Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1991, Page 13, Image 12

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Rebounding hurts Ducks in loss
By Robert Weber
Emerald Sports Reporter
The Oregon men's basketball
team headed into this week's
games with UCLA and CSC
with dreams of the NCAA
Tournament dancing in its
Instead, the Ducks returned
home with two straight losses,
thinking an invite to the Na
tional Invitational Tournament
wouldn't be so bad after all
In dropping an H4-71 deci
sion to USC Saturday, the
Ducks were once again out
manned inside and fell to 7-7
in the Pacific-10 Conference
and 12-12 overall.
The Ducks and Trojans are
tied with Oregon State for third
in the Pac-10. but the loss end
ed any realistic hopes of Ore
gon qualifying for the NCAA
Tournament, considering the
Ducks close out the conference
schedule with a home and
home series against Arizona
and Arizona State.
The biggest problem fat ing
the Ducks against USC was
simple: rebounds, or lack ot
Led by Yamen Sanders, liar
old Miner and Ronnie Cole
man. the Trojans (7-7, 10-8)
dominated the battle of the
boards 50-33 and. in the pro
cess. set the tone early for the
entire game.
While Coleman was grabbing
10 missed shots, a couple
above his average, Miner and
Sanders were busy setting ca
reer-highs in the rebounding
Pac-10 Men
Washington St
Arizona St
Oregon St
Conf Overall Gama*
Wl Ml Behind
10 3 22 5
8 6 20 7 2"?
8 6 16 8 2*5
7 7 16 8 3 V?
7 7 12 12 3V»
7 7 13 11 3^
7 7 16 8 3'.’
7 8 14 11 4
7 9 1114 4 i
3-11 12 12 7 Vi
department with Hi and M. re
spectively. Nine of Sanders' re
liouniis came on tfie offensive
Oregon fell behind early he
cause it couldn't find a wav to
stop Coleman, who hit his first
eight shots on his wav to scor
ing 17 of his 114 points in the
first half
Terrell Hrandon missed his
first three shots before explod
ing for HI first-half points, hut
it was too big of a load for him
to carry all by himself
His 70 points for the game
left Brandon with 640 lor the
season, one more than Stan
Love’s school-record 0 HI in
1971 Brandon also broke his
own single season record for
steals when he pilfered three
against US(L giving him all lor
the year
Oregon received a big si are
when Brandon left the game in
the final two minutes after in
juring his left elbow, but the in
jury isn't believed to be seri
ous Brandon is expei ted to be
ready when the Ducks host the
Arizona schools next weekend
For all of his hard work.
Brandon earned the praises of
I 'S<' ( ii.ii h (leorge Has elmg
"Brandon, von i .m l tin a lot
with that 1 ittIt* rascal Basel
mi; said "I can't think of tins
one ss ho shut him (loss n I is ish
hr vs.is playing for us I'd lovr
to trade for him We'd give up
our Si liool of Kngineering
Ku hard l.uies Oregon's n
foot 7 senior center, tried to
help Brandon hs scoring I'1
points and grabbing eight
boards, but early foul trouble
limited him at the defensive
end of the < ourt
The Dm ks fought hai k from
a 1.1 point defic it in the first
half to tie the game at M ti-4 on
Brandon's short jumper svitli
7 i t left, but they were out
scored 20-7 tfie rest of the vs as
"Hell, we battled in the set
ond half, but couldn't keep up
with them." Oregon (!oai h Don
Munson said
"Tiles rebounded ssell today
and I thought the tone was set
i|ii ii k I y vs 11 li the phy sical
play '' fie said
l yd#n 2 ’ 00 5 ?f» 00 4 Lu> 4)
8IJ '■ I 0o»>«1on 11 h’ .N M .
4 13 (V1 10 Jofdan 0 2 2 2 2 »4n d#f VNn
I 1.00 2 Pa!t»r»c>> 0-1 00 0 Totals 2tMW
II U ?1
Co4#rn#n 112-4 3 3 24> ‘>4D>J#fS 1 7 00
h Coop«’ 2 ? 00 *c P* r 4 11 ■) I irt M •
7 15 6 9 24 Qiann 1 2 00 2 B*>, 1 0 0 1 2 I
0 2, 00 0, Claimant 3 00 \ Bfo*m
0 1 00 0 Kami# (VO, 00 0 Totals 2*72
21 23 64
OntQon 36 33
USC 4*> 39 64
3-Pom! goals Of agon 4 f.l Muon 2 f
Brandon 1 4 t yd#n 1 ?) USC *> 15 (Mm#r 2 *>
Copp#f 1 5 Pack 1 2 Chatman l 2 Glann o 1»
Foul ad Out Non# H«t>oundS Or#gon 13
(Lucas 6) USC bO (Sand#<s 16> C)f
•gon 17 (Brandon Lyd#n 4i USC 19 (Pa. * 6i
Total fouls Qf#gof' 18 USC 16 A 1 H29
Wrestlers take third
at conference meet
By Ashley Conklin
l meraid Spoils Editor
Oregon's wrestling team
plat oil third at tin’ i'ai ifn. Hi
Conference meet completed
Sunday night at Stanford
with four Dinks qualifying
for tin- N't A A Champion
ships Mari h 1-4 t • j
While Dan Vidlak. Scott
Clmm. Dam'll C.ustafson and
Curt Strahm all made il to
NCAAs, thrni' other Ducks
could tnakn it to the NCAA
ini't't depending on wildi ard
selei lions made by the I’ai
10 coaches The top three
wrestlers in all three weight
classes automatically qualify
for the NCAA Champion
fourth ranked Arizona
State won the tournament
for the seventh year in a row
with 1 1.! points, wliile ( al
State Hakersfield was second
with 1 0 1 ' t points, iusI
ahead of ( fregon s *12 1 t
Oregon ( oat h Kon Finley
was unityailahle lor com
moot at press time
Vidlak. a junior, won the
1 HI pound i lass for the set
ond time in three seasons af
ter finishing third a year
ago Vidlak. undefeated this
season, was the top seed 111
the 11H pound i lass and
heat Cal State Bakersfield's
I'.it I liga i> 0 Vicllak is nms
lll-ll tills season
I |iisl went liartl and the
points started coming."
Yidlak said I didn't mv«•
him a i hit in e to get into the
mati h I limited mv mis
takes this time and wrestled
a little smarter
(I I e n n . iv h o rec ent I v
dropped down from 141!
pounds to t )4 pounds to
have a better i ham e ill the
\t AA meet lost a I 1 dec i
sum in overtime to top seed
Marco Sane.he/ ol Arizona
State, who s i o r e d a
takedow n of (ileiill with
I VI remaining in overtime
The surprise ol the tourna
men! for the Dm ks had to he
(lustafson. a junior at tall
(iustalson hat I led hai k
through the consolation
rounds after losing his open
mg mate h in the cjuarterfi
mils Saturdac,
I rom there he won four
mati lies to plac e third. Iw.it
mg Hill (iru nil lor ol ( a I
I’otv San I-iiIs t )!>ispo 2 1 in
overtime in the semifinals
In the third plac e finals,
(lustalsnn tojiped (laI Slate
Hakersfield s Brian Malavar
I 1 III two overtimes
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