Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Some housing needs will be met
By Peter Cogswell
f merald Assoc an- l flitot
Current proposals to limit enrollment to
lt>.OOO lor the next academic year have the
University re-evaluating the need for new stu
dent housing, a University vice president said
Dan Williams. University vice president (or
administration, said the University still plans
to build between 4f> and 00 family housing
units, for which it was allocated funds from
the Legislative Hmergency Hoard last |anuary
The University will then assess the housing
demand situation for next year
The University Inis ln*en .it odds with Ich al
members of the state Legislature for some time
over the rule it should play in providing hous
mg for its students
A lull recently passed in the House would
require the University to submit ail annual re
port to the state board c omparing the l ’mversi
ty's provisions for student housing with other
institutions in the I'ac ific 1(1 ( ainferenc e
Williams said additional student housing
may not lie necessary if enrollment cuts are
implemented next year because lower enroll
men! will decrease* the demand for student
housing lie also said the cost of building new
student housing would lie transferred onto the
students through inc reased fees
Hut with tuition rising as a result of Hallo!
Measure 5. it is not right to add additional
lusts to the fees students pay, Williams said
"it is not fair to obligate students with un
necessary debt." be said "It does not seem
like the time to go past our commitment (f’eo
pie) have to rememlier that students have to
pay for the debt
Williams said the only advantage to having
the University as a landlord would !«• cheaper
rent, but this is not really an advantage lie
( ause all students would pav higher fees to
compensate for debts amassed by the Universi
Williams said the I 'niversity intended to
build 100 to 1 r>0 units, but will start smaller
bei ause of the reduced enrollment level
'll you look at the community, there are va
cant apartments all over campus,' Williams
said "It has been wise lor us lo have been as
i autlolls as we have been so far
Hut what it comes down to is not jeopardiz
mg the institution s interest Williams said
The cautious plan the University is taking
has the support of the l-ane County housing
a uthoritv
Jim McCoy, community development coor
dinator. said the housing authority is under
contract with the University to facilitate what
ever projei Is arise in the housing proi ess
McCoy said it takes effort on the part of all
involved to i lire the housing situation in Hu
gene, and he believes the University is making
a ( oik cried effort
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Perugia 1991 in planning
by language department
|ewish Student Union will
meet .it to p m in EMI' (I*n
tury !) Call 34<i 4366 for more
Et als
Perugia 1991 information
mooting will ho <it ri it) p m in
101A Allen Call tho Romance
languages department. 14I>
402 1. for more information
Karthweek planning commit
tee moots .it 7 p in in KMC Ce
dar Room ! ('.ill t40 4.ir><> tor
more information
Students for Creative Anach
ronism will hold a meeting and
dance practice at 7 p in in Ag
ate 1 Call 144-7417 or 08;t
1117 for more information
"City of the Grim Reaper:
The Rediscovery of Mashkan
Shapir in Southern Iraq" is the
title of a presentation to he giv
en at H p m m ltit> lawreme
The speaker, I)r Paul
Zimanskv of Boston Universi
ty's an haeology department, is
• Faculty Artist Series
Lawrence Maves, Leslie
Straka, Robert Hladky,
Barbara Palmer.
Mon., Feb. 25 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students / Seniors
• Student Ensembles
Tues., Feb. 26 8 p.m.
S3 General Admission
$1 Students / Seniors
UO MEN'S and
Student Ensembles
Wed., Feb. 27 8 p.m.
FREE Admission
Student Ensemble
Thurs., Feb. 28 8 p.m.
$3 General Admission
$1 Students / Seniors
For more information, call:
346-3761 (Music School)
sponsored In the local brain li
of the Archaeological Institute
of America
“An introduction to Israel"
is the topic of a lecture by Rab
bi Rose of Portland, at 2 it)
p m in the EMU Gumwood
Room Call the |ewish Student
Union. 34f>-436fi, for more in
"A |ourney into Dreams:
Awakening the Inner Self is
the title* of a presentation being
made at 7: to p m in 104
Straub The presentation is
sponsored by the campus socie
ty of Eckanar. 344-2657.
A public hearing on 1901
ASCO elec tion rules will be at
1 to p in in the EMU Board
Room Call the elections board,
140-4724. for more informa
Agnes of'Hod will be shown
at 7 p in at the Newman Cen
ter, 1850 Emerald, as part of a
series on religion and the cine
ma Call 440-4408 for more in
Mephislo will be shown In
the German Club at 7 p m in
212 Friendly. The film is
dubbed in English. ('.all
484-2004 for more information
Deadline for submitting Et
als to the Emerald front desk,
EMU Suite 100. is noon the day
before publication Et als run
the day of the event unless the
event takes place before' noon:
items run only onee
Items for events charging ad
mission or a donation will not
run Events running closest to
the University will lie given
priority The Emerald reserves
the- right to edit Et als for gram
mar and style*
In Friday’s Emerald, it
was reported that Sam
N'hem. ASl'O finance cool
dinator. was considering a
veto of an Incidental Fee
Committee allocation N'hem
can onlv recommend a veto,
however ASUO co-Presi
dent Kirk Uailev has the at
tual veto power
The Enter,ild apologizes
for any confusion this may
have caused
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