Recruiter At Microsoft you'll find sonic of the brightest professionals in the software business. As the world leader of our in dustry, the demand for timely, innovative solutions to complex problems character izes each day here. And we wouldn't have it any other way. Central to our success has been our ability to attract these creative, committed people who enjoy working in an ener gized and demanding environment. We are currently looking for recruiters to lx* responsible for hiring the Ixst people for all areas of Microsoft including systems, applications and multimedia technical development, marketing, international, sales and sales support. As a recruiter, you II Iv responsible lor driving all phases of this vital process: defining positions with management, deter mining recruiting strate gies. creating advertising, screening and interv ievving candidates, advising on hiring decisions, and offering and closing both experienced and campus candidates. Qualifications should include a BA/BS degree in Marketing, Business, I lurnun Resources Management, or other related discipline. Business and/ or 11 union Resource experience pre ferred. Familiarity with microcomputer applications is desired. We offer excellent compensation, relocation and benefits packages. If you are energetic and enjoy working with some of the brightest profession als in this industry, please send your resume by April 15, 1991 to Microsoft Corporation, Attn.: Recruiting Dept. Off-campus interviews April 24, 1991 See your Career Center for details LSR-0391OK, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 6399. We are an equal opportunity employer and are working toward a more culturally di verse workplace. Microsoft Making it all make sense'