SPORTS Solid lineup will give Red Sox World Series title As baseball hull (it lamer Yogi Berra mu r said It ain't m or 'til it s over Hut Iho Huston Red Sox will uni tin V\ • aid . Series hands down, come October As Mete Rose who is definitely not in the It,ill t fame, nine said, A on i an het on it The world "championship " is i.ertain'ly Boston's to lose barring an epidemii ol injuries or lug heads on the part ol the Red Sox The Sox mux have their ties! lineup in rei out history . maybe even better than that ol lMHti, when they won the Amerii .in I eague pennant Who i an beat the i ombined bats ot Wade Hi : I lie Murks. Mike (ifeenvvel.l Tom Brtmanskv him Mena and )ai:k (Hark As \ike shoes i harai let Mars Blackman mi , .anl "Nooohodv Clark, the newest Sock of the bunch hit a grand slam to beat Toronto yesterday . and the S > million gun ol Roger (demens shot down six Blue lays on strike onts Boston is getting its money worth after unh the season's first day (demons is not the only pitched in Boston's: rotation that w ill yvoo the fans at Memvay Mark Damn Dai u in last year's National l eague leadei in earned run aver age. was added to Boston's roster in the oil season and reliever Jett Reardon, who epitomized the delint (ion of the fireman as a Minnesota Twin, will have a big season It also helps that the BoSox belong In the \merit an League Mast, the most tumultuous division in baseball Boston x\es the consistent team ol the Al f ast in the From the Sidelines .1 \ ki ihrc; Hits and despite astiologu ,il c hums the oik will !><• uu different Mi ■ .inn ..biggest i e, , perhaps , .1110 w lieu New York Yankees owner l a-orge Steinhreuiler ssas Man rird I rum I In1 n.inii' (ii-orgo 1 mild a 1 wavs In' i mini i d mi to take the Y aiiki'i- . mil uf the pennant rat e earls In hiring janil tiring) an average nl r. managers a SIMM in I ill- in tin- \l Ui'sl is nut as simple as the uni' team lai i' in I lx- Mast, as lour loams liavt- .1 legitimate shot at w inning t hi* division Oakland has hern just had enough in tin1 World Sr mis tun of I hi* last thn-i- soars tin no duo to ho 11 n Inn; tin- Mhlot 11 s to win anything this s Oiii iuit (lies will vs 111 t In-i 1'division (lakland has tho l onihmation id a loaded pifi lung 'staff and heavy hittors (hat everybody wants hut 1 an t afford Kansas 1 its runs a i loso soi olid huhmd ( ss ith ( aliforiiia and 1 Ini ago s \\ Into Su\ pist as 1 Inso behind 1 11,- addition of kirk (iihsun to tho Kovals no. tor ssill oaso tho pain of losing Hu |ai ksmt In tin- National league I ns Wigeles is 1 loarls tho ta vorite featuring nowi oniors I tarsi Straw berry and Hrott Ifutlor. hut the Dodgers mas ho broking more blue than usual d thev linn ! get productive seasons from pitchers Ramon Martinez -'!