On, *70*60/1, Phone registration to begin TIk- long-awaited tel ephone registration system will become a reality this spring. Dui k Call, as the system will be referred to, will begin in May as students registering for summer term phone in at specified times and request the classes thev want. rhirty-two phone lines will be available and the sys tem will be used for half of the students registering for fall term. Students chosen randomly to use Pink ( all fall term will be notified and given instructions by mail. Puck C all has finally be The EMU Computer Shoppe Has Everything You Need! EASY PAYMENT PLAN * NO INTEREST FOR SIX MONTHS! t UO STUDENT DJSCOUNT PRICESJ, COMPUTER HARDWARE MIT AC PARAGOS 286SL mitac MPC2386 COMPUTER • 16r?0 MH; 80:«»s» • 1Meg HAM . v, i 2Meg Floppy and 31 y l 44Mey Floppy • 40Meg Haul Dove • Super VGA Video . 14 Color Multisync VGA Monitor _ STUDENT OISCOUNT PRICE $1,999 r $2,449 mitac 4 MPC 2000SL AT . tOMHZ 802H6 Proeww* • *>'. ! ?M<>q F loppy • 1 My Hard Drive • 12 Monochrome Monitor SALE $899 mitac MPC 2400V AT . 12MHz 00286 Processor . v. 1 2M.ni ‘ ■ ; ; • '• ■■ 3v, 1 44Meg Floppy • iMeg RAM • 40Meg Hard Dnve • 14 Monochrome VGA Mom SALE $1,299 AMKiA ZENITH data systems Gfoupe Bull PACKARD BELL ADVANCED LOGIC RESEARCH printers Panasonic: Oft< e Automation/^ >0 9 PIN PRINTER KXP11S0 . \44cp» *n dial* • Mcp* w Nl.0 ^ • Papo» parting P»f1 Cu1 ^ • 2 year limited parts *«d latx>» warranty DISCOUNT $179.95 Postscript Mac/IBM LASER PRINTER |K* P4*55) . Two 260 »hwl w**1 cassattas • 300 ck>» pa» inch rasoiution . 36 Arioba PS font* • Standard PS 232 venal mtartaca and App*«- talk • Cuimsnisnl Ifonl panel contiolfc • ; MB HAM standard — 4 MB upgrada • Optional lagal and envelope cassatts DISCOUNT $2,695 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MICROSOFT B IBM WORD $88.00 ■ MAC WORD $78.00 H IBM WORKS $52.00 . MAC WORKS $84.00 B IBM EXCEL $124.00 B MAC EXCEL $124.00 LOTUS B LOTUS 123 VERSION 2.2 ONLY $95 m LOTUS 123 VERSION 3.1 ONLY $125 WORD PERFECT IBM - $135 LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND' LOW PRICES! 1 accessories I PRINTER RIBBONS $1.00 OFF DISKETTES S'. OH 3 Vi" 1 FREE WITH PVJRCMASC OF 2 1 (COMPUTER PAPER 500 SHEET 20 LB ONLY S4.99 I MAC I BAGS All COLORS AND SIZES $5.00 OFF I MOUSE ! PADS ALL COLORS 20% OFF EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE BASEMENT OF EMU M F 9:00-5 00. SAT 10-5 Prices good tnru 3/15A1 come available because of the use of BANNER, the new student information system that tv ill also offer University faculty and ad ministrators increased acces sibility to information, en hanced data security and compatibility with other data bases in the Oregon higher education system. The BANNER Query System is designed tor aca demic advisers and other l Diversity staff members who need access to student and course information from their office terminal or mi crocomputer. Access will be given only to authorized users and they will be made aware what m formation is confidential. Advisers and departments will eventually be rid of the reams of papers for each stu dent. Looking up a reiord will merely be logging into DONALD (a Computing ('enter mainframe compu ter) and then into the BQS. Anna Rembecki Computers not entirely out of reach Lack of money can he one of the biggest roadblocks for people who want to enter an other phase of technol ogy and buy a personal computer (Computers aren't inexpensive. But students are luiky. There is an op portunity on campus to buy brand-name com puters below dealer costs. Apple and IBM offer discounts to stu dents and faculty on many different models. For example, com pared with local dealers about $200 can he saved on the new Mac intosh C’lassie or Clas sic 40 2. About $100 i an be saved on an Ap ple ImageWnter II printer. Also, students can buy software for as much as 50 percent off the retail price. These deals are all found in the Micro computer Sup[x>rt Lab in Room 202 of the Computing Center. It is open Monday through Friday and has a wide variety of Mac intosh and IBM com puters on display. Questions are welcome and there are informa tional hnxhures. —Sari Trevarthen TiifHuiuv J'«»hnii*rv 2ft. 1*1*11