UNIVERSITY Plastic mugs reduce paper waste By Carrie Dennett Emerald Reporter The KMU Food Service and University Housing have of fered reusable mugs .is an alter native to paper cups for nearly six months, and the impact on waste reduction is clear "We've purchased about 15 to 20 percent fewer paper cups of all kinds, compared to this point last year,” said Dennis Uarr, KMU Food Service direc tor. Carr said the reduction would be even greater, but EMU Catering has had an in crease in events where paper cups are necessary. In an effort to encourage the purchase and use of the mugs instead of paper cups. Carr has increased the refill discount for coffee, soft drinks, hot choco late. lemonade and iced tea. When a customer uses a plas tic mug. the discount ranges from 10 to 25 cents, depending on the beverage "It gives people a little more loyalty," he said "It gives them an incentive to always stop here for their beverage ” So far, EMU Food Service has sold 5.500 of the 22 oz mugs and 1,200 of the 12 oz mugs. Mousing has virtually elimi nated the need for paper cups in their dining facilities by pur chasing a mug for each dorm resident "We're not using any cold paper cups,” said Fred Bab cock. Housing Food Service di rector. Some hot drink cups are being used in Catering and the Bean facilities because of in conveniences caused by the re modeling of the Hamilton cafe teria Batieock said this reduction amounts to t».000-7,000 cups each day. The price of the mugs sold by the KMU increased from $1 to $2 fall term, an increase that was unavoidable. Carr said "Our original order came on a joint order with Housing." he U ol () Dim ount Da\ EVERY SATURDAY take* an additional 10% OFF All Purchases At NEWBERRY'S Variety Store Dow ntow n 9(>b Willamette Musi prcM'iit l 11! () I I) In Rit iMW* Disi ount THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Flit IMaiiAfl Atlorttobti SuitSkowct on campus •tlin-IHI IW> * tMJNDEMAND * GREAT FOR PARTIES AMD BIRTHDAYS ALL GAMES WOn« WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M SO STN STRUT PRRUC MARUT ftffilM •M1I4A4 V, i’huto hv ►n* Kv«n« Plastic mu/fs have turns ted the recycling efforts at the Universi ty. This year. EMU Pood Service has bouyht 15 to 20 pert:ent fewer paper cups and University Housing has savetl about 6,000 to 7,000 paper cups each day. said. The total order of 7.500 significantly reduced the per unit price. When the KMU had to make a second order on their own, the order size (4,300) did not qualify for bulk discounts In addition, transportation costs from the manufacturing plant in Pennsylvania increased $-11)0 on the second order, in |) < wcr>** The Oregon Daily Emerald i* published Monday through Friday except during e«am week arnl vacation* by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with office* on the thud floor of the Erb Memorial Union and in a member of the Associated Pienn The Emerald i» private property The unlawful removal or use of paper* i* pronecut able by law Editor Alice Wbeeler Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politic* Editor Graphic* Editor Supplement* Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston l ayne l akohsh Anna Mem bee ki Nows Editor i..«tn«wimi M.iwUiy Editorial Editor Pat Malar h Sports Editor Ashlrty Conklin Entsrtainmont Editor Layrvo l akefish Supplements Asst Ed Amy Y redencks Night Editor Denise Clifton At social* Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Ac tivlttes Paula Green Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Reporters Tammy Haley. Jake Berg. Brian Bloch Hen© D© Cair, Carrie Dennett Ming Rodrigues. June Russell Daralyn Tiappe Robert Weber Photographers t r»c Evans. Andre Ramon Advertising Kevin Austerrnann Mark Br undag© Elame C>«>ter. Kathy EndicoM Mi chael Gray Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Stephen Mosley Marla Newman l isa Rtchman, Mary Sanderson. Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Peggy McGinn Manager Kelly McMichael, Janet Scholar Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Judy Connolly Production Sandra Daiter Advertising Coo/dmato/ Jennifer Archer Mia Bertel sen Lotus Child. Carol Dopp, Jim Finch Corine Frier. Susan Heart Jennifer Huey Linda Klaastad. Sheila Loren/o Jim Mason. Anna Memberki Don Ross Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson. Jennifer Thomas Hon Walker Todd Williams General Manager Judy Miedl Production M«n«g«t Michnkl Ro*5 Newsroom. But)nets Office 346 5511 Production 346-4361 Advertising Director Display Advertising Classified Advertising Susan 1 neien 346 3712 346 4343 Don’t Forget Your “Rubbers” It’s Just “Condom Sense” A • I • D • S sponsored by EDUCATION TASK FORCE