Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS n HR! \H\ M IKM III1NS Hirlhdsi Hmhir* *rr mintni Marth MhM Watth iur drlaiU in mw ummi P«t>rr%_ To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mmcaitDig JO. THE TYPING PRO" U)«OU IBM WORD PROCESSINGS(MTING fast reasonable CONSCIENTIOUS TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land law Prtnta* U4 3)43 formerly located Bqou Theatre Bldg WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING-FAST! Foolrvolo* EMU Rm B 71 Word procaaatag *’ * »»0* ■ printing Call before noon. or altar 6 30 pm 66)2315 i?s IWSTBUCTIOW FREE MAC WORKSHOP Thursday, February 21 11:00 am ■ 1:00 pm Room ITS Computing Can tar Advanced Mecintoeh Oparahoni with llpa and ahortcula _ m Early American Couch >50 Drafting tet><« 150 KohINoor 610 aat ISO 667-0752 or 46S0101. Uta._ Dorm Refrigerator MSobo 3466360 High quality *<>fa * full »»/« h bed Vary good condition $150 obo ..4B leaMi meisage_ SPRING CLEANING SALE* CO player J100 Sony TV $150 Microwave $50 large oak da»A $100 import pitK up m >100 CaW NK aftw m m Stair atappar mth .•».,.• a - new SQueakH a littia but work* well $100 negotiable 3458716 Vltua Racing H • • $96 Farfma f tronfc Oram ISO _Mika, 342 4356_ Wood compular daak like near. ITS 060 •6)1624 Back problem? Mara % ih«? perte- t cu»a Chiropraclor bed Ona yaar old e«cef cond Paul 3350 Asking $1?S Call 465 IbW GOVtRNMfNT SC l/l 0 Vehn fro™ t'00 Fords Mercedes Corvettes Chevy* Surplus Buyert Guide (t) 6069636000 £»t *4*43_ Classic 99 Inl'l Scout engine Removable lop roll bar 4 tp AM f M casvFQ Perfect to* spring »umm»i camping tscetient condition Wuti nee1 Asking 92/00 Cell 465 .1699 73 VW Supe«Beet»e white 77*000 miles Runs good 9900 obo 465.3/64 77 Capri OMa Red new brakes A metier cyt New clutch A pressure ptete This is « very me# car 344 0470 days 6496047 eves 92/50 mm Perfect for spring! Bridgestone Cruiser bike looks brand new' Paid 9200 asking 9/5 Call 465 3999 Blanch* Brave Racing Bike Mint Condition 52 C M Frame 9375 00 060 Ceil 342 9393 eves Raleigh Marathon !/ speed road bike 16 trama ridden twice A steal at 9280 3456996 Wanted to buy Quality iBudey ) bicycle trailer suitable tor safe *eath erproot hauling of small child Doug _66M130 _ t99A 23 in Raleigh ’r nmufVt Aluminum racing bike E»lras face) lent cood 9250fobO Scott 697 0739 HP 29S Advanced Scientific Calculator features Statistical mode Calculus Programming Retail 9220 sailing 1110 Please contact Pete. 343 3201 5S12ME Sony FM HR mm. w»per*t>'« compo neni stereo 7 tiend EQfAMP pre prog 1une« A/W erfrem control 3eey *i>«eh *•» Greet sound >??-> oo 4«*. ybW STEREO FOR SALE Turntable dual cassette AM.'fMi*J*0 1700 obo 64» 1M4 nn HCTEIOt: Beautiful Cl>»6rU| t»y Ovation Gu'ir Acou*t»c steel string look* brand n«e Com#* w/hard • ese end slam! Pe*d >3*) Asking 1200 MUST SEE* Can 4K» »W Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar tor Man • end Women * clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING VIn tag* Clothing Sola In Anne a of EMU Th«*r* 71*1 A Frt 72nd of Feb WINTER TERM cour*e«x*>h* mil be remover! from our tele* floor begin rung TODAY fo make room for SPRING TERM book* Pte**e purchase any femammg WINTER TERM book* NOW Than! you UO Bookstore Courteboo* Dept Staff UO BOOKSTORE 131b A Kime»d M f 7 30* Sal 10* Phone 346 4331 »o Ski EOUlTOtar Great lor beginners Rossignai 160 aki* bool* (6Vr TVi) poles fits *> *> female like nee Hardly u*ed Ashing tioo Git 4K«. m% Dyne*tar TBS cm Solomon *47 Bindings >10* M* N2t CHEAP! Roasignat ToortngtCroe* Country skis boots and potee Fit* * 3” female IN obo IMM31 118 OuTmot BKBiAtlWI Yamaha Secret 4 I«nm» r*set l >*r txmd new Pa»d i?2S Asfcmg 1100 Can 4«s »W SPRING BREAK If 16 V24 HT lo Monofulu lioffi Portland iSSO obo 464 2916 Delia Airline* Musi sell SPRING BREAK 116 4/24 RT lo Palm Spring* area from SaalUa *21S obo M6 912$_ ? 