PERSIAN GULF WAR OFFENSIVE Continued from Page 1 Armv general shut ti.n k. "We re going Jo go around over, through, on top. under neath and -any other wa\ Hours after the invasion jumped off about 4 a m. Sun dav |H p.m KST Naturdav) and Haghdad came under renewed .ind Muslim nations to unite behind Iraq \11 heliei ers in lr,i(| ami everywhere will stand united and w ill i hallenge the aggres sion ot the allied evil pow ers Arahiyat said His i omments were deliv ered alter Iraqi foreign Minis ter Tnrirj A/.i/ sei rell\ visited Iordan on his wav home from Mosi ow. ai i ording to parlia mentarv deputies III Yemen thousands ol people look to the streets ot the i apital San a, to demon strati* against the I lilted States and its allies Some pelted the I g\ ptiau •mil Bril ish embassies with stones Se i iirit\ i onions kept them from attacking the I S and Saudi \rabia embassies 1)1 11<( >1T | Al'| More than Jilt) ilninting Iraqi Amem ans blasted President Hush as a 'butcher" Sunday during a man h to deunuui e the start ot the ground war in the Persian (lull About Hit) people carrying placards with sin h slogans as "US (hit ol tin* Middle Hast" marched along a main street through the city's (dialdean neighborhood Chaldeans are a Christian mi nority in Iraq "Hush is a murderer'" pen pie in the crowd shouted Now you can afford to dream in color. Apple introduces the Maeinn >sh 1.(1 II unithought that Inklinga color Mai mi' 'nIi'n\ stem v kicouki afford was |iiM a dream, then the new. all* >rdahk Macintosh I t isdream c» >me true Ihe Macintosh l.( isneh in o »l« 'i t nlike mans e 'inputcrs ilut can displa\ onlv l(r cok ns at oik e. the Macintosh I t expands w air palette ti > J^nokirs It also comes with a microphone and new si kind input tei iaii >!« igv that lets voti personalize \our work In adding voice i >r othei si muds like even Macintosh computer, the I.C is e.isv ti set up and ea>\ in master \iki it runs thousands ot available applkatn ms that all w> rk in tin same.consistent wav so once you vc learned ime program, von re well on v our wax to learning them all 'Ihe Mac mu >sh It even lets v< m share ink i illation with someone who uses a different tv|v. I computer thanks t . the versatile Apple sujvrl )nve’ which c an read In >111 and wnte t< Mac inn *sh Ms iHls.Os 2.and \pplell tli>ppv disks lake a liHtk at the Macintosh I.t and see what it givesx* >u Ihen pinch vourself. Its Ivttei rlian a dream its a Macintosh Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm 346-4402 i n Special pricing for eligible l of () students, faculty and staff. \U m --ti ii A 11k* |>nwnolx' \our Ivst < '**0 **■»•*« i ***<# ***-• •. * '•■*.» * *■ »*i*>» * 1 • A,*-* 'fuNr - . —*■ . *v •■«• • >'•-»■•* *».-;• - r>t*» M‘ »J***y*<» * rv *>*-* • j ' «»Vt •