* f> last season} «* 11*I Orel Hershisrr v\ hi * is sutfonng from surgerv li tin; I lodgers .iit's ,il* ini shows so are tin* Dodgers Iruin tin* Seties ! In \| VVi'sl li*.ituri-s .is interesting ,i i.n n .is its \l counterpart Mint I ns Angeles I mi mu.ill may Ire .is tough ns tires were when they 'von Inst year s world i ii.imi)>li>iisiii|i mid San Diego ami San i t lilt isi o .lie in it it strong i lulls' The San ham ism lineup ot Knhbv ihoin|)Son Willie \t> .. Will (lark heviil Mill bell and Matt Williams t on Id lie even he I ter than Huston s. hut tile piti lung is lav front lbant tor San I ram (sen II tile Dodgers men i tai mg liostou tor tin* Series ti tie ill ()i toiler tile \ew N ork Mets " ill lie Although thev lost a head i nse in Strawberry tile Mets have add i>d speedv outfielder Vim e (ndeman to titeir team Dwight (, node 11 Is a goal a nine In lie as good as his s > million i outi.u t say s lie is but money squabbles irom teammate liank .Viola may i ause r nnlrnversy through the season t lili ago looks to Ire a i untender III tile \I l ast add mg lormer \l MVP t a-orge Hell, but Pittsburgh, the defending \l bast champs "til give \evv York tin* lies! run toi a division title reluming tin* best all around outiield in baseball and ( v Noting vvinnei Doug I frabek Hut it will Ire tile Ked Sn\ eelehrating together on the pitcher's mound vv lien tile Series "laps up in ()i toiler Its ovei Hot on it Nooobodv Is betlei than Hus toll EFFERDING Continued from Page 10 added. "and there's no fruits or simple sugars Mans people also assoi iate big. bulking bodies with bods building, but again that's not the i ase Kfferdtrig stands a loot 1 1 .uul \.v«• i11> .MO pounds with oliK 4 pco 1‘iit bods i hi points to I /.ini' .i tliri’i' time Mr Olvinpui who weighs otlls IH'i pounds hut won the world’s hest hods builder uw.ird over Arnold Si liwar/e Hugger |24(1 pounds I .ufd l.ou ferrigno pounds) You don't need to he big. pist vers defined he sold Til.' thing* pudges) look lot .nr m.isv symmetry and pro portion rluMi' is also tin' stigma ol drugs i onunonU associated w ilh liody huildmg attd al though it's something I dlnrding i* till'd o! hearing he does ni knowledge it * something hod v builder* have to dea I willi It s tin* 11rsi tiling thu\ ask you about hut I guns', they linytn ask that in* s.uil I hi nuyy Kflurding yy ill i on tillin' yyith si lino! and workouts in pri'p.iratmil for attmidilig lu st yliar's tuninr Mr I SA Innl v tin iId mg i iiiii|u't it ion V\ Itll body bllildiHs lnim lug i 11Ins hku i.'ii >uLi reUii in i. mU xt Jr \ >rri the HrfuVvraiT fMAilblt- ) God's Love “For God so loved w:.** M !■ it He jave His only begotten l- " at a* >ever behoves in Him j I*'' --' b./‘ »• eternal He’ (John 3 -h: God’s Plan "Now tfv.s is elerna iJt* tKiMhey rr n-' you. ttve onJy true GixJ and Jesus Ct nst whom you have sent* (John t 7 3 NIV) tf h*ti /r«*i«*nfc us /ritm kn t. -my •* */ fxrii»u4lh 1 MAN I SINFUL AN! SEPA RATED IR >M -■ ■! 1 ' CANNOT KNOW HIM PE HR NAl i - OHEXPERlENCl HISlOVI Mnn Is Sinful "for ,i! have sinned ar d la shot! c ’ :in; g'ory of Cod' (Rorr •• 3 ?3) M.v was wealed to have teiiowsh.; v. " God but. because ol his slubtxyr v' a lie chose lo go his own 1 Kdotxr'rd'" a iy and fellowship with God was tv 1' sell a- I. characterized by a.1' altitude active rebellion or passive indiHorer ■■ e '■ evidence of a* a! the !i : e a s s'. Man Is Separated Tor the wages ol sm is dea" ' s-'( ■' > sepa'auon from God) (Ron ans o ;n Holy God •• |! J>ayram i»usvates k)d is holy a' J man M A great gulf rates !Nmwo The an ■»».