SPORTS What’s so horrible about chasing your dream? No more mouthpiece dangling out of his mouth No more of his energetic smile No more amazing passes or impossible Jordanesque jumpers with opponents in his face Simply put. no more Terrell Less than a month after being named Pat ific Hi Most Valuable Player. Terrell Brandon. Oregon's a foot 11 do-evervthing floor general, made all the rumors offi r ial during a press conference at McArthur Court Thursday; he dropped out of school and dec hired him self eligible for the NBA draft Terrell said he opted for the NBA to fulfill .1 life-long dream and because the timing was right As the possibility of Terrell's leaving increased, so did the number of opinions ac ross the country that he should stic k around for his senior campaign After all. he had everything to gain and nothing to lose by stay ing in school Anybody who shares that opinion is missing the point. What it boils down to is whether he is good enough to play in the NBA Period laid of disc ussion. People who say Brandon should stay in sc hool to raise his stoc k are demonstrating more greed than they accuse Brandon of having '! can't believe you're leaving early to grab the money when you could stic k around a year and grab .1 From the Sidelines b) KOIO K I WEBKR lot morr money.' seems to bo the main i redo of pen pit* against undergraduates c nming out early The only real reason to argue for athletes to stay m si hool is the pursuit of a i ollege degree In Brandon's i .isc. the threat of tieronung academically ineligible was something that couldn't he ignored Since sitting out his freshman year due to Prnposi turn 4ti. Brandon has worked hard at si hool. hut said l hursdav that halatu mg basketball and Ixioks was dll ficult Whether he makes Ins hid for the pros now or a year from now Terrell's success will depend on his play mg ability and little else The Ixiuk on Brandon says he's too short, doesn't play enough defense and suffers from a lack of experl ence Sint e lie lias probably rear bed his full height and understands that defense is more hard work than anything else, let k of exponent e seems to lie his big gest ollStUl It* Why slit k around for thi* experience yvhen scouts art* telling you that teams art* interested right noyy Hrarulon said he has been told by numerous NBA si outs that he will be drafted probably near the end of the first round or early in the second A favorite comparison lately has been between Bran don and former t fregun State star l iary Bay ton Bay ton s sui i ess as a senior, after resisting the temp lation of turning pro, was the major reason the Seattle SuperSonii s made him the set ond pu k in last |une s draft It may have worked out for Payton, hut Bran don's game is more developed scoring wise than Bay ton s is even now At 2t> r> points a game, it's obvious that Brandon is a scorer but more importantly he is a shooter The mu jority of Ins points i ante from the perimeter unlike Bavton s. making him a more attrar tivr* prosper t Instead of getting bogged down in tile the re,isons vvhv Terrell is leaving. Ituik fans should concentrate on yy hat he did when he vsas here and wish him rsell Hopefully when people look I mi k at Terrell s > areer at Oregon, they w ill coin entrate on what he did yy ith a basketball and the class he displayed both on and off the court I kiioyy I will Coaches react differently over Brandon decision By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor Several basketball coaches expressed mixed reactions con corning Oregon guard Terrell Brandon's decision to forego Ins senior season of eligibility and enter the NBA draft While University of Portland Coach l-arrv Steele and Port land's (.rant High School ( uai h John Stilvvell. Brandon's high school coach, supported Brandon's decision, UCLA Couch |iin Harrick bad a much different opinion. “Honestly. I am disappoint ed with his decision to go. Harrick said of Brandon "lie s certainly not ready for the NBA “ Steele, who recruited Bran don when he was a s!,tr point guard under Stilwell. said he supported Hrandon's dei ision largely because ot Hrandon's close consultation with his family on the matter "I echo (loach (Don) Mon son's reply.” Steele said 'When Terrell was in high si hool and we were recruiting him. I met his parents and was impressed that all of his (loci sums were made after discuss ing the matter thoroughly with his family "If the situation w-as re versed. I’d say the same thing,” he said “I feel good aliout what he's doing. 1 wish him all the luck in the world even though we don't have to play them anymore." Stilwell, a close personal friend of Brandon and his par ents. agreed with Steele that Hrandon's decision should re ceive only support, not criti cism. ”1 am sad that there are things that he won't he able to accomplish at Oregon and that he can't complete some of the things he helped start there,” Stilwell said "(Hut) he made Ins decision and all you can say aliout it is that if it's great for Terrell, it's a great decision " No coach has been more against players leaving college early for the NBA than Harm k Earlier this season, when l.'Cl.A came to Oregon on [an Turn to REACTION Page 15 With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE’S HOW IT WORKS...A UO instructor submits his/her book order by the UO Bookstore’s specific due date. The Bookstore guarantees to have the qualifying coursebooks on the shelf the first day of class. 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