SPORTS ASU, Arizona next up for Oregon By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Reporter After two losses to visiting UCI.A and lISC last weekend, you can't blame the Oregon women's basketball team for looking forward to next vear The defeats left the Ducks at .1 1 1 in the Par ifir 10 Conference and 10-14 overall and guaranteed Oregon Coach Khvin Heiny only his second se.i son without a winning record at Oregon The Ducks' previous worst record under Heinv was a 14-14 mark in the 1084-85 season This year's squad can finish with same record, at best, by winning their remaining four games Despite the grim possibility of a losing ret ord. Heiny is upbeat about the players that will return next season. He started four freshman Sunday against the Trojans anti even played all five of his rookies at one time during the game. Heiny will likely start freshmen Debbie Sporcich, Sara Wilson. lesha Smith and Missy Stowell again this week at Arizona State and Ari zona. "The key to this season is. we know we're young, we know we're going to lie real good next year, and we still want to win some games." Heiny said "We want to end on a positive note: in other words, the fact that we can learn and still im prove each game." Arizona State and Arizona, teams that Oregon beat in games at McArthur Court in January, will give the Ducks an opportunity to learn and im prove this week, but the games will be far from a < akeyvalk for the struggling Due ks Arizona Stale, 4 10 in the I’ai 10 and 1 1 10 overall, will host Oregon on Thursday night and the Dili ks play at Arizona 1 11 in the I'ac 10 and t>-2 1. Saturday night Heiny believes that the Arizona si hools could he tougher the sei ond time around "I think that both they and us have probably changed since we played last." Heiny said We have seen them, and that should help hut at the same time we pretty mui h forgot what we were doing "And right now." he said. Tin more worried about ourselves and what we can do than worry about them If the Ducks are to win. they must start shoot ing better from the field In two of its last three games. Oregon had two of its worst shooting per for mane os this season The Ducks shot only 2l» percent against Washington, and against the Tro jails, a mere 2H percent of the Dm ks' shots fell Wilson and Sport ich. Oregon's two freshman posts, have been so far been immune to the Ducks' shooting flu The pair combined for 41 of Oregon’s 74 points against UCLA and scored e\ actly half of the Ducks' 44 points against l 'St! Wilson especially had an exi optional weekend, scoring a career high 2H points, shooting 1 1 of It in the UCLA game and grabbing an Oregon yveek end best of 10 rebounds over the Trojans "She had a great weekend, just outstanding." Heiny said "She's aKvays worked very hard and probably plays the toughest post defense of any one around 1___I Mlolii bt \mlfr linlcrl forward lesha Smith will be one of four freshmen in the starting lineup as Oregon fares Arizona State and Arizona. TENNIS Continued from Page 12 “To sweep all doubles matches is not done very of ten," Creider said, "especially when you have to win the third sets in first and third doubles. "After the singles matches, I told the girls that the other team thought they already had the match won and that we had a chance to sneak out the win." he said. It may seem like the North ridge win would soften the blow of being shut out on both Kriday and Saturday, but Greider was thrilled with the way his team performed in both losses. "We played our best tennis of the year against IJCLA and our second-best tennis against CHICAGO AEROSMITH JIMMY BUFFET LED ZEPPELIN BEST OF JAZZ VAN MORRISON CLASSICAL BO'S ROCK A ROLL AND MANY MORE IKMrvine.'' In- said "Our goal was to win 10 Ramos against UCLA, and wo ended up winning 27 in the singles alone.” divider said Not only did the team win 27 games on the road against one of the nation's lop five teams. they managed 1° win two sets Roberts. at first singles. fell to ('ammie Foley (i-2. l-t>. l-t>. and Fairgrieve lost l> I. 1 ti. ;tti at fourth singles against Allegra Milholland Oregon continues its busy schedule with six matches in four days in California begin ning with Fresno State on Thursday The Ducks face Ne vada -Keno, Santa Clara. UC-Da vis. Si Mary's and Pacific over the weekend before heading home 5 Do you know someone special with a birthday in March? If y you do, wish them a "happy Birthday" on March 6 in the ODE Classifieds premiere of o "Birthday Babies" ) n Tor just 50* per line (6 point), write a boxed personal birthday message to your friend. Happy 21st Birthday! 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