Oregon Camp Adventure Catch the Magic! FUN, FUN,FUN IN '91 IM Work as a Camp Director, Camp Counselor, Teen Specialist, Specialty Camp Counselor, Lifeguard and/or Swim Instructor in Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Hawaii or California this summer. Receive 15 credits, stipend and roundtrip airfare. For information and applications visit the Camp Adventure Office: 137 Essfinger or call 346-1030. (EO/AA Employer) APPLICATIONS DUE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH! Here* unw It Works • • • _ \VJD\0 V\DEO depixrtment pt&B of MA|nFl00P \yv rSSoOUHTS SSS.** 990 «.•-* sssrsf« $1" 18-23 VIDEO 'tA^E $2.$9 FUJ,HmQabch D»COUNTS l°°‘ F0„B„“ SomH. * WUNPBtUUfP * S*(AT f 0« PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS •0VIDEO I GAMES All GAMCS WORK WITH NICKH S ADMISSION '1 SO STM STRUT HRUC RUMfT lltClHi • MS-1444 THE PRIVACY fourteen p#ivQt#ly ©nclo4«d spos await you Of Onwn Nature's own breezes will refresh you m our open-to the sky rooms Our worm bubbly water will reki* you Get to know us and close the door on the world for one quiet hour moo Pay hot tu® mmtai Taking '9%+t nations unlit II 30 p m weekdoyS until 12 45 weekends Co11 345 ‘<*048 1883 Gorden A.e fugene com TO TIE OUStl CISCIKS ive and worn thrs summer at incredible Crater ike national Pam m southern Oregon ienown lor its amajmgly blue lake and spectat itar mountain scenery Crater Lake is a great ilace tor hiking camping fishing and other KJtdoor activities :rater lake Lodge Company operates lodging estaurants gift shops campground and boat ours tor the park visitor lodging seeks front desk and reservation clerks housekeeping janitorvm and laundry staff security night auditor campground hustmostess Food torvico seeks fountain deli and cafeter.a cooks pantry workers servers bussers bartenders dishwashers janitors and security Other stotf needs include boat opera tors retail clerks drivers office clerks service station maintenance An portions season*/ some supervisory positions av Room and Board provided for a »e«t Yo facilities for femmes or pets iJonus tor comp*#t»on of con trad OUR UTTER VIEWING SCHEOULf Location: Erb Memorial Student Union Room: Century Rooms C&E Date: February 28 Time: 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30 Application* and intarvtaw sign-up liat available at Student Employment 12 Hendricks Hall PltiM call 1-503-594-2511 tot additional information CRATER LAKE LODGE COMPANY PO Boi 126 • CtiDMLaka 0t»gon9?60« £<|u* CveonuHty Anvmpbv* Acuor Cmpiciy*' THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan whan you want it! SunShower on campua a»na • »>« t iw »H«I *f w« 1 re^Hsed (Pape# is'&aj^RD/a. kinko's the copy center • Al standard while is 50% recycled • 100% recycled, unbleached available • W de selection ot specially papers 860 E. 13th Ave. 1265 Willamette St. 344-7894 344-3555 Open 24 Houre Open 7 Daye BEN FRANKLIN CRAFTS And Frame Shop POSTER SPECIAL We II frame your poster, includes mounting, regular glass metal frame plus all the labor Si/es up to 18x24 $29 95 Sizes up to 24x36 $39.95 Si/es up to 30x40 $49 95 Harlow & Gateway Road Springfield • 726-2641 CINEMARK THEATRES