//-nn. v - iif-f •*. ■ u .a ■ V'l yu,7 ONLY I’HOVI ■ >N f Of) MANS CIN THH- ■ 1M HIM At ONf W1 CAN M. .V'.. •0(1 RSONAllYAND f XPf Hit Na HIS LOVi Ho Died In Our Piece Hijl God denujnstrules IC own love t( ward us ” a* • • .*.*• aw y«-’ •. «" ■ Chnsl d«d f r us' (Romans 5 8) Ha Rote From the Dead Xshr *,* ! e ! ' (>■-.' v' ’• He was bunod He was rased on the th»rd clay accord .» >q t , :f o S • pt./es He appea'ed to Petty then to the twelve Aft*-' !'a! He appealed to more than five hundred (1 Corinthians 15 3 t) Ho I* tho Only Way to God 'Jesus said to him. i an the way a d the truth and the i ft*, no one comes to tfit? lathe-' but try Me’ (Jo' ■ t This diagram illustrates that God has bridged trie gulf which separates us from Him by sending Mss Son Jesus d*e or the cross in our place fo pay the penally lor our u l> * « trull . V RECEIVE A S' '.CHRIST AS SAVI ;R AN! • TH( fj V.1 •*i^, v*. . Hir >NAl IY AN'") BO* Hit N i HIS l CM We Must Receive Jesus Christ "B.j! as ffvifiy .»•. tv t« vedM 'n fo Ho 9 1 • *■ “ 1 ' " t-' " •* c • 5'«- • ' ! ever tf t«* fvi* ■ H u • nj* (Jofu, 1 1?) We Receive Christ Through Faith f ' t>y Q\t »• ? ivt* tioen s,ivt«vl " . ;• ' i ” .r •:! • ’ ! y m. •* " . ; M ' . ! I . ’ .i iii",,1 'a " T no o' «* ;1 boast* (f pfH>s*ans '? 6 9) When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Dirth. (Hi* » J John 3 18) We Receive Chriat by Personal Invitation (C'in^i s speaking) "{John J I s!^k1 at \iw tVx.x arid knock if .r yrr »* f >ou's My vi »* at ! opens the floor I w* come m to u-r* (Revo'.ifron 1 ?d) Re* e*v died on the cross '■ ■ ■ Our M'c, ;s riot enough N<>' s if erxxx/i t ' ivim' C'i ' y .i t >■ We f» ■ e ve Jesus f ' ' -f by f.*.!' as , u~’ ofUw- mvj «J<*. CMHiST ' T f L f Ay.. i Jesus C fins! ink) y<*life YOU CAN RECEIVE CHRIST RIGHT NOW BY FAITH THROUGH PRAYER. - f>u\%-r u Ltlkintf u w> i ' . xik'u a*, y■ j / fu- «■*..■ J ' • concoff'ed w^!'i youf wo'du r >••1'’ f * a ) •« suiJjesWni pM>* ' ~l <*J /nui, / un'il / • 4rri«/t4 )< . fMU /■ »f "IV uni / fk, f « ' rn> /i/« .truJrt it U^ , N.i'i ' LitiJlfJ Ihijrtk ) u J <>r? MM',.1 rrj> ilfli un,/ tfttirU’ r»u fltTfUil /*/• /.4i. . -*i/r . ' /*•« t> * ' »»i, r*tt’ f>«' ktnJ «/N «• dev. () ^»s this fy,|yr*f . »> fwart7 If i! dr v.**. pr.iy V s |)My« ' f" J* ' ' **» •*' <\ ( h'i:.t W1 < >)?»>»■ • ’ yi V -r. ‘ <#• How to know that Christ Is In your life On what authority do you know that Jesus has answered your prayer7 On the trustworthiness ol Christ Himselt, and He promises He pro mised to come into your life it you will open the door (Revelaton 3 20, Romans 10 9,10) Want more Information? Campus Crusade tor Christ 868 High Street, Eugene OR 97401 or come to one ot our weekly campus meetings Tuesday nights at 7:30, Willamette 100. C1961. U of O Car-pus CrusaCe for Chns! "Come to Me, all you are weary and carrying heavy loads, and i win give you rest -Jesus