Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS >mm \m \riw\< iions Hirihtla» Hsbtrs arr corning Mirth Blh" Watch (nr drluU in uik mnint p«ix»r»_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 IBM 284 clone. I6mh/ Iasi" 2 mb HAM EGA CATO. 5/PiG POM* Great me f.hm«' |U00 obo Cam now 4«6 724? ask for Evan STEREO FOR SALE Turntable dual c asset!® AM f M '*]u 1200 O5o 6A5 tM4 Oitl’HlOi OVATION 12STRING.MNT COND.ACOUS/ELEC.CASE MOO OBO,683 1741 i»om'UL6TklNd Need cAtk? Slop moping sell !h..*se winter clothe* lo Bing Cheery Pe«ete at 62 W 13th Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar tor Men s and Women i clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING WINTER TERM < oo»set**s * t>e : removed from our sales Mock begm j ning TOOAV to make mom 1 or SPRING TERM book* Hiease puf' base any »ema«nmg WINTER TERM books NOW Thank you. UO Bookstore Coursabook Dept Stall UO BOOKSTORE 1 Jth & KiiKkd M f / 306 Sal 10-6 j Phone 346 4 331 ISO mi Mia CHEAP! Ro«signal Tourtng/Croes Country skis, bools and poles Fite ST' lemele IN obo 444 8431 imr TOO SPRING BREAK V16 3/24 HT to Honolulu Mom Portland V550 obo 464 2W6 OeMa A.'imes Musi sell SPRING BREAK 3/16 V24 HT to Palm Spring* *t» '■ mi ‘x»ai!i0 32 16 of•<> 346 J326 2 round!np online tickets Portland lo New York. Ma; 16 26 3300 earn Cali Paul or Garin 3450516 SAlf MISC ATTENTION The Sunr>*«J Cent#' >* conducting a Coordinator Search for lout {>**<1 positions 1 Urban Ecology 2 Public lands 3 Youth Greens A R«m Fo'est Action Group Th#»e positions »un from M»' t thru spring Itim each «nll receive SSO iliptndlmo The Survival Gent*' * an AA.TEO employer Oeed'>ne to* apph Caf*0«» and it Feb 2S «t Spm »n the Survival Center Suit* V Of ASUO Suit* A f MU Position desc up t*ons c*n be obtained tn both pf* ** Fo» more info please < *H 3*6 -43S8 ATTENTION: | Student Project* Inc has 2 open | ueat* on it* Board o» Director*- Th.«. ' 'n operation t>» f ootnote* j note taking erordprocetsmg end . F AY %e»vices The board r,'eet* .« ! minimum ot ?« 'month Student* only Women minorities phy»ic *11 y • challenged end gey a end lesbians , encouraged to apply in Suite a ■ Rrt 2 tB I Mu Appi M el ion* due March t [ IWI by bpm " 1NT€HNSMIP OPPOUTUNlTf j Willamette International Trade Center j Noe accepting rttumat and inter j Vine* for Spring end Summer term* j ! taro term commitment | Student Interna *>H «rork on protect j teem* designed to f e< ititate interna j i one* trade in len« County Pa»v*nu | pass credit* available Student* *nth ! skill* in journalism marketing ; *n(J*or organ. jettons afe encouraged , to apply An position* are voluntary I l*»ea*e submit Resume ■ 1 Transcripts by February 28 ’99’ ti Arty Knight Willamette tnt i Trade • j Center TOfWillamette St Eugene OR 9 7401 Phone t f>M. 019fi Leadership Opportunity Tam Spring arid Fall credits and de»ei up your leadership skill* white helping nee student* adjust to college life Noe seeking Freshmen Interest Group Leaders Apply by F eb 28th t&4 Oregon Mali 34® 3211 ROLE PLAYERS NEEOED lor job mtecv.ee simulations to be video taped & used in reeee/c n Compensa lion available Cell 34® 3309 anytime tor details Stop Before you spend S400 $600 to prepare tor the MCAT l SAT | GMAT ot GRE find out what pro ! grams the Umversrty offers For | more in formal ion contact Academic learning Services. 