Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS >>B»I A IQ AITHM HONN "Tinn' «d» will h» hiildun throughout th* ( Uwifl*di th<» month Ch« h our < Inmfiod huu«g «d« Inf morr drUil»_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 220 HELP WANTED HOME TYPISTS, PC user* nwrt^:! $35 000 potential Details - B « tj Instructors and counselors needed for U of 0 Upward Bound Program Juna 16 August 12 1991 Call 346 3S01 for application Daadlina March 1 5 00 pm AAjEOE Minorities and woman encouraged to apply It s easier man you think t: tv your college education working at jiggles Excellent money heebie hours Can Nance* ■>' B'o.-s f.w per • ••.*i interview 344 6697 : River Guides Wanted. Training session begins Mar 17 F .v m*,. | Wild Water Adventures 895 4465 i leave message or write PO Bo* 249 1 Creswelj OR 97426 OVERSEAS JOBS 191 : Summer yr round All countries all helds Free mfo Write IJC PO B* 62 rona Del Mar CA 92H ! Resident Director/Student Activities Coordinator Bachelors Degree re quired from accredited institution Masters in Psychology, education or related social services field beneficial 12 mo full lime, live in. full benefits All qualified candidates urged to ap ply Send letter, resume, official col lege transcripts to David Waggoner VP for Student Affairs. Northwest Christian College. 628 E 11th. Eugene OR 97401 3727 Position begins 6^17^91 Student Representative for v product 1 hi/week flexible schedule many fringe benefits Please respond with resume or background informa bon to Microsoft 14314 SW Allen Blvd )!! B«dvfrt'in SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men & women Hidden Valley Camp interviewing Feb 27 Make appt 6 get further mfo at Student Employ ment. 12 Hendricks Hail SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS 7 000 OPENINGS' NATIONAL PARKS. FORESTS FIRE CREWS RESORTS SENO STAMP FOR FREE DETAILS SULLIVAN S 113 F WYOMING KALISPELL. MT 59901 230 HOUSES FOR RENT Exceptional 4 bdrm house near U of O'Hendricks Park 2 living rooms laun dry dshwshr deck $250 $275 $300 Share util D#p Ref No petvsmoking 666 9615 235 APTS/DUPLEXES - ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860 Alder Street Accepting applications for studio 1 2 A 3 bdrm apartments m eic campus Jennings * Co 683 4219 BRAND NEW' PARKGROVE 3109 Kins Row If you are looking for a place to call home consider Parkgrove Quiet spacious and conveniently located a< ross from Aut/en Stadium On site ’•mess center, pool and covered parking 1 or 2 bedrooms available $525/$575 686 2465 Jennings 4 Co 683 4219 ?35 nfrfS/DUkEXES - CASTLE TERRACE 243 F St'**! Nice 1 and 2 bedroom m*i» Attre< !>ve compie* with pool storm doort and quiet1 From $335$J96 .i '4 1 22* Jennings A Co 6&3 4?19 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUDIOS FOR JUST 1?6V Dww'dow h> , »1 m MARKING • site I Call 344 5583 Jennings 4 Co 64.1 4219 Forest Village Apis Quiet piece . lr jht sauna, pool t>u9 to CJ^ripus 2 bdrm bath $47Smo h $4$5.mo Rent ■•y ■ a ami 'or March 667 1318 Furnished large ’ tjedroom n,-.i Mu-. Build-ng $366 Can after 2 Bulge* xt Apartments 668 S’69 GREYSTONETOWNHOUSES 211 Brterclitf Needy remodeled two bed-oom