Oregon DAILY EMERALD lucsdav. April |W| I ugcnc < Jrcgitn Volume l>2. Issue 127 Almanac Today is the List day to add ( oursos and tho last day to i hungo cmn scs from audit It) credit. ( hanges ran In1 made at ((logon I tall Inside Thu prosidont ot a na lional animal rights or ganiz.itnm said Monda\ night tii.it animal ro suan ii not only t ausos pain and suffciing. but is ust'loss tm studying tho human condition Donald damns. \a titmal Anti \ i visot tion SiH.iutv president, said in a pri'simtatiuli in tho l \M I n Koillli that si loll tists ait- killing thousands ol animals t:vorv \oar tin dor tho lalsu prolonso ot rostsm h. Sou stun Pago 4 Iinns tho high number ot t ainpits t onslmction jirojot Is havo you t un tusod ’ I mil out vv ho's doing what and what s going uiioro Sou story , I’ago 5 I i k«• Kntiin I loud. slate Kf|i Inn I'.dnuinstui says ‘We should tie taking from the l it li and giving to tin' poor At least that is the po sition the former iiairn.il isl takes on issues sin h as Hallol Measure i workers compensation, health i overage, campaign ti nance and his on n renter relief full, iiftii ii would fori e landlords to pass on property las savings un der Measure fi in rent charged to tenants See story. Page !l Sports t hiiversilv student Stan Kflerding began competitive faid\ inillil ing m But it hasn't taken long fnr suu ess to come Kfterding's was and the ultimate slice ess came over spring break when Kflerding won not only the Mr Oregon heavs weight i ompetition lull ssas named the overall Mr Oregon winner See story. Page U1 The Oregon women’s tennis team entered this weekend s match against Washington without a win against the Huskies over the past two seasons This year the team left Seattle with tour wins against l'W and a load of confident e See story. Page 16 Big talent, big hair Sixth's logtuul Arlo thithrir .mil his sun \hnS ImiiiI hnniftht thrii sounds to tin• l-All Ihillroom \lonil,i\ nil’ll! Photo !t\ Andri* Kanifri MSA withdraws its group status By Daralyn Trappe j '■ etal 1 -v; _ Mir Muslim NUiilt'iil Assoi i.itiun rt'inuvid it srll ,is ,t student tundi'd prugrnm nflri an \Sl'C) invi'sti)4.»ln>n tiiiiiul ilir ttroup vh>1.11<•'i»us«»t and l id.i Mohammad. who filed the t.oinpl( lober MSA i%as dominated b\ the same people who dominated the Islamii Sin lets of 1 11 gene be said l bes i nine from a particular si bool of thought r ailed Wahabi I hat was the of fir. la 1 dogma ol the ISI and anyone who dll fered from them ssas marginalized At least til pi'ii eiit of the ISP members al lowed to vote were not students at the I nivcr sits the complaint read Anderson said ans student group election is invalid it a person ss bo is not a l’diversity student votes, or if a student member is denied the right to vote file group’s bylaws state that members must Turn to MUSLIMS. Page 3 Police bill expands ability to stop suspects Recent beating sparks concern By Gerrit Koepping f meialcJ Contribute S A I.!■!\1 The O r e gon House passed a lull Iasi week tti.it would greatly expand the power nf polite officers to stop and question people in the state If eventually made lavs HH 2921 would allow a police offi tier to detain and question a person if the off it er reasonably suspet ts that person is about to commit a crime Currently, in order for ofti cers to sto|) someone, they need to have "reasonable suspicion" the person is doing something Photo tllu»tr4li<»n hv Mjiiitn II IIH Jll‘1 passes the tlrexon Senate, .liter already passing the House, polite Ml mill he allotseil In detain anil question people lor reasonable suspii ion illegal 111 the 1‘IH'I legislative si's sion. ii similar bill was passed m the House hv an even larger margin However, that hill died in the Senate when the Senate )udicial Committee failed to give it .1 hearing This House passed this year's lull by a vote of tl> to HI hut with the widely publicized boating of a black motorist b\ four l.os Angeles police offi cers some legislators have said the bill b.is ru'ii less of ii c banc i* of passage this 11mr around "Wo sco the film nut of I .os Angelos and we fool a little more c autious about the power we've already given the po lice said state Kep 11 in Kdmunson I) Kugene Kd in u n s o n . w b o v o t e cl against the lull in the House, said be believes the bill lias a slim c bailee of passage "Historically, the Senate lias been less motivated to push lulls like ibis' be said Kdmunson said other lcgisla tors were Irving to send .1 mos sage to criminals by voting for the lull " The only message some leg islators want to send is to their voters " he said "The message I want to send to voters is that I protec t the Hill of Kights Kep Kevin Mannix, I) Sa lem. said be sponsored the bill Turn to BILL Pago 7