68 PlC 34® 322® mn Storewide Sale For 2-days only M Ofl regular priced merchandise 10% 011 regular priced (Mischull shoes No laitwty limited U> vOfc k oul the yaiiH-s you play" MOHAWK MARKETPLACE 1918 M a rents Road • 741-3381 ?is OPPbRtUNITIES - STUDENT SENATE SEATS AVAILABLE r4 f due ation English G'arts Interdisciplinary Studies *17 Undeclared Application* are >n Suite 4 EMU The* ©'# due on 2722701 ASUO >s an Af'.rmativ© Ac bon Equal Opportunity f 'nptOy#* T raveling Soon7 Apply lor ©n Am«Kin Express c»d Fly anywhere in the USA IOf HOT or Ini Call TODAY** 4SMB ?«)HW>WANtfo - ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT '.*h©ri©«v Earn WOO - wr*©x in r»nw> WOOD |1? OCX) * for tw months on h*hmg vessel Over 6000 »p©mng» NO *»p©M©n l« f Mala or Famala For 6&iag»* employ fx« kiwi «m(J SB 96 * MAL R*-u,*»ch Boa 64006 Seattle V*A 96*24 .X) day • >'>durK mg on# Summar Senior Desk Ass.slant (osrbon with University Hooting f**n room bo»*d weekly salary and valuator* job e*peri©nc© years ol oMk© etpanem «* or equivalent recommended Poibbon encompassing fourteen *<-«** s of turn mar For mor* mformafion Po*il*On Description and Application available el University Housing Off'Ca WaMon Gompie* located at 15th A .©and Agate Si un 4277 Application daad l«na it 5 00pm F abruary 22 1991 University Housing it an aqua! opportunity affirmative action ampioy nr commillwj to CuMuia* diversity Cratar Lake Lodge and Orayon Caves Chateau will ba racruiting on campus Fab 26 Contact Studant Employ man! for mors information Desperately saakmg nenmes Boston s leading nanny agency invite* you to apand a rewarding and haiiengmg yaar with carefully screened profas siona) families Complala support naf wort awaits your arrival On© year commitmanf For a local mtarviaw call Amenc an AUPAIR 1 600 2626771_ GTF Positions , bonpl lab has 1 position baginning Spring Tarm and 1 position baginning Fan Term »n DOS compufar 'at Must have knowledge of DOS networks sta tisticai and spreadsheet software Du ties involve consulting teaching ami trouble sbootmg hardware-'software problems For further into cal* Kath lean Latra >464642 346 2S4 7 9 PLC HELP NEW STUDENTS: Become a pear mentor Welcome new students to the University Training provided Sign up with YWCA. 641 E 16th >46 44>9 leave massage HOME TYPISTS, Pv use's needed SYS 000 pot ant-at Dela-is Cal! . 11 805 962 6000 E .1 B 9642 Instructors and counsaiors needed tor U ol O Upwr.rd Bound Program June 16 August 12. 1W1 Call >46 >501 tor application Deadline March 1. 5 00 pm AA/EOE Minorities and women encouraged 1o apply._ INTELLIGENCE JOBS AH branches US Customs Of A etc Now hiring Cali ' |.' ► # 4. It’s easier than you think to pay f - your college education working at Jiggies Excellent money he*ibie hours Call Nancee or Brook to» per sonai interview >44 6697 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem of a deal! Now Hiring Student Coordinators Cultural Forum & SARO positions begin Spring Term for 91 92 Heritage Music Visual Arts National Music lectures Film Performing Arts Regional Music f vents Crew Deadline Friday Fabruary 22nd Stop by Suite 2 f Mu f< ■ >nf >rmatton ! A application >46 4373 Th# CF A ■"* i • • , . 220 HELP WANTED Nanny »o» 11 year ol<* Qr'1 l '0*1 houMMiMtvmg duties Secretariat skill* a plus PoluNt room an an 9 am daily Ov**f lf> (XVhr to »*arf Apply m parson to EMU Food Saryu r> by 2 '22/91 Studant Representative for Mrcroaol! product 1 hr week flexible schedule many fringe benefits Please raapond with re*un>a cv background inform# i-on io Microsoft. 