townhouses Close 1o buslm© Plenty • . • > S K Call 689 8687 Jennings 4 Co 683 4219 Large t bedroom unfurnished built in office space, lots of storage Prime U of 0 campus location, good privacy Students only, no pets non smokers please $375/month 1360 Alder Street 345 5949 Large 2 bdrm apt. 1 Vi blocks from campus. Avail March 1. Call 344-5478 anytime day or night. Lerge 2 bedroom apartment available 1477 Hdyard St Avail March 1 484 9922 Specious 1 bdrm apt cl >se tn ampus deck 4320/mo • deposit 3434109 SPRING/SUMMER TERM Groovy 1 bdrm dpi* Track lighting dishwashe' disposal W C) hookup Close to campus $450* mo 144 6165 ’ THE COtLEGIAN 1810 4 J«v * ' I leasing Upscale student housing [ including meals '343 1255 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH i BLOCK TO CAMPUS1 1 bedrooms at $366 Large 2 • bedrooms 6 1 bedrooms $535/665 FMff PARKING Nice Courtyard 663 0729 Jennings 4 Co_68 3 4219 WILL GO FAST!! Close lo campus, 1 V» biks Lg 1 bdrm. new pemt. new carpet Call 345 2255 1370 High 1 bdrm private pafto. $325 977 E 37th 2 bdrm duple* garage $476 Springfield 120 F Street I Freshly painted 1 bdrm laundry parking $320 525 Pionear Prkwy 2 bd»m new (.afpeis $350 By appointment Spyglass Associates 686 1130 mWMftR ' = Studio apartment Y W 16th So* carpet furniture available 1 >v#ffKl perking ti>** to campus Manage- *H4 563 I 2 bedroom apartment* .», i i: .« 1%th and Mill tr«4 1 bedroom apa-'ment available t%th A Miiy#rd 4*4 9922 ■mo QUADS ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder Street • 145 5949 Recently remodeled furnished *«n ma-aged units Pome If <>f O cam pus lex. At ton Utilities rni luded on *■»«> laundry covered parking t?JVmonth, lease through J»> n t4th Students Campui A;#i Quad $209 plus deposit 343 4109 CEDARWOOD QUAOS 441 E 17th EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATION' Contemporary unit* with ALL UTILITIES PAID Private ruom with lharad common areas $260 Lea*# required Call 344 9290 Jsnnmgi A Co 663 42t9 20 ROOMS American couple * I young girls wants female foreign student {, *hare Urge home Quiet private room utilities an meals lots )» ©itras jJOQfmo Sarah 342 430% Davis House 1h blkt from Mac Court Woman to share double or quad Susan 346 0991 Z50 PbRM fcONTtU^TS Dorm Contract For Sale Male or Female Contact Chris: 683 6192 DORM CONTRACT FOR SAlt Incentives Make of ter' Call Seen 346 6713 Dorm Contract For Sale Male Only Contact Jim 346 999.’ Dorm Contrect Male ♦ Female $7 00 Spring Term* meals me I Call 346 6427 or 346 9120 For Sale Cute Dorm Contract f - spring Incentive*1 Megan 34f> 990% ?55 ROOMMATES WAWTED Female roommate wanted to share 4 bdrm house a three Christian* Only $127 5(Vmo * util Jenny 741 1606 Roommate wanted to share trg «a qu>el 2 bdrm turn apt wdshwsh' 2 bln* fn.m •. arnpus $2SVmo 342 4490 4 bedroom house only 2 blo< ks from ampus $200mo Need one roommate as soon as possible 346 6162 270 CHILD CARE Child care in m, ' ■ ■■■■ ■* $6Q>*» Thurs Ion area Ages 6 and under 741 7161 Chnsiie Cali fo» appt Th* Student Inau » -■ o*T> *.M m«i#t fomo'"1* at ' K) »n ( <*• $4 %<• u+ %\ »»«Se«M S-iXai |wr**t m< »«*• r»»w‘ rmAi tOArz* t»»v N»i 7oo soo Allegro Non Troppo X 104 7 LATE NITE V **&•, ' 1 44 «NA4 4 04 n/ Pump Up The Volume, Mi 1 00 OAVIO l TUCKS AT HEART M,-A, ■ .a—,-.