SPORTS ____. — .^.-.^... V.. __ J Photo h> John Stuoji* Junior Nick Smith chases down a backhand en mute to a fi-2. 7-5 victory over Westmont's (iron Schultz. Oregon defeated Westmont ti'j-2,/j on Tuesday to raise its season record to 5-7. Men’s tennis slams Westmont By Robert Weber f me raid Sports Reporter The (fregon men’s tennis team showed l ues day how much letter it can perform when it doesn't have anv problems getting to .1 match lust five ifavs after having to forfeit a mall h in the Nevada Bob's Invitational in Lis Vegas due to airplane problems, the Dui ks (5-7) returned home and soundly defeated Westmont College ti'i 2': Tuesday afternoon freshman Lee kirner gave Oregon a strong start at first singles with a ti J. t> I victory over West mold's Steve Mi Kaxin In .ill. the Dm ks 1 laimed vii lories in five of the six singles matches with wins by Ky.m Marasigan. \u k Smith. Doug Root and led I’ho ren Chris (dadwell at tilth singles, was the lone singles loser, dropping a fi I t> 4 dei ision to Westmont’s Steve llirons The two teams split at second and third dou hies while the lust singles match was strapped lifter two sets so Westmont could catch a plane out of town, i renting tin* fitml score Tuesday's mutch w.ts Oregon s fourth in five days, nu hiding three in the l-as Vegas tournn merit The team w.ts supposed to leave I'.ugene last Thursday in-order to arrive in time to play a malt It Friday morning, hut after a five hour delay the (light was cant eleti Oregon finally left early Friday morning anil landed in Iais Vegas in tune to rush over and lose a 'y-Z ties ision to Northern Arizona Friday after noon buzz Summers, the Dinks' coach, said the team was phy sically exhausted and unable to per form against Northern Arizona due to the travel problems The Ducks rebounded on Saturday to defeat I.ny-ola Mary mount "> t in another match that yy .isn 't i ompleted Summers yyas unhappy about missing a mail h but y% as olherw ise pleased with the weekend "It yyas good lor us to be tested, he said, "and to get experieni e against other teams Ills team's next challenge yxill he I eh 27th at the I 'niversitv of Portland Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 PERSONALS Planned Perenlhood for Pap smears infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings 344 9411 ANTHONY HAPPY 21 ST It _XOXOX•J Unplanned pregnancy^ BIRTHRIGHT a place to think things over Someone to talk to Personal confidential 647 8651 Cleo Keith had me sweatm Johnny had me wettm Picky had me sippm bui it s you I II be gnpptn Your candle light friend 105 PERSONALS A XU Our parents *«'e her* We drank a" the t>eer I would have shown you my pad But you introduced me to your Dad1 Than* for Saturday nite Phi Psi IFVC Congratulations to the winning teams 1 Kappa Sigma 2 Fiji 3 Alpha Tau Omega 4 Sigma Chi Gamma Phi Beta would like to thank all fraternities who participated in our first annual IFVC We had tun. let s do it egeinl 105 PERSONALS RUSH BETA WINTER RUSH 1991 THURS. 2/21/91, 9PM Catay 343 YM4 Jeff MT 2* 1« KELLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY' From tha Miriam Fan Club Looking lot 2 guy* Movtaland 2114, 9 30 pm Mika i Ike rad licorice Wa >a interested Paata respond OOF \ XA Winter Ruth Lan Pda Chi Alpha •» noar holding Winter Hush If interest**! an Matt Cutry at PERSONALS - a< ► n.rflo gt ivei a !f> fringe Irueia Si IS vtihi TVPlWd SERVICES’” ns Printed text to computer files BBamdaoB 747 456^ moi'a^u* tut u rj>vo 344 4510 •OS t Uhl K.. 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