Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS .Vl’ldi-. A l l KAt. llU.N^: 1 rawr will Iw hidden thruunhout Ihr ( l*%%if»ed% IH*«• month ( hr< i mir < U»»ifted h»u%c lor rnorr detail*_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 105 PERSONALS The International Students Association wants to express its gratitude to everyone who contributed to making International Night 1991 a grandiose success! Thanks for all your efforts! tmrit ;» falurr rn{)f Wt rrin.nt Do you want-to know moi» about “GREEK LIFE '? H«*pr©**n»#fnre» from ever* au'Ofity w>lt provide information A answer question* Tuesday. April 9 6:30 pm, EMU A/ Molly B Congratulation* on receiving you* promise ring from M *<► l.O*» tour sisters HAPPY B DAY SETH f eep smitinoyou big mouse' We both nood lo loom hoo lo shut out mouth* Ha Ha Haw* fun fctxii 4 Pahita KAMI H HAPPY ^tST Put ON *' UlM DANON • I \ Mf X H KKI MINDY I could not ha»e *i*hed to< a mo«* beautiful data of fabulous time thank* Ryan Planned Paionthood counseling t a *-'• ! Pnwalo help ' b8? fife*.' B>ftf On short notice Rain cm shin* Sigma Chis really can wvma and dm# Thanh* foi the Hump party* IIH* THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS! To my si*t*f* in Qamma Phi Through laughter and occasional cues I made it thru my week of I At last I m a member until the day I die Thank you1 Love Carey W 10b PERSONALS HAPPY H DAY ' *•! *.! *. ’• PAM. P i.AQ£R V ORA ,fR. ■ , . A; TO MAVI ’ '■> ' HA*. *■ M ‘ ^ U of O Career Week COMMERCE, ARTS, GOVERNMENT CAREER FAIR Tues, April 9 11am • 3pm EMU Fir Room Don't miss the U of O Career Week SCIENCE CAREER FAIR 11am 3pm April 10. 1991 Willamette Hall Atrium 1 to LOST & FOUND LOST (HASSES lib TYPING SERVICES li U( or',s ROBIN GRAD SCHOOL APPROVt D . . ■ iw- • • >. AMP.' • Printed text to computer files Js C A NN E R Sj 7474580 *i DIAL A TYPIST 683 7777 F * a > T y pi r»y 68 3 3 ‘>6 *> Reports Dr* tftrtfttioo* l***r Punter FtVlNG UNCHRS $ . ; ,484 »0U JO THI TYPING PRO 68 i 6066r< page P>' i up delivery available Pryor 34f* 6346 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and laser Piifilti 486 3343 WORD PROCESSING Introductory Ollei It SC page 0 SPECIALISTS »r*duAiT N» h«»'l An * ' J Ihu(iUlk>n\ I hcv. l ap-1* IHM ‘ *>mp4llblr 1 I k 4>ft\ t : I asri PnnUny. < ‘ I tilling. Kf'urof* {CAROLYN ftt CINDY -fx* v3 - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCESSING C C-oa.A'** kTort ',11 } uo;:bMU n«rdBft ^«uju: II ( rv IftM f TT>TT>o ve end rT>«K y ] l<»***/•• hkf C tm 605 F Hth i?5 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATIONS Here's our schedule for Beginning Macintosh Orientations for Spring Term ‘91: Tuesday, April 9 Tuesday, April 16 Tuesday, April 23 Tuesday, April30 Noon-2:00 pm Room 175 Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations lor beginners II you have something to sell you have something to advertise ODE ClASSIHEDS FREE MAC ORIENTATION Tuesday, April 9 Noon 2 00 pm Room 17^ Computing Cooler Bask Mi: intosh Operations Spinning & Dyeing Rcy.-.ie* NOW IM.it .