SPORTS Oregon swept by Bruins, Trojans By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Repo'>" Following the Oregon wom en’s basketball team’s <>7-4-4 loss to USC Sunday at Mi Ar thur ('ourt. the sunny skies hail Ducks’ Coach Klwin Heim’s mind on another sport. "Let’s go golfing." Heiny said And no wonder The Ducks’ 24-point setback featured their second worse shooting percent age of the season and kept them reeling on a four-game losing streak, whi< h includes an 82-74 loss to t K ll.A Friday. Only 29 percent of Oregon's shots fell in the game, as the Dm ks couldn't find any offen sive rhvthm in the second half Out of Oregon's 17 attempts from the three-point line in the second halt, two treys fell "We couldn't score; we couldn’t shoot." Heiny said "We had very good shots " During the opening minutes of the contest neither team was shooting well With only It) minutes remaining in the open ing half, Oregon. I ll in the Pacific-10 Conference and 10-14 overall, held its final lead of the game, a 10-9 edge Hut from there, the scoring ti nally picked up and USC owned a 20-22 halftime advan tage. When the Ducks had the lead during the start of the half, they appeared to be in control, and it was the Trojans, 9-0 in the conference and la id overall. Pac-10 Women Stan lord Washington use Washington St UCLA California Oregon St Arizona St Oregon Arizona Coni Overall Garnet W L W L Behind 14 1 21 4 12 2 20 3 t'j 06 15 10 5 86 16 8 5’z 82 13 12 6 7 8 13 11 7 68 14 10 7'} 4 10 13 10 9'; 3-11 10 14 10"i 1 13 621 121z that looked sketchy "It was terrible." Heim said of both teams' slow starts "(USC) was very sluggish at the beginning It was a game that we could have won right there, had we fleet) on the ball " Hut the Dm ks were far from being on the hall, and when the Trojans took to the floor in the second half, they took the game After ext tianges of has kets during the opening five minutes. l'S(! put a giant e\i ta rnation mark on the end of the game b\ oring Oregon 20-11 m tlie game's final min lltes. The Trojans were able to run the court at will in the second flail, as their transition game kicked into high gear "Transition was a fear from tfit' beginning." fleinv said, "and once they got on a roll, everything went Debbie Sporcit h. who scored 10 of the Dm ks‘ last 12 points in tlie first half, was not a fat tor in the second half, connecting on onlv one basket from the floor. Fellow freshman post Sara Wilson was the only other Due k to score m double figures totaling 11) points off of lier eight offensive rebounds t SC star l.isa t.eslie stored onlv 12 points hi the contest well below her average and similarlv Friday night. CCl.A’s Kehema Stephens the fourth leading scorer m the nation at 27 points a game was also held under her average Hut just as ( )regon fell to I'SC's other weapons, the Hru ins found wavs to get by the Hoiks without a great perfor mam e from their superstar Stephens hit only l> of l‘l shots for 21 points, so Wilson assumed e.enterstiige against CCI.A. H 7 ill the I’ai 10 and 1112 overall, si oring 20 points in the first half, an Oregon in dividual season high lor am halt The Oregon center finished w dll 20 points on 11 of It shooting, and pat aid the llutks right from the opening pimp "It felt great, but I owe it id I to the people who were passing it lo me.” Wilson said "Edwin told Us to get it dow n low just take it to them Oregon's front line of Wilson. Sport ich. lesha Smith, anil 1'rina McCartney stored all huf three of the team s U first half points, hut even Oregon's big players were not enough lit hold down the Hru ins Turn to DUCKS Page 14 Amlin Kanivn Freshman renter Sara Milton hail a career-high 28 /mints against UCLA, but Oregon still lost. 82-74. TEST PREPARATION WORKSHOPS SPRING TERM 1991 SCHEDULE GRE Preparation $50 Session / (Test Dote April 13. 1991) Tuesdays and Thursdays March 26, 28, April 2, 4,9, 11 7 00 pin - 9:00 pm Session // (Test June 1. 1991) Tuesdays and Thursdays April 30. 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