14314 $w Allan Bivd Su'1©311 Bea*aMOn 9/00S Sum mar Camp Job* interviews Fabruary 26 Day Camp Playground rat'.r eat ion lead vi want ad Westmoreland Community Canter fugana Park* and Recreation Sign up and aubmit resume to Studant Employment. 1? Handru fcs Hall SUMMER CAMP JOBS for m«n A women Midden Valley amp interviewing Feb 27 Make appt A ge! further into al Student Employ Hand Summer Job* Coun*#iora/Summer children* camps/Northea&i Top *aiary rrrvbd/laundry Travel m low ante Must have skill in one ot t?*« following activities ax fiery era*!* baseball basketball bicycling dance drama drum* fencing football golf guitar gymnastic* hockey horseback Eng ir»h juggling karate iacro»*e nature photography piano rocketry r oiler blading rope* *ai I boarding. »a*i mg scuba aoccar track watersk* weight* wood Drop by tor an informal interview on Monday Feb ?Sth in EMU Century A A E from 11 am b pm Swimming Job* (WSb childrens c amps Norlhaasi Men and women who can taach chtidran to swim »wim team beautiful pool and lake* m the Northaa*t Good salary room A board travel ©«{*en*e Drop by tor an informal interview on Monday f eb 2Sth. in EMU Century A A E from 11 am *) pm t Bunts job* Summer children* camp* Northeast Men and women who can teach children m the Northeast Good saia'v room A board travel expense Drop by for an informal interview on Monday Feb 2Sth in EMU Century A A f from 11 am 5 pm Umpires Needed High school baseball and softball Gartie* begin at 4 30 pm daily 1st meeting Feb 10th and framing «va>i able Ken 4H4 170b UttHty Worker Child Care A Development Centei* i» desperately looking tor a Utility Work er Skill* and job* include fix it clean up paint carpentry haulmg load*, of sand material* etc Time he ruble but must t«« 4*i».!«Me approximately 10 hrvei Pay S‘> iVhr Must have related job experience own transportation « given to individuals with U ot O Mousing experience Th© S©nior Desk Assistant works average ot 20 | hours p*f wee* divid©d between desk and supervisory duties Th© S© , nior Desk Assistant must l*v© in th© i U ot O r©sid©nc© halls and be r©gis j t©r©<1 tor a minimum ot 8 undergrad ! ual© or 1 graduate credit houHSi I Candidates must have an accumula j tiv© GPA of 2 25 and received at i least a 2 25 last term APPLICATIONS Applications are available at aJi Area Desks and are do© bar* to any Area Desk no late' j than 5 00 pm February 26 1991 j Only completed applications will be given consideration ! University Mousing is an Equal j Opportunity Affirmative Action i institution Committed to cultural 235 APTS/DUPIEXES ALDERWOOD MANOR 1M0 Aider Street Accepting applications for studio, t. 2 A 3 bdrm apartments »n e*c campus Jennings ♦ Co _M3 4219 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 715 1 16th (behind house! 3 bdrm appliances laundry off street parking 1887 343 6000 BRAND NEW* PARKGROVE 3109 Kins Row If you are looking for a place to call home consider Parfcgrove Quiet spacious and conveniently located •cross from Aut.'en Stadium Onsite fitness center pool and covered parking 1 or ? bedrooms available *525**575 bSb 2465 Jennings A Co._M3 4219 CASTLE TERRACE 243 F Street Nice i and 2 bedroom Hats Attractive compiei with pool storm doors and quiet From *33V*395 Call 741 2296 ja A Co_M3-4219 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 6th STUDIOS FOR JUST *265' Downtown location PARKING onsite laundry Call 344 5563 Jennings A Co 663 4219 Furnished large i bedroom near Music Building *365 Cal' at tor 2 Ridgewood A| artmants 686 5769_ GREYST0NE T0WNH0USES 211 Brtarciiff Newly remodaied two bedfoom townhouses Close to busline' Plenty of parking *395 Call 669 6667 Jennings A Co_ M3 4219 Large t bedroom unfurnished built in office space lots of storage Prime U of O campus Vocation, good privacy Students only no pets non smokers please *37Srmonth 1360 Alder Street. 