DUCKS Continued from Page 11 Thi1 Dm ks owned a lead briefly during the Mart of the game, but saw it dissipate into .1 ( ate h up half ()regon re gained .1 lead In the ser.ond half. 14 4t. tied it later at 54-54, and pulled within three Indore Utd.A tallied up the last five points of the game for the victory UCLA HD Jam*aii« J T 11 5 1wi>j H S7 U William* 4ft 3 7. 11. St«ph«ni ft f® ?-tH 21 kr Sr-*! A ' 0 1 fr M A A A 1? V#' Qttltr**' 'j . 00 0 K*r*--«;r 14 ’ 2 J Lochi-.»tt 0 2 GO 0 Wfru? 1 2 0-0 2 Tol»*s 2ft 7? 21 30 82 ORfGON <74) SiM>»v . MVl1 >' 10 M. < *M'«f 1 4 i *> ‘j /, v - H O ?>ft 28 IVvvi" 4y 0-2 H V **> : i A 2 2 7 W**HK»t* '■■' 1 10 2 2 < 1 Smith i J : 2 3 $w*cfc>n«r' W 00 1 Camp r* .\i goals UClA *> '.4 (M< nr»'A-- 3 7 Sl«ph#fi» 2 7) 5 21 (Bouf^ 3ft Sto« »:■ 1 2 S*4KtoW 1 2 W*J»*nb04nO * McCftfl r’«> 0 i C*mpt*H 0 it Fo\jIp<1 c>ui W»ivo** SpOfC»Ch T#chntr*l loul 5l*ph#nt R* txiy-xj* UCLA 49 iroung 10} O*0<>" 3ft iSpO'cich 9» UCIA11 (Ksmrirth 4> O«gon 19 (McCa^lhUy 4 Tot** fou*» UCLA 21. O*0o'i 21 k 6«7 USC (67) K«K>n*r 4 9 1 3 9 WooflS 2 ft OO 4 t*» i>© 00 12 Story S'H 0 1.20 fc*»1»*iy 7 13 oo 14 M> :fc!*ntf 1? \f~. *t‘ . 10 0 1 4 W«:v^ *> 1 1 00 10. bourn 0 3. 00. 0 S»tM*©l» 2 6 >0 r; C©mpf>*t< 3ft OO. 7 *V»'f*ntx>m 0 3 0: M- 16 00 2 Swmtot"*' 2 7 oc 4 D«» * 0 7 00. 0 ltti#ffl 0 1 00 0 V Sm.lhOO 0-0 ) To'* 1 70 71 76 44 USC. « 41 67 22 22 44 Jpo.rf Q*\»m USC 4 16 (Story 4 1? **nntKjy 02 *Voodl Q1 f ©. O'© Qon 2 22 tCmmptmi'. 1 6 Sto*©n 1 3 VV*Ji#nOofn 04 $«id*n«f 0 4 Boom 03 I Smith 0 1. M arlr>#y 0 1 01) 6ou*#t1 out Non© R«t>Oondft USC 47 l©»t e 11) Of*9<>h 46 (WU*on 101 A*»■<»!» USC 10 (Slo'y 3) O©&o" 7 (StO*»*i 3) Tcrt©< *oul» USC 16 O©©o* 9 A 623 ■--—---I Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds. WRESTLERS Continued from Page 13 Strahm also finished third at 190 pounds to return to the \( 1AA (ihampionships. Paul keysaw of Cal-State Bakersfield defeated Strahm in Saturday's semifinals, but Strahm came back to beat Dwayne Buth of Fullerton State ll-r> in Sunday's semi finals and then hammered Fullerton State's Hay Koso 14-4 in the third-place fi rials. Oregon also had three oth it wrestlers. Rob Stone ( H2 pounds), Mat Sprague (lt>7 pounds) and Cam Strahm (heavyweight), all finish fourth All thr«“e could still make it to the N'CAAs as the conference coaches pick eight wildi ard entries to go to the N'CAAs However, those results were unavail able at press time. I’at Craig completed the scoring for the Ducks, fin ishing fifth at 150 pounds with a win and a loss Sun day. despite suffering a shoulder injury Saturday Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS KBIM UO M1KM 1IONS Hirfhtl*i Hshir* are turning Man h Mh" \Vat( h fur detail* in utMuminM nai>er»_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 IQS PERSONALS A Congratulations to all you newly elected officers!! President vtee Fr*? education Scholarship Administrative Asst Houwi Mgr T reasurer SocieJ Chen Recording Sec Corresponding Se< Ac hopes Panhellenic Dei Public Relation* Philanthropy Chen Rush Often Kat e M Crm j Jen T Stetey O Knatin Q Came S Cinaion» to me*© Confidential free testing BIRTHRIGHT 6h; f»M Greeks, today ia the day to turn in your order envelopes from letl weekends party Wally Planned Perenthood for Pa; smear infection if»ei and •. I'unseimg Days and evenings J44 Mil A wildcard would turn any s-ngm into a pen correct Stinson# TODAY IS GREG C. B DAY! 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