ENTERTAINMENT Good Times offers music, games By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter Thu rollicking blues of Little Charlie and the Nightcats will take over Good Times C’«f«* and Bar. 375 K. Seventh Ave . at ') 30 p m tonight and Saturday night Known as one of the premier nightclub touring hands on the West Coast, the group jams up a lusty brand of postwar blues groove with smatterings of swing, jazz and rook "There's a growing < lientele for blues in Eu gene and I personally enjoy it. ’ said Jim Jensen. Good Times co-owner "So I pick mostly blues oriented bands to play here In keeping with the blues spirit. Good Times also holds weekly blues jam every Monday night Sign up for musicians is at li p m and admission is $1 The liar's patronage is eclectic: upper middle class, business executives, blue-collar workers and older college students Good Times boasts the lies! sports coverage (popular for its Blazer games), aided by the com manding presence of two satellite dishes, two big sc reen TV's and sin television monitors There art- also pool tables, dart boards and pinwheel mac bines for the times when television gets old Three years t«n:k. Jensen, a University alum nus paired up with his brother. Bob, and bought the building, which was then a topless bar Their goal was to revamp its image "We tr\ to encourage a fun. welcoming setting for people to come unwind and relax." Jensen said "It's like a classic (.'/leers type bar What many local residents may not be aware of is that the cafe was voted by the Oregon Advvn fore Tmvi-I Vfaga/ine as the place that dishes up the liest hamburger in the state Hat h night, different bands take to the stage, adding diversity to the music sc rue With so nun h to keep a person entertained, what of tin- under-21 c rowd who cannot yet par take of the c luh sc ene? Jensen said he plans to ex tend Ins establishment onto a larger premise soon when; the- vounger c rowd c an attend the live per formant es in their own sec lion separate from the older clientele " It would lie great if everyone could share in the good times." he said. Just order a large, Thin or Thick Crust Pietro's Pizza at regular price and yet a Medium, Thin or Thick Crust, One topping pizza for iust 99c Pietros Pizza Your Great Northwest Family Pizza Place SANTA CLARA 2620 RIVER ROAD • 688-2222 CAMPUS 20 E. 18th • 342-2323 FREE DELIVERY FROM OUR NEW P.D.Q. 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FEB. 22 The Contemporary Music Ensemble will perform a program of 20th century mu sic at 8 p m in Beall Concert Hall. 961 E. 18th Ave. Tick ets. available at the door, are $:t general admission and $1 students and senior citizens. Betty Carter, a jazz vocalist, will perform at 8 p m. in the Hull Center's Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $15 and $12.50, and can lie pur chased by calling the box of fice at 887-5000. TUESDAY. FEB. 26 Oregon Vocal Jazz, the Uni versity Women's Vocal jazz. Ensemble and two South Eu gene High School vocal groups, will perform at 8 p.m. in Beall Concert Hall, 961 E. 18th Ave. Tickets, available at the door, are $.1 general and Si students and seniors. THURSDAY. FEB 28 Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, famed for his stream-of-con sciousness gonzo journal ism. will speak at 7 p.m. in the Eugene Hilton Ballroom. Tickets, available at the EMU Main Desk, are $8 for students and $12 general ad mission. TANS r> / vr\ FOR $15 13th & Patterson 342-1727 offer expires 2-28 41 ISRAEL WEEK Feb. 25th-March 1st Mnn Keh 23th Rabbi Kuw Intrii lo Israrl Union A Meaning (lunmuxl Room 2 30-4 30pm Lucs Kch 2hth films Ihe Strategic Equation ’' and ' 'Media Ctnerage of Israel C edar Room A 2 004 00pm John Rothman (former aide lo Ninon on Israel. National executive commit lee mcinhcr of the Zionist Organisation of America ) Ben Under Room 6 00 4 30pm Wed I'ch 27th film Ihe Intifada through Israeli eyes'' Hen Linder Room 2 304 30pm Gu> Hrinrr Israeli soldier. served in West Bank "tnperieiKcs of a young Israeli soldier ssith the Intifada Discussion skill follow Kir Room 6 00 4 00pm Thurs Kch 28th film ' Sion of Ethiopian Jen s'' Israel nations of the nor id ' Ben Linder Room 2 30 4 00pm 4 00- 3 3()pm ' Rap with the Rabbi' " 'Israel ami our community '' Koinoina Center. 1414 Kincaid Hannah Safran and Nabila Kspaniois * Jemsh/Arab cooperation feminists for peace'' Fir Room 6 00-4:00pm *sub)cct to change depending on war hack up scheduled Kri March I - Guy Hrinrr leftist move menu nithtn Israeli'' discussttm Ben Linder Room - 2 30-4 00pm .\pe< 101 mons\ 10 <**o supfx triers rw,tmen Stu*l;c\ liff* The Progressive /sonist Con cus. I Sl> Israel As turn Center imencan Is ttrust Youth Tt Htnduttort. Sixmo Alpha Mu Ju doit bund Hillel. Temple Beth Israel, and our JSU