Oregon DAILY EMERALD I ucmI.in . K’htu.trs 2(v IWI \ oluim- Iwuc ION Inside Dorm residents have a hard time moving out ear ly as the result of a nine month contract they are forced to sign. This con tract is necessary, howev er, if the University is go ing to pay bac k the debt incurred from dorm con struction See story. Page 3 There is a small group of students working bard to decriminalize the use of marijuana in Oregon. The group faces an uphill battle and members live in fear that the govern ment will take some form of action against them. See story. Page 4 SuSfWar An Iraqi Scud missile hit a U.S barracks Mon day. killing 27 service men and wounding 98. The attack is the worst since the war with Iraq began fun. 17. There wore conflicting reports about whether a Patriot missile was fired to intercept the incoming missile. Baghdad radio hailed the attack See story, Page S Sports There have been sever al strange occurrences in the baseball world since the Cincinnati Reds won the World Series last tail. Several players are plan ning comebacks and oth ers nave received new salaries not necessarily baaed on the quality or their performances teat The Duck wrestling teem will be aMgHiMisbt wrestlers to the NCAA rfcniptooshtpa is t»n> members of the teem bare been added as wildcard qualifiers by Pacific-10 Conference coaches after their performance at the Pec-10 meet last Sunday. Rob Stone and Cam Strahm will make the trip to Iowa City along with Dan VJdlak, Scott Glenn. Darren Gustafson and Curt Strahm. See story. Page 9 Gotcha Lara Hull takrs advantagr of Monday’s sunny nrathrr to pla\ some frisboe. Hull. ,i junior in biology, is a nwinbrr ot thr (Huh Sports ultiinatr frisbrr tram, whit h is sponsoring a tournainrnt Saturday and Sunday Photo by Sean Poston Iraqis order end to ‘epic’ battle NICOSIA. ( \pnis |AP) Iraq announced Tues d.iy lti.it its "epic . valiiint battle" to annex Kuwait had ended and its fort es had heen ordered to withdraw A I’ S military offic ial said some Iraqi units were mm ing north In a surprise annoum ement read over llaglulad r.i din. the Iraqi leadership said the withdrawal would he made in line with a Soviet .. plan although it didn't spet it\ wlui h ol two Sovmt plans it meant It instructed Iraqi troops to retreat even it the al lies I unturned to att.u k file White House waved off the ifaghdad report savour it had heard nothing offu lallv ' The war goes on. spokesman M.irlin I-it/water said late! Mondav. a senior 1‘entagon oflicial said al lied intelligence souri es had scattered reports of some movement of (Iraqi) units going north " toward home It's too early to sav whether it's repositioning or withdrawal.' the Pentagon official said on condition ot anonvmitv Other l1 S offu inis appeared skeptii al that a pullout was under wav and several said there w as no sure sign The announcement did not spec dv a si liedule lor the w ithdrawal The hrondi nst interrupted regular programming at 1 i > a m Haghdad time (a .15 p in l\ST) to announce the development, two days after the US led alliance latini lied a massive ground offensive fo free Kuwait from Iraqi control. "(fur armed forces have completed their duty of jihad (Islaitiii holy war), of rejecting compliance with the logic of ev il, lore e and aggression." the Iraqi radio said I liev have been engaged in an epic . valiant hat tie which will lie recorded In history in letters of light The statement said foreign Minister lariq A/.i/. had contacted the Soviet ambassador in Itaglulad and asked him to convey .1 message from President Sad dam Hussein and his ruling Revolutionary Command ( uunc il to Soviet President Mikhail S (airliac hev Turn to IRAQ Page 5 Copy centers compete for student business Kinko s suffers from corporate image By Troy Anderson Emerald Coninfculor Students ntav wonder why some professors send them to buy their pai kets to K Ktth Ave It may t‘hol» b> S#*n Pwlon Kinko's. HtiO E. tilth Ave.. is one of several copy shops in the area that professors and students patronize. Iw farther down the street from campus, they say. hut it costs a little less Audre heller, Copy Shop manager, said her prices for packets are worth the walk lie cause she charges only three cents a page "I bring her my business he cause I support small, locally owner! businesses and for rnv approbation for providing cheap copies." said Spanish (ill hen Inness "I don't want my students to spend more than they have to." A |>ri< e i omparison survey of etpially-sized packets sliowed hinko's charge* about 4 tents per page. Campus Copy .'I t cents and The Copy Shop i cents All ol the copy stores allow professors to choose between r>f) and 100 pert ent ret vt led pa per for their packets, with pure Turn to COPY Page 7