Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    Join us all month
long for our 10-year
Anniversary Party
Grand Priii Drawing
Thursday tha 28th fora trip
for 2 to tha Oragon Coast
New hours
Mon Sat 4 pm to 2 50 am
Sun noon to 2 50 am
959 Pearl
SAVE 25-50%
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Helly Hansen * Royal Robbins ★ Woolrich
Interested in
helping a friend
with cocaine
Join our cocaine workshop
with guest speakers:
◄ David Jefferson, Serenity Lane
◄ Larry Soberman, Adolescent Counselor
◄ Skip Mosses, Counselor
Specific topics of interest include:
'The basic effects of cocaine
'Helping a friend with an addiction
Held on February 21, 1991
7:00-9:00 p.m.
at the Carson Gold Room
Any questions call 346-4456
•Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program,
Student Health Center
IFC decreases funds for five groups
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Reporter
The Incidental Fee Commit
tee allocated budgets for
1991-92 to five student groups
Wednesday night, giving each
group a decrease from its cur
rent budget
Men Against Rape, now re
ceiving $1,929. asked for the
same amount for next year
However. ASl'O Finance (Coor
dinator Sam Nhem. who makes
budget recommendations to tile
IFC. suggested a new budget al
location of $1,799 She advised
< uts in telephone i osts
IFC members approved the
recommendation unanimously
Westmoreland Tenants Conn
cil. currently receiving $2,305,
requested the same amount for
1991-92. IFC members unani
mously approver! a budget of
$2,302. reflecting a budget cal
culating error.
YMCA's Big Brother Big Sis
ter program, now receiving
$1,200, requested $1,250 for
next year, to add to its current
funding for work-study and
payroll expenses
The request was not ap
proved Nhem recommended
$1,034. reflecting a decrease in
the amount of money the group
currently spends on advertis
ing IF*! members unanimously
approved that amount
Singapore Students Assoi ia
tion also asked for a budget in
crease, but did not receive it.
The group is currently receiv
ing $2,840 and requested
$3,043 The increase would
have been used mainly for the
group's annual cultural night
Nhem recommended that the
increase not be given, and sug
gested a decrease in SSA's ad
vertising. telephone, and post
age costs. Her total recommen
dation of $2,598 was unani
mously approved by the IFC.
The Pre-Dental Club, now re
ceiving $86. requested a
1991-92 budget of $70. which
also was unanimously ap
proved by theIFC
Research park funding intact
By Don Peters
f meraid A . ». .ate I ditor
A fiscal expert told (hi; Riverfront Research
Park (’ommixsion on Wednesday (hat Ballot
Measure T> would have little effia t on pmject
Downtown Development Set lion Manager Boh
llihschman said although the tax limit measure
will hit other sectors of the economy. it will have
almost no impai t on the urban renewal district
that contains the proposed rexean h park
llibschruan said Measure f> has changed the
property tax assessment and culler lion system
The measure in part, imposed a i ap on i ity and
i minty property tax assessments equaling Sit) per
St .000 ot assessed property value These city and
i mints assessments fund the resean h park
The i urrent i ity and i ounty assessments total
$11 17 per S 1.000 hut Itei a use Measure i reslrii
(ions won't begin until next year assessment val
ues w ill ini reaxe enough to offset the loss due
from the tax i ap
'We re exper ting an assessed value increase of
lfr percent,'' llihschman said "As long .is there
is a n percent increase in property tax values per
year the revenue (to the resean h park) would re
main virtually the same
In other business, University project represen
tative Diane Wilev said an environmental assess
merit of the research park site turned up little
While the final report won't lie turned into the
Environmental Protection Agency and the Depart
ment of Environmental Quality until Friday, Wi
ley said the preliminary results suggested that
high levels of Contamination, feared when buried
paint t ans were discovered last fall, had not ma
" The results show below minimum contamina
tion levels for drinking and groundwater,” she
said " There is no cause for further (environmen
tal) investigation of the site
Wiley said 111 separate tests, each going down
It) to 14 feet, were conducted around the site
where the paint can was excavated. Wood, con
crete and other construction materials were
found, but Wiley said those had little environ
mental ramifii at ion
Also, the rescan h park was turned down lor a
$77,01)0 state rescan h grant to (lean up and en
hance the Eugene Millrace
City project representative Cathy Briner said
the grant request was turned down because it
didn't show enough sources of funding and
tal ked hai king from other state and federal agen
Briner said the commission should go after fed
eral funding next
IFC to hold budget hearings tonight
Native Hawaiian Student
Union will hold an interest
meeting tonight at r> in in I AH'
t '.edar Room (I
Et als
Alpha I.ambda Dclta/Phi Fla
Sigma honor sir defies will hold
a general meeting tonight at 7.
The hxation has Ireen t:hanged
to KMU Cedar Room A
UO/UES Sister University
Project will hold a project
meeting tonight at 5 :i() in KMU
Suite 1
YKU alumni are invited to a
meeting Saturday afternoon at
2pm at 400 W 17th Ave
KMU Board will hold budget
hearings today in the Craft Cen
ter for the following groups
Main Desk. 4 p in.: Food Ser
vice, 4:30 p m ; Recreation
Center. 5 pm.; Computer
lanmge. ti p m.
OSPIKti Recycling Group
meets tonight at t>:30 in KMU
Suite 1
Christian Science Organiza
tion meets from -1 U) to 5:30
p m in KMlt Suite 1
Mortar Hoard meets tonight
at t> p m in Room 1T>4 Straub
National Organization for
Women will hold a reorganiza
tion meeting tonight at ti pm
at Mother Kali's Call Lynda at
687-05HB lor more information.
International Festival will
hold a group leader meeting to
day at 4:30 p m in KMl) Room
Ancient Forests Croup is
holding an Karth Week plan
ning meeting tonight at t> it) in
KMU Suite f.
Incidental Fee Committee
will hold budget hearings for
the following groups: Project
Saferide, Interfraternity Coun
cil. JELL. Panhellenic Council,
and Pre-Health Science Center
The hearing will be tonight at
6:30 in the EMU Hoard Room
Two panel discussions on
the gull war will lx- held today
starting at 5:30 p m. in the Hen
hinder Room The first panel
on "Defining Issues and Taking
Issues" will include feminist,
veteran. Arab and peace activ
ist perspectives on the war. The
second panel. "Where Is this
War Going? Consequences for
the Future," will begin at H
p in. in the Fir Room. The
event is sponsored by the Uni
versity's Concerned Faculty for
Peace and justice to coincide
with the national coalition's in
ternational day of teach-ins.
Deadline for submitting Et als
to the Emerald front desk. EMU
Suite 300. is noon the day be
fore publication. Et als run the
day of the event unless the
event takes place liefore noon;
items run only once.
Items for events charging ad
mission or a donation will not
run Events running closest to
the University will be given
priority. The Emerald reserves
the right to edit Et als for gram
mar and style.
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