UNIVERSITY IFC tables fraternity council budget By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter The Incidental Fee Commit tee allocated budgets to three student groups Wednesday night, but voted to table the budget of the Interfraternity Council after a heated debate with that group. IFC 1C requested a 1991-‘12 budg et of $19,858 The group was allocated $8,778 for this year The increase would have been used primarily to offset the costs of rush and three confer ences. However. ASIJO Fi nance Coordinator Sam Nhem recommended a new allocation of $8,800. IFC members subsequently voted 2-0-5 In approve a budget of $9,.'118. which 1C would have used for rush expenses IFC members kari Anderson and Mike Colson voted in fa vor, while Jennifer Hills. Bar i lay Grayson. Freddy Vilches. JoSonja Watson and Armando Morales abstained Nhem said that in light of that fact that most other groups were either having their budg ets cut or kept at present levels she would veto the IFCs alio cation. In the end, a motion was passed to reconsider the budget at a later date after !( members have had time to con suit w ith Nhem Project Saferide. currently re ceiving a budget allocation of $15,79*1, requested a 1991-92 budget ot $15,708. reflecting a decrease in the group's postage costs A of $l.ri.7l(i was unanimously approval by the 1F(' Thu $H adjustment was made to cover the recent in c rease in the pric e of stamps Panhellenic. now budgeted at $7. Pi t. requested the same amount, hut was unanimously alien ated $7 102 for int reused postage c osls The journal of Lnvironmental lutw and Litigation, now budg eled at $2.ri4t>. requested a new hudget of S.r».2r»0. I he ini reuse would have! (teen used to pill) hsh JKI.L twiic1 a year, rather than the i urrent annual issue However, the lit! voted unant mously to keep jKLl.’s l'l'll ‘II hudget .it its present level In other business, the IK unanimously allot ated a $2.1 in special request from the ASI'O to Whitebird (71 init lor an over looked hill HOUSING Continued from Page dents' housing needs .ire being met. Bartlett said The University has been re Indent to provide information on how its housing develop ment compares with other Fau lt) institutions. Bartlett said "How do we know (without information) that we are not in the low end of the totem pole?" Bartlett said, referring to other Pac-10 institutions’ housing plans. But Dan Williams. University vice president for administra tion, said he is surprised at Bartlett's comments because the l'niv«?rsit%• has "responded to every single question" Dwy er has asked Marjory Rainey. University Housing director, does not op pose the bill, but believes the comparison of institutions is like comparing "apples and or anges " She said it is not an ac curate way to assess how effec tively universities meet stu dents’ needs Out of the approximately 18.000 University students, about 21 percent live in Univer sity housing, with 17 percent residing in residence halls and 4 percent living in family hous ing Ramey said colleges in small t'r towns will naturally provide mom housing than institutions in larger towns, which have larger private sec tors to supply housing A December letter from Uni varsity ('resident Myles Hrand to Dwyer, states that compari sons are not useful According to the letter. “ •is an institution we may have much in common with the Uni varsity of Washington, hut Ku gone is nothing like Seattle community context plays a key role in defining what is possi hie or desirable for a university in regard to issues sm li as housing Land of the Lost .-\ landscaping project between Streisinger and Wil lamette hulls wus transformed into u prehistoric scene eurlv Thursday morning when two blow-up dinosaurs found their wav onto the muddy courtyard Photo hv Sean Poston Native American filmmaker to present lecture, movies MEETINGS YKl! alums will meet Saturday afternoon at 2 at 4>to \Y. 17th Ave Gulf War emotional support group meets today from 3:30 to 5pm in Koom 11!) Fenton. Constitution Court meets tonight at ri ill in Koom ttill Oregon Hall to discuss reapportionment of student senate seats Active Christians Taking a Stand meets tonight .it 7 in Koom 14ti Straub. SPEAKERS AND LECTUKES Conservation of endangered birds in Austin. Texas is the subject of an ecology colloquium to 1m- presented by Craig Pease of the University of Texas. The presen tation will be held today at 3:30 p in. in Room 110 Willamette. Alanis Obomsawin. the first Native Ament .in worn .in filmmaker, will lecture and show her film. Kit hard Cardinal Cry from a l)iar\ at a Slot is Child, today at i It) p.m in Room 1 IH Gilbert She will show her film Pound maker's l.odgrr A 11 on ling Platt• Saturday in Room 1-tti Straub Call :t4t> rit)15 for more information Et als MISCELLANEOUS Weekend Masses will be celebrated at the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St . at the following times Sat urday at 5 p.m ; Sunday at ‘1 and 11 a m and at 7 :10 p.m. Daily Mass is said at rc It) p m Women's legal Issues Conference will lie held Sat 11 relay from ‘I to a m to t> p m in I at vv S< hool Kmuu Hitt Call (44 ri2tlH for more information DMA Movie Night will be held tonight at 7 III in Adams Lounge Lenten (kimmuniun Service will be held today at noon at tin- Wesley (lenter. 12.'lti him aid St Tax resistance workshop will he' held tonight at 7 at l diuri h of the Brethren. HUH Main St in Springfield Shabbot will he held .it Kabhi Hunan's home ( all Hillel at 14 I H‘)2() (or more information MCAT registration packets for pre medical students are available in Knnm lt>4 Oregon Hall A non-violence workshop for an upcoming war pro test will he held Sunday from It) a m to 7> p m at the hoinonia (lenter. 14 14 him aid St 11 <>t () I )is( ount l).n EVERY SATURDAY takt* an additional 10% OFF All Purchases Al NEWBERRY'S Variety Store Downtown 9bb Willamette Must present l ol ( ) I I) !o Ko eiu> l)is( ount Car Care with a Conscience Audi VW ^ Porsche ■ BMW Alfa Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz IMPORT AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W. 7th, Eugene • 687-0040 THE STUDENT TRAVEL PROGRAM. At A/uinano, we take student travel seriously. 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