|of 48 Table leaving 49 Vorvo 50 Thoroloro 51 f ootliko organ 52 Fountain faro 53 Venetian magistrale DOWN 1 Restau rant chock 2 Fiorre's pal 3 ! quip 4 Stick fast 5 Special tunas 6 Musical passage 7 Hasten 8 I ha Devil 9 Heart shaped chefry 10 Harem rooms 11 Spanish painter 16 Guido's highest note Solution time: 24 mins Yostorday s answer 4 9 20 British cavalry abbr 21 Wax 22 Kind ol last 23 Curtain two tnnors7 24 twitches 26 I ike Twiggy 27 Fabled bird 28 Wall St mils. 29 Hardens 31 Theater lights 34 Fa follower 35 F led to wed 37 —Lanka 38 Rigid support 39 f ablod loser7 40 Old oath 41 — May Oliver 44 I abor org 45 Golf instructor 46 Cake ingre dient 47 Future lish Car Care with a Conscience Audi VW Porsche BMW Alla Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz /^iitnrnn IMPORT AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W. 7th, Eugene • 687-0040 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Oo/tH, * u. lew oo TMt VlV PKXJUM. PlEKX » u CALVIN oum twt HfjLO Vt/A',. UtlkT HL Bt ^•'(^4 V A.D yi w»-, HJ.l MT\£ • w -\M *1 !#3N' ,L K* t ,.wy , s •