1 rundtrip airline In kefs Portland to Nat* Yort Mar 16 2S U00 each Call Paul or Gann MS OS 16 mWMMZ Leadership Opportunity I arn Spring and Fall i 'adds and deve1 op you* leadership skills white helping nee student* adjust lo college life Noe seeking Freshmen Interest Group Leaders Apply by Feb 26111 164 H t 146 Vii ROlt PLAYERS NEEDED for c interview simulations to be video taped A used m research Com pen** tion available Can 146 3300 an» time for detail* SPRING RUSH April 8 12 For more into Call 346 3701 Sponsored by the jtl|»f1rate>n.;T i OuftCM _ STUDENT SENATE SEATS AVAILABLE 14 Education English G'ad* Interdisciplinary Studies r 11 Undeclared ApplK ations are m Suite 4 f MU They are due on 2'22SM ASL>0 i» an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer flizimnaira mj ATTENTION: Sludvnl Project* Inc. Nat 7 open seat* on its Board of Directors' Thi* non-profit student business employs ! over 40 •tudentt and 5 professional j sta’f m the operetion of Footnote* i not* taking eordprocetsing and j F AX services The board meets a j minimum of ?».-month Students j only Wown minorities phyttoNy j •Challenged »fH} gay* and tesb'an* j encouraged to apply in Soda * or Pm ?tB EVU Application* do* March 1 tWl toy 5pm TnTEPNSHIP OPPOBTUNlfY W Mama ft* international Trade Center Nero accepting n»um*i and inter view* for Spring and Summer term* taro term commitment Student iniem* «n ctnn«f) $8000*12 000 • for two month* on fishing vessel Ov*t 8000 openings No eapertefV.e necessary Male of Female F o' 66 page employ ment booklet Hf>d $8 96 !o Mil R«SMrch Bob 64006 Seattle WA 96124 X day unconditional 100‘. t.c* * guar anto«______ AMIGA CAMPUS REP Pari time positron available for on enthusiastic Amiga knowledge!)** student to demonstrate mtu3 sell Amiga personal compulu* on campus To* information and to schedule an interview cM< i 206 944 1*30 AMUSEMENT PARKS. Holiday Ha*uma Diftiand 6 Flag* arr hiring Great tun and gal paid too1 Reserve position by catting i 8CA66J 7SS6 eat K 134S A GREAT SUMMER JOB Sum mar Sam or Da* ft Assistant Announcing ona SumfTMK Senior Da ft* Assistant position with University Mousing Earn room, board weekly salary and valuable |Ob eipenence Two yaars of ottica a*panama or equivalent recommended Position encompassing fourlaen weeks ot ftommar For more mtormation Position Daac option and Application available at University Mousing Ofk* Walton Com pi# ■ local ad at iMh Ave and Agata St J46 4277 Application deadline is SOOpm February 22 199> University Mousing i* an equal opportunity affirmative action employer committed to cultural Slaft Wanted Roughing it Day Camp loc alert on 900 ac >»s mSF l *st Bav hiring for summer 1991’ Positrons ( own sal or s riding A swim instructors envii ad fishing ancemg roaring sports, crafts f »per »efs Contact HO Bob 126b Ormda CA 94663 K Desperately seeking ann.ei Boston s leading nanny egen. v r vita* you to spend a 'awarding and hahengtng year with carefully screened professional families Complete sup(* wt network aw ads your arrival Ona year mm it ment For a local interview aii Amen. a' AUPAIH 1 800 262 6771 GTF Positions. Social Science Instructional L at) has t position teginmng Spring Term and 1 position beginning fall Term m DOS compute' tab Must have knowledge of DOS networks statistical and spreadsheet software Duties involve consulting leaching and trouble shooting hardware softwaie problems for further info call Kathleen L eue 346 4642 346 2M 7 9 PiC HELP NEW STUDENTS: Become a peer mentor Welcome new students to the University Training provided Sign up wiith YWCA. 641 f 18th J46 4439 leave message mMMMZZZZ Dancer* wanted Greet Aiask*n Bush Company f»ce**ent mon#» 1030 M«y 9* North 6AA9027 STUDENT BAKER POSITION 4 hr s per day Monday through Fnday 20 hr* p#r week 5 am 9 am daily Over Si QQfhr to start Apply m person to EMU Food S#mc# try 3/22fjy Siudwii R*pfti»nia«M for M'< r product 1 hr w*** ft#»'b** schedule many fringe benefits Please respond with r»lum« or btck^ound inform* 