UNIVERSITY Dorm contract policy criticized By Tamara Arnold Emerald Contributor "A fretr case of the beverage of your chon e" the mark of desperate dorm residents eager to sell their dorm contracts The close of fall and winter terms mark the an rural exodus of students from I'niversity dorms Whatever their reasons, students are sometimes in a hurry to leave. The problem is students sign a contract making them responsible for filling a vacant dorm room Ill 1(1 llll > I I 1 11 I >1 Mill V -V III I' ' I > I 111 I I \ I * I III II l!l -> pay for their (forms bv the term, but contracts are for nine months It stiuhuits inovr out mid term, thes pav on a pro rated basis up until the das they muse out At tins time students are charged a Si a day until thes find someone to bus their contracts University Housing s $1 a day rule is imeutive enough fur some to slus but for Will ox resident Mil hnel Price, dorm living gets on bis nerves Turn to DORM Page 7 Hunger, homelessness group to meet MKKTINGS Amnesty International will meet at 7 p m in KMU Cedar Room A Non-violence committee of the No Gulf War Coalition will meet at 7:HO p m. in KMU Ce dar Room H Alpha Phi Omega will meet at 4 10 p.m in KMU Cedar Room A KMU Board house committee will meet at t> p m in the KMU Hoard Room Agenda items in chide "greening of the KMU fishbowl grievance from the Student Senate and bathroom upgrade by Blue Cross Student Campaign for Disar mament/Desert Ducks will meet at -t p m in KMU Century Room A OSPIKG's hunger and home lessness group will meet at 5:30 pm in KMU Century Room B Model United Nations will meet at ti 30 p.m at the Bahai Center. 1450 Alder. I.ab Week Committee spon sored by Students for the Ethi cal Treatment of Animals will meet at 0 p.m. in EMU Suite 1 She Who Watches, a video showing and discussion led by Darrvla Green-McGrath. will <1 .irt .,1 r, n m ill the KMU Oak Room. “Israel and the War" is the topic of a spect li to be given In |ohn Rothman. p m in the Hen binder Room "Kco-eriticism: The t.reen ing of l.ilerary Studies" is the title of a lei tore to lie given In Chervil Ann Hurgess assistant professor of literature and the environment .it the University of Nevada at Reno Hurgess will speak at 4 pm in the KMC Gumwood Room Draft information Irnm the Kugene Draft Kducatmn Net work will be available in the Student Campaign lor Disarma iiiimiI office. l AtC Suite 1, from noon to :t p m "Creation and Evolution: Who fired the Itik Hang?” is the t it It* ot a roundtable discus sion to Iw hold at 7 p m in KM I: (Century Room It Dental Awareness Day spun sored hy the I’re liental Club will lie in the KMt' luhhv from 11 a in to 1 to p in PI'BMC HEARINGS NOTICE The Incidental Eee Commit tee will hear 1‘1‘il ‘I- budgets for the following groups Wednesday at H ill p m in tIn* K\tt' Hoard Room Women in Transition. Chinese Student Association. Dance Oregon. Pre-health Science ('enter. ( ri sis Center and the Incidental Eee l amimittee 1 bngine service tOOOS Bertelscn Hd II Eugene OH 97*0? One Block North ol W lllh Nolan Ind Plala Specializing in Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts j Film Developing Special Deluxe 3^x8 oolor prints: • $2.89/12 exp. roll •$4.89/24 exp. nil • $8.09/38 exp. roll Add SOC for ASA higher then 100 Mso, high quality B&W dculoping, contact dbects, printing. All calargaiMnk dona by huad and cropped to your specifications at no extra ebarg France Photo 1330 Willamette j BUY - SK(X-TRADE Oregon DAILY EMERALD PM Hot f i>Krm Of ’ 4U » Tf>*» Oregon O.h’y E mooiid -s published Monday through Friday ru. opt -luring oom wee* and *a< ationa by the Oregon Daily E merald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Fugene. Oregon The Emerald ne l abolish Anna Rembecfci « Wheeler News E ditor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Supplements Asst Ed Night Editor .athenne Hawley Put Maiach Ashley Conklin l ayne l akehsh Amy f rndencM Pater Cogswell Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities Paula Green Higher Education/Administration Peter ( ognwen Reporters Tammy tiutcy Ja*o Berg Brian B oh. Rene Oe Can Came Dennett M j Rodrigues June Russell Daraiyri Trappe Robert Weber Photographers t nc E vans Andre Ramon Advertising Kevin Austennann Murk Bfundage. Flume Dexter Kathy Endicott Mi heel Gray Jennifer Kostd Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Stephen Mosley Marla Newman, Lisa Richman Mary Sanderson Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Peggy McGinn, Manager Kelly M- M' hael Janet Sr hober Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Judy Connolly Production Sandra Duller Adverb-mig i\\>'iltndtor Jennifer Archer M