345 5949 Large 2 bdrm apt. 1 blocks from campus. Avail March 1. Call 344-5478 anytime day or night. Large 2 bedroom apartment available 1477 Miiyard St Avail March 1 _ 464 9922 _ One bedroom. M block to center of campus Patio, new carpet, parking, quiet 1375 667 0621 SPRING/SUMMER TERM Groovy 1 bdrm dpi* Track lighting, dtshwashe' disposal »V't> hookup Close to campus *450* mo 3446155 ' TM£~C0U.t0IAN 1810 Aidw non leasing Upscale student housing j including meals 343-12SS_ 23S OPTS/DUPLEXES Specious 1 bdrm apt dose to campus deck 1320/mo * MpoHI 343*4100 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS' 1 bedrooms at 1365 Large 2 • bed rooms A 3 bedrooms 1535/665 FREE PARKING Nice Courtyard' 6830729 Jennings 4 Co643 4219 1370 High 1 bdrm private patio. 1325 #77 E 37th 2 txlrm duple * oarage 1475 Springfield 120 F Street Freshly painted 1 bdrm. laundry, parking 1320 525 Pioneer Prfcwy 2 txlrm new carpets 1350 No pets By appointment Spyglass Associates 666 1130 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE APTS 1555 W 18th Spacious 2 bdrm Dishwasher disposal appliances laundry oil , . ► g S4 /U 343 6000 2 bedroom apartments available 15th and Mill area 1 bedroom apartment available 15fh & Hilyard 464 9922 240 QUADS ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder Street • 345 5949 Recenlly remodeled furnished well managed units Prime U of O campus location Utilities included on site laundry, covered parking 1235/month lease through June 14th Students only, no pets Campus Area Quad 1209 plus deposit 34 3 4109 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATION* Contemporary units with ALL UTILITIES PAID Private room with shared common areas 1250 Lease required Call 344 9290 Jennings 4 Co 663 4219 Large, clean rooms Vy block to cam pus Utilities free 1220rmonth 1866 Hams St #3 Manage* 343 2378 Wood side Manor Quad Prtv Room 6 Bath, all utils pd Amy 1259/mo Call 465 0607 2 WEEKS FREE 430 E 15th 1225/month Call Don 345 5135 245 ROOMS American couple w;3 young girts wants female foreign student to share large home Quiet private room ut-iit.es ah meals lots of extras 1300/mo Sarah. 342 4305 Roommate wanted 2BR house campus Must like animals 1250 ' .• * • . utilities M3 754 7 2 rooms for rent in beautiful old home nee» ( am pus 1213 75 Cali 465 3189 250 dorM bbWTRACTS Dorm Contract For Sale Male or Female Contact Chris: 683-6192 DORM CONTRACT FOR SAU incentives Make offer' Call Sean 346-8713_ Dorm Contract For Sale Male Only Contact Jim 346 9992 For sal# cute, user friendly dorm contract Available tor Spring term Megan. 346 9905 255 bOOMMATe! WAmTIB— Female roommate wanted to share 4 bdrm house w/three Christians Only *_ UH! 741 ’605 Female roommate *..'<•> to share 2 bdrm 4 blks from UO H 75/mo refund Sit |7! all 3434*516 Roommate wanted to share irg clean quiet 2 bdrm turn apt w/dshwshr. 2 blks from campus 1255/mo 342 4490 1 room tor rent woman only 1225/lobo) • last month Utilities included 4 5 blks Irom campus 34 3 7167 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU SOBIOOP aeU'.&Bsa. r S)P nil / CALL foBWOP r rO