SPORTS Ducks take NCAA hopes to UCLA By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor Oregon's basketball team hasn't experienced the excite ment of the NCAA Tourna ment's "March Madness" in 30 years. Hut in the madness of the Pa cific-IO Conference this season, the Ducks. 7-5 in the Pac-10 and 12-10 overall, still have a chance to be one of 04 teams in the tournament. It won't be easy, with a road trip to Southern California this week, starting tonight with a 7:35 pin. game against UCI.A in Pauley Pavilion, followed by home games with the Arizona schools and then a trip to Ari zona to end the season. However, Oregon Coach Don Monson believes the Ducks can make the NCAA Tournament with four wins in their last six games. “Anything i say is purely conjecture." Monson said. "We don't have to win them all Four wins would put us 11-8 in league, and maybe that will do. “1 think in our league four teams will go. but it becomes a question of which four, and then what their record is." he said. Arizona, leading the Pac-10 at 0-3 and 20-5 overall, is al ready in. and UCI.A. at 18-7 overall, should be. taking into consideration non-conference wins over Virginia and Pitts burgh Hut thc> Bruins, only 0-0 in conference play, still need to win to get into the tournament. UCI.A Coach Jim Harm k said "I'd say wait until the last few weeks, but I think Arizona State. CSC. Oregon and Oregon State still can get in. but they need to win.” he said. "Even for us. the next few games are really important." Only Washington and Cali fornia appear to be out of the picture with Washington State. 15-8 overall, and Stanford .it 14-10. possibly having the best chances of getting in after Ari zona and lIC1.A. Pac-10 Men Arizona Oregon Oregon SI Washington St UCLA California Stanford An/ona St use Washington Coni W l. 93 7 5 7 5 7« 66 7 7 7 7 57 5 7 3 10 Overall W l 20 5 12 K) 139 158 18 7 11 12 14 10 14 8 14 8 12 11 B •hind Oregon and Oregon Stale clearly have the toughest schedules the rest of the wav. while UCI.A and USC have the best remaining schedule, play ing four of their last six at home After the Dm ks and Hea vers. the Bruins and Trojans face the Washington schools the last two weeks of the sea son. After struggling earlier in the season, it might be surprising to see the Ducks still have a chance to make the tourna ment. but with four straight wins, including a lug win at ('aI. Oregon is still in the run ning. "You have to have a winning record because they (the N('.AA) don't take teams with out winning records." Monson said. "Our problem is that we've got six games, and we, along with the rest of the con ference. aren't a great road team and don't get many wins on the road." The Ducks are only 1-4 on the road in conference games this season compared to t> 1 at McArthur Court. It doesn’t gel any easier going to Pauley Pa vilion where the Dm ks have dropped six straight Hut with the four game win ning streak and more offensive output from forwards Hob f ile and Jordy I.yden and guard Kevin Mixon recently. Monson believes his team can win in Westwood "1 feel pretty good going in there." hi1 said "We've lieen practicing and playing pretty well Whether we do all the things a very good basketball team needs to do, 1 don't know ' ’ Storewide Sale For 2-days only 20% OfT 10 % off* regular priced baseball shoes No l»y w»y«. Umltwjjojtorfcugjwod_ Saturday February 22nd Sunday February 23rd A ymr J ■ ^ On Nike, Converse & m ^ p Asks shoes • men's L/i a ▼ M—J & women's swimwear. Russel Shorts & Sweats & much more... "When you're serious about the games you play" (TftmJm MOIIAWK MARKETPLACE 1918 Marcola Road • 741-3381 Two limits tin? Docks need to do better. Monson said. are play better transition defense and rebound better than they did in a 90-8.1 loss to tin- drums at Mac Court last month "If they get as many offen sive rebounds I think they had to last time (actually 21) then we re out of it." Monson said Don Mai Lean and Trai v Murray each had 1-1 rebounds in the last game and totaled r>2 points as well llarrick. however, wasn't completely pleased with his team's performance in that game "We turned the hall over two or three times too many up there and that let them ha< k in the game," he said In this strange season, the Ducks have an opportunity to get bac k into the NCAA lour nament. and their i hances will mi reuse it they win tonight Would You Like To Travel? If so, join us for an evening with RICK STEVES Author ol huwf'tc Through the Hack Door and lecturer on the best way to travel on a budget. 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