SPWNGRELD S0ENT1F1C SUPPLES U?4 I 99477 /(503) 726-9176 / 1 a and a 1987 PYI recipient for gene research in human cells. Hawley, a member of the University’s Insti tute of Molecular Biology, said she was attracted to tin* University by its reputation for an interdis ciplinary approach to research. ROBERTS Continued from Page 1 erts has final say on the budget’s approval 'Tin sure there will lie some changes," Gil mour said, explaining that he thinks similar pro grams from different universities will need to he reorganized to form consolidated programs. Cilmour said he would also like to see stu dents rely on their parents for more financial as sistance. which would be an attempt to decrease the financial aid budget he believes goes to some less needy students. Corson said the governor and the legislators want more than a “quick fix" solution to the cur rent budget woes, despite students' calls from around the state to find replacement revenues in stead of ( tilting programs and raising tuition. Kola-rts wants a long-term, "responsible, workable solution" for changing the state's tax structure," Corson said. nu; EMi' tu n kai forum presents FEAR AND LOATHING WTIlI Dr HUNTER S. GONZO JOURNALIST - CULT HERO ** Jlr~« In a career of writing for Time, the New York Tribune, the National Observer, The Nation. Ramparts, Rolling Stone and author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, among five other books, Dr, Thompson is known for his brilliant^ O unusual stream of conscfoasness 4P * writing style. He is the model for^* “Uncle Duke" in the Doonesbury 4 comic strip as well as the ^ j| inspiration for the movie, 1 Whore the Buffalo Rq0mi ft* y ^ . mmmsaar THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 7PM EUGENE HILTON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE EMU MAIN DESK: $8 UofO STUDENTS $12 GA Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts. Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special— Friday & Saturday TOFU VEGIE STIR-FRY on brown rice with green salad and combread.$4.25 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a rn to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7am to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p rn : >n Daily Emerald ODE CJrwjon Daily Emerald ODE :>r**'f> 1>aily op* iW» n.,ly Em.,.Id ON Oregon Daily Emerald ODC VrwT> wi V^i-a 881