1*On to Microsoft 14314 SW Allen Blvd Suit* 311 Baaverton 97006 Summti C»mp Job* Interviews February 71 D*y Gempu’Pieyground recreation lead an wanted Westmoreland Community C*n|#r Eugene Parks end R« notion Sign up *nd submit resume to Student Employment 12 Hendrick# H*lt Summti Job* Cou«MK)f*'Sumffi*f Cb»»df*n* r.amps/Northeast Top **•*'> rm/btVi#ondry Travel allowance Must have skill in on* of the following •ctivitl** *rch*ry Cf*M* baseball basketball bicycling dance drama drums fencing. football golf gu't*f gymnastic s hockey horseback £ng li*h juggling karate lacrosse nature photography piano rocketry roiiert>i*ding ropes saflboerdmg sail *ng scuba soccer tr*< k waterski weights wood Drop by for an informal interview on Monday Feb 2f»1h in I MU Century A A I from tt am i pm HELP WANTED - EM®I== Rnpilt Program Coordinator Energetic A creative recreetron pro gram planner e*penance working with children o» an age* (disabled A non d-sabiedi Eeater Seals Parent a Night Out program 70 hrvmo f/'hr Send '«*um# A covti taftar to PNOEasler Seals 3575 Donald St Eugene 97405 Swimming Job* (WSI^Summtr childrana camps Northeast Man and woman who can teach children to swim swim team beautiful pool and lakes in the Northeast Good salary room & board travel expense Drop by tor an informal interview on Monday Feb ?Sth in EMU Century A A £ from • fen 9 pm Tennis Jobs Sommer childrana camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children in the Northeast Good salary room S board travel eapense Drop by for an informal interview on Monday Feb 25th in EMU Century A A E from 11 am 5 pm Umpires Needed High school baseball and softball Games t»egin at 4 30 pm daily 1 St meeting Feb 18th and framing avail ab youf College education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible boors C«H Nancee or Brook for .* •>!«*•»<** 344 6697 Nanny for 11 year ©id U l*gbt housekeeping duties Secretarial skills a plus Possible room and board References required Ask for Ralph 94? 1234 Available now Now Hiring Student Coordinators Cultural Forum & SARO positions begm Spring Term for 91 92 Heritage Music Visual Arts National Music Lectures Film Performing Arts Regional Music Events Crew Deadline Friday. February 22nd Stop by Suite 2 EMU for information & application 346 4373 Tbe CF & SARO are EPAA employers River Guides Wanted Training session begins Mar 17 For info call Wild Water Adventures 896 4466 leave message or write PO Box 249 Creaweli OR 97426 OVERSEAS JOBS $900 $2000/mo Summer yr round All countries all fields Free info Write UC. PO Bx 52 Qr03, Corona Del Mar. CA 92625_ HELP WONTED -- FOR BOYS 5 GLEN LANE MAMARONECK, N.Y. 10543 914-381-5983 Camp Vega FOR GIRLS RO. BOX 1771 DUXBURY, MA. 02332 617-934-6536 STAFFING NOW FOR THE 1991 SUMMER SEASON POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER COUNSELORS WHO LOVE CHILDREN AND HAVE STRONG SKILLS AND ABILITY TO TEACH ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: Archery, Arcs & Crafts, Baseball, Basketball, Bicycling, Computer Science, Dance, Dramatics, Field Hockey, General counselors, Guitar, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Photography, Piano, Pioneering, Riding, Rocketry, Ropes course, Sailing, soccer, Softball, Support Staff, Swimming, Tennis, Track, volleyball, Waterskiing, Weight Training, Windsurfing, Woodworking, Yearbook. FULL EIGHT WEEK SEASON DROP BY EOR AN INTERVIEW: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH FROM 1 1:00 AM 5:00 PM FMU BUILDING CENTURY A & E Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU F AHATTm HUlIS THAT' ■•4 WE BEUBVt lhervt. Apvtj? A8A9SPIAY m, sir. r l I I MAKE MONEY \>‘\ k\ . Vi <**/ Hu W l 6 Ml BUY. TRADE fit CONSIGN ! I « lothmq in m to 2 \is nidi ■ ' Ktnii min i us m lii'ii < It out ■ | Will < lltSl Is Ol | M S | < llllll lllllWM I | Uiit. I I 344 7039 ‘ ! SAVE MONEY ! 1 lObMon Sil. ! *hO ». I Ith ‘ j hrlurrii *fill flr Miqh ! i_cur * save__i