Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1991, Supplement, Page 4B, Image 15

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    *Jo4*ch uuth the, School of ^ot^utcdUot,
( onftmu'ii from Page IR
mumcations and film into
the school, its horizons may
he extended even further.
"The school's ftxus in the
beginning was so narrow,"
to our society, the school
has adjusted to tackle
changes and meet new ex
“We'd like to provide a
more comprehensive, mass
communis ation education
environment or set of offer
ings for the university com
‘ We ’d like to proi'ide a more comprehend
she mass communication education envi
ronment or set of offerings for the universi
ty community.'
-Journalism Dean Arnold Ismach
Bivins savs. “The focus has
broadened extremely, to the
point that we’re very soon
no longer going to be just a
school of journalism, but
also (>f mass communica
As to hnology has
evolves! and higher educa
turn has become more vital
munity," journalism Dean
Arnold Ismach says. “We’d
like to stay alive and vital in
the sense of keeping up with
i hanges in the field and in
the world, si' that we don't
look backward but continue
looking forward.”
Susan 1 lead
Editor: Anna Remheeki
Copy Editor: Chris Blair
Graphics Editor: Scan Poston
Contributors: Susan Head, Jennifer rhomas
and Sari 1 revarthen
School of Journalism Requirements
Journalism General Studies
6 literature
5 history
5 economies
5 additional blocks (it admitted prior
to Fall 1 WO)
97.5 hours Arts and Sciences classes
To Apply for Full Admission
C ' or better in each core class *
201 Mass Media 20' Writing Media
202 Info. Gathering 204 \ is. Gomm.*
Language Skills Diagnostic Lest
90 credit hours
2A0 University GPA (petition for ad
OR 5.24 University GPA and 5.0 in 4
core classes*
Journalism Requirements for Grad
Sequences (fulfill at least one):
Advertising (choose three) 441, 442,
44 5, 444, 449
Broadcasting 551, 452, 455, 4 54
Magazine 570, 41 1, 474
New-- editorial 561, 462, 4t>4
l pper Division (. 'ore (at least two)
5'>4 Journ. Pub. Opinion
484 Mass Media Lave
487 History of Mass Media
56 hours journalism with 2/ at l O
2.4 l 'O GPA 2.4 journalism (iPA*
1 54 non journalism hours
24 upper-division journalism hours
2 journalism writing 1 lasses
UO proup Requirements
5 .irts and letter-* (cluster)*
5 .irts and letters (stand alones)
5 social science (cluster)*
5 social siieme (stand-alones) 5 m. i
ence (cluster)*
5 si tence (stand-alones)
‘prior to Fall 1990, three courses in
each of the three areas (including two
clusters from different .ire.is) and
three additional courses were required
Additional University Requirements
WR 121, 122 or other
Health 199, 211 or 250
Non turo-American Race (lender*
125 graded hours (45 at 1 O)
62 upper-division hours
BA: 2 vrs foreign language or equiv.
BA: 56 hours lang. and literature*
BS: approved math courses***
BS: 56 hours science or soc. science
Residency: 45 of last oO
186 total i redits
* hall BWO or later
* * f all B)87 or later
*** Fall 1 ».S5 later
Note: I hese requirements can he
confusing. I o ensure graduation at
tire desired time, it is Best to see a
journalism adviser or peer adviser
Sari I re\ art hen
Since the First Day the UO Journalism School
Opened 75 Years Ago, the UO Bookstore
Has Been The Last Word On Where To Find
Everything a Journalism Student Needs
Happily Serving Journalism
Students For 75 Years, And
Happy to Serve You Today!