««' Center* 130 FOR SALE D46 9 ‘ho , COllEGI TOYS • Graduation Sate . WH S’ttDO N CO Placet S1M: $150 B Pt\one& 1^0 B V J30 344 /ft9 Smith i won Sp«Hr>ght Typewrite Good condition $79 turn C*H Dean at 446 8991 and leave uo PETS ~ Beautiful red tailed 145 CARS Go«t>nm*nl seized • • • ' S’" 1976 VW Hu* Nr^ . , • .*• S Wd- . the- >«• * Hu ns t . -• Glr.lt t..‘ Outd* ■ ' *» .'..tic* $!t>00 OBO Can .W? ?09/ 7 7 VW Campai ■ R«pu< 1 rM.J.nt, rtdiosiape $i?OD MS tSOS 8*> Honda Civic 13000 !i ' \ l - .ors Call 68/ MVS lbo MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS 1986 red Honda Elite 60 Mu *. £'<■ at and >n and $60C t... Can Jenny at 4H4 ?640 15b BICYCLES Schwmn TO * peed C'ra’ •'-J.ti- • $99 011 1 ’‘i i . a* \43 20t3 155 BICYCLES M*n * m«s«»n A p-arl1* 1-1 •’O 19 Giant iguana M' 1* »■■ M.» • * i » • S-t v %. »' .» T '4 7 994. 165 COMPUTEHS/ELECTRONICS' For Sal#' !HM «• w,*'r< M?H *.*« ' »m ‘4-0714 IBM compahbi# . 'u »• .! t * :-c.- * i <*-! 4. MB HI- ; «(| , .'400 1 f<.A display $1500 Can Sc oil 744 0353 i/O SOUND SYSTEMS Miy. 180 BOOKS ~ UO BOOKSTORE Last Day lor Spring Term Coursebook Returns is April 13th Please br ing your receipt, I D , and books when making refund requests. 190 SKI EQUIPMENT ■■00 TRAVEL Tf«v*UnQ Soon1 Apply lor an Amancan I >p>aaa card fly anin the USA for SilW ia»» Call TOOAY" 46*> S8J9 Amsterdam Madrid $344 Frankfurt $344 Paris $344 Stockholm $344 Milan $349 f*ci atwc frt «m h All fares are 1 \ n uk*hp based < ri a f urcftnp purchase Seats are l«rnted Re'str tct* ns apply fly to • i it> and return fn mart and I /!B f MU A> c at>< r ' - ,*! PV Choice*”’ V .»! I ■» REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES rtv*.t*Me from fl*iv«fnm*nl from Ji wttK/ut 1. redd Check You repair Also U« del 'iqueni fi:-*©t u»suf#t Cad • *OSf»82 7SV; f . t h 14M for rppo i>s? ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING Rotary Foundation Scho<4»4hip* 1992 93 St ( ONDARY SPECIAL [ DU( ANON PROGRAM SEIZED CARS UNIVERSITY DAY DESIGN CONTEST Leave your mark on our campus Design a buiidable bench to be built of wood by you at Craft Center Submit to SM Oregon Mall April 19 Winner build* bench we supply wood and 5.1001 USHERS LAURIE ANDERSON MONDAY APRIL 15 EUGENE HILTON CALL 346-4373 For Appointment Wanted ei toi f u ;• w Tf <. St A p.f ' EXPERIENCED DEDICATED ACCESSIBLE PROFESSIONAL VOTE FOR COLSON/GRAYSON ASUO PRESIDENCY Paid tor by Co) son Gray son 220 HELP WANTED Summer jot) interviews *• .»• u- verity D.ff 1N> ■ * large*! pubnsherof r 4mpus advertising sales and public stations veiling yetlow page advertising tor yon’ ampu* telephone directory Pututions a**, available m other uhive« sify markets Expense paid trainm-g summer job lnternships"may be avail at lie Interviews oo ampu* Wednesday April 17th Signop at Airlines Hiring 1.303) 441 2456 APARTMENT HUNTING? Let our classified* be your guide1 Collegiate Representative Collegiate Representative COUNSf l OR*: DO YOU WATCH TV COMMERCIALS MORE THAN THE PROGRAMS9 DO YOU ENJOY ADVERTISING SALES9 Are you always the one digging deeper working just a little harder and longer on projects long after the others have tjvgm t! NEXT f Al t but w >vj! u a : need the , a! G'rty Advertising Pr.>- ' tie the 0»#Qooian The S coupon eiprroft April 10. 1991 Ml\ I l si U Ml | ( I . t •• • 344 2691 1888 Franklin -KvO