UNIVERSITY University Institute excels behind strength of faculty By Tammy Batey Emefald Reporter Money doesn't always talk, at least not very loudly, to sci entists of the University's Insti tute of Molecular Biology When Aaron Novick. found ing director of the institute, first arrived at the University in 1959, he had an enormous task before him: to .make the insti tute a success under the con straints of a tight budget. Before his retirement last year, Novick accomplished that goal with hard work and his ability to recruit a strong facul ty. A key concept Novick taught his colleagues at the institute is die importance of respect "I believe in having a lot ol respect for individuals." he said. "If you treat people with dignity and respect they be come very loyal Never forget that the teaching relationship should be a loving one. not a judgmental one." Much of the research at the institute focuses on genes. No vick said A gene is a feature common to all life whether it is "trees or elephants or mosqui toes or bacteria." he said Genes contain the informa tion for constructing proteins, the "machinery of all living creatures." Novick said. DNA .ire molecules that contain in formation just like a record or a compact disc with an abstract representation as opposed to an analog representation. An example of analog repre sentation would be dress pat terns, which are the same shape of the dress. Novick said An abstract representation would be an inscription in a computer, which could transfer a pattern on paper, which looks nothing like the end result The main questions that the institute's si lentists are work MUG Continued from Page 3 stabilizing, and if the EMU makes another joint purchase with Housing next fall, mug prices will fall, he said Paper waste reduction from mug use and other recycling ef forts has meant financial sav ings for the EMU and Housing ing to solve are: Mow is the ex pression of DNA regulated, what are the mechanics of de coding and what is the relation ship between structure and function? Novick's first faculty ap pointment to the institute was Frank Stahl Stahl believes an important contribution to the institute lias been the contin ued finani ial support from Washington, 11.(1.. despite na tional cuts in si lent it ii funding from federal souri es "We have been able to get good people here and uninter rupted support from Washing ton even though support has grown more competitive and difficult," he said "Now this university recognizes it has strong research in biology and is supporting it to the extent it can." Salaries of si iem e instructors in the institute are about 00 to 70 percent of what they could be making at other institutions, said Rod (lapaldi. a member of the institute. However, many si ientists are attracted to the interactive style the institute provides, (lapaldi said. "At other schools each scientist's work is like a little island behind locked doors There is no interaction." he said. There are three i riteria for se lei ting faculty tor the institute, (lapaldi said The first is their si ientifii qualifications Is their work outstanding' The next is teaching abilities Will they be able to communi cate well with undergraduate and graduate students' The last is their ability to lit in with the style ol the ilisti lute. This "style" of science is what attracted institute member Vicki (.handler "The University is strong sci "We paid for the mugs in about a month and a half." Babcock said, which means Mousing is now saving the cost of daily paper cup use Mousing is also saving mon ey on napkin use, which has gone down at least fit) percent, or about a case eat h day. he said. Ptioln by Antirv Minim Frank Stahl (It'll) was the first fat ultv appointment to the Institute of Molt'tular Hioloffv by for mer Director Aaron So tick (riyht). entdically and thorn's a lot of congeniality without compro nosing tin- siicnce." ( handler said I hr stvlr hrrr is one of openness and intrrai turn, and ciimmuutcatioii between fai ul tv and students and between students and students "We've turned down people who were outstanding si len lists tint who weren't willing to participate in the institute." (lapaldi said Many universities don't ern plov this c lose knit community approach to silence, t'apaldi said, despite the many lamefits ot .in approai h like ttie I hover This reduction came from a campaign by Housing and the Survival (.enter to reduce paper use in tile dining halls Harr said garbage removal costs for the KMII have dropped dramatically, m part because of ordinary paper waste reduction, and liecause sity's ’ N< lent e is tIn* business of challenging ideas, " In* said ' Si leni i* is so complux and (lull ol) lei hnii|iii*s iuiIhmK i an Ini an expert on all ol (hum Brian Matthews, who re plat ed Nov a k as ilirei lor ol (In* institute al llu* beginning ol last vnar. hopes to lontinue the ile gree ol exiellenie establisbeil by Novick "I think Aaron lias set a Ire mentions example," Matthews said ''I’ll certainly do my best lo follow that example If we i an maintain the sense of mu of cardboard recycling by the Physical Plant f.ewis Atkinson a garbage truck operator lor the Universi ty. said the reduction of paper waste, espet ially i .irdboard. has made it nei essary for him to go to the dump only once a day, instead of the former two tual support coupled vvilli cx cellen* e in m mm:*' liiiil is char acteristi* of the institute since its inception. I'll he well please*! He* outing a s< leutlst at the institute is not a situation of going to the hoonics ol Oregon to retire. (chandler said I he I hiiversily has .in out standing institute though the stale doesn't spend very mu* h on higher edm ation. she add ed The state spends more on roads than on higher educa tion," Chandler said "And it's a sad situation. or three times Moth Housing and the KMU have * ominitted to other meas urns are good lor the envi moment, ini hiding tin. plastic and glass re* y* ling, elimina tion of Styrofoam and polysty rene containers, and using In * al vendors whenever possible / heard it through the grapevine... Advertise today! 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