*. BUNGEE JUMP $75 6830857 $99 EMU Cultural lorum and U of O School ol Music, Dept ol Jazz Studies Present A FREE JAZZ CONCERT Featuring Jazz Lab Band 1 Tonight!!! 8:00 PM EMU Fir Room 305 COUNSELING' U ol O Crisis €•«!•» Hslplm# 146 44Hd ev»v nighti A, Ji» MMl 310 Lltrs 1 00 1 tsiii • 1 976 4600 • J9 9!wc4H rnJ916Z23 ??M >n • 19/6 J9J9 • ( j*r, 1’ fc» hotlmt party lm« 24firs S' r,.”un T Tt #916 22 1 2 /M , i; SAVF TIME MUI Of ADI INI S PROJM ! Of SI ARCH AVAIL AHl I I A-H 'OZth/pfOV»{J® y»«y Aifh th» ml on run »M4'y * >r youf li>t) tlontt A mu M3 2H42 • 1 976 62S5 • listen in on hoi U)* |t /vu in TTl *9t6 22 » 2 764 ..ll CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 lop rated combal pilot 4 (. nd»ng for host or count 7 Make hazy 11 Dross 13 Mauna — 14 Actor s quest 15 Arab ruler 16 Campaign ammo? 17 Cote dwollers 18 (jo over the limit 20 Vegetar ion rodent 22 Succor 24 Keep sakes 28 Common cial vessels 32 Razor sharpener 33 Mme yields 34 Anagram lor may 36 Animal 37 I'lay lor Me" (movie) 39 Broad lined 41 Takes a shown r 43 Chow the f.it 44 Graftod. in horjklry 46 Georgia crty 50 Audacity colloq 53 Orui loaguo 55 Pari of U5N 56 Word with coda or rug 57 Maidun name preceder 58 Pad or cap load in 59 Pack 60 M.gh explosive 61 Tiny DOWN 1 lurkish bigwigs 2 Swampy, in 'Bootle Bailey* 3 One of tho Greats 4 Shade tree 5 Dinner course 6 Former Egyptian VIP 7 Win big at the casino 8 Weather map area 9 Rubber tree 10 t ©gal matter 12 Commits a crime Solution timo. 26 mins Yoslorday's an%wi>f 2-23 19 l ivu and 1 ' (movie) 21 Comedian Bill, lor short 23 Dull 25 Emerald Isle 26 Swelling 27 f’asl tome ol 10 Across 28 Hosting pi.ICO 29 Opera bonus 30 Co/y rolroat 31 Adago 35 Russian plane 38 alronrj urgo 40 Beaver s pride 42 four ol duly 45 All trod 47 Miracle city 48 Kitchon need 49 Moscow negative 50 f uel 51 Good invest ment 52 Director Mi Carey 54 Still Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 the copy center • Al standard while is 50% recycled • 100% recycled unbleached available • Wide Selection ol specialty papers 860 E 13th Ave. 1265 Willamette St. 344-7894 344-3555) Open 24 Hours Open 7 Days TAX WORKSHOP FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND FACULTY Preparation of tax returns for Oregon Income Taxes Wednesday, February 27, 1991 3:00-5:00 p.m. EMU Fir Room Rcstnircc People Susan Grey, Tat Attorney Ennis Wuitc. Certified Public Accountant Oregon Tax Forms and instruction books will be provided. Participants should bring with them their W-2 forms. December 31 paycheck stubs, receipts 1040 NR forms and other documents needed to helpthcmcomplctc their state lax forms Sponsored bs the Office of Imrmmoiul Services, Graduate School utl GIT federation For morr information emit J4HJW Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ,&> ^CoP'n /W, VHAL i « WHAN I'fA ItyifJ' TO fcat-l. Si/tf HOrf J l W!ti. j V'cm' '4vp tACHnC*. *3? H0WF1- I'M HWW? *yAM c vlt-tf, M6 I'm lOOKluC fot !> WO*V>N WdO Wont tip ovr My <« /V m/ n f rw iw^v* yw 7Xf5 ivrfR'i.. fTAtr V * N£^: q*u,a!