ARTS University Theatre tackles Chekov By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter Anton Chekov's classic dra ma about the hopes and yearn ings of a Russian provincial family at the turn of the century conies to modern theater as fa miliar and moving as when it first opened 00 years ago in 1001 This Friday. University Theatre presents Three Sisters. the tragi comedy masterpiece exploring Uhekov's favorite subject the universal human experience of frailties, long ings thwarted dreams, laugh ter and tears "This is a play about the search for a purpose and direi (ion in life," said Robert Bar ton. the play's director and an assoc iate professor in theater arts "It examines why living can be such a torture and why we suffer so much in life. (These are) questions mankind will always be able to relate with. Anton Chekov is the fa tber of contemporary realism His plays are not a social state ment. instead, they capture real life ." Covering a span of three and <1 half years, the play revolves around the Prozorosf sisters. Olga. Marsha and Irina, who find they -ire lost in life v\ ithout the influential helping hand of their father, a general in the provide ial army w ho died a year earlier Raised in the kind of aristo cratic lifestyle no longer exist ing in Russia, the sisters and their friends long tor change and to make something differ ent in their lives, but they don't know how to go about it In the end. however, the charm ters emerge from their compelling and sometimes painful quest for the meaning H»oto |vlf t*t«la * Three Sisters, a play by the Russian muster. Anton (Iheckov, will be performed by the University Theatre h'eb. 22. 2.1 and 28. and March t. 2. 8 and 9. of lift- with tht! resolve to go on living “Thrtw Sisturs is at once fun ny, moving anti sati It's hard not to gel involved w ith it espe cially when the charat ters are so real and lovable," Barton said. "It's difficult to summarize Chekov's works They're just so full of subtle nuances that at one level, it seems as if there's really nothing much going on. but if you look t loser and deep t-r. there's the powerful ole ment of humanity ” Barton, who often directs Shakespearean plays, picked Three Sisters for .i i hange in dramatic styles and also for (hr rii ti and varied roles it offers women 1 wanted to do something that contrasts with the larger than life, heroic flavor ol Shakespeare where the theme is often what life might he in stead of what it is whit h is ( hekov s lot us." Barton said Three Sisters starts Friday night at H in Robinson Theater Kxtra performances are st fieti uled for Feb 2.1 and 2H and March 1. 2. 8 and 0 Tickets are S-l 50 for students and $t> 50 general admission and are available at Robinson Theater THE EMU CIXTURAL FORUM PRESENTS FEAR AND LOATHING WITH Dr HUNTER S. GONZO JOURNALIST - CULT HERO In a career of writing for Time, the New York Tribune, the National Observer, The Nation, Ramparts, Rolling Stone and author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, among five other books, Dr. Thompson is known for his brilliant^ 1 v unusual stream of consciousness 4P * writing style. He is the model for^ “Uncle Duke” in the Doonesbury comic strip as well as the inspiration for the movie, * Where the Buffalo Rq/fmA £ /J v 4 ^ ; ■ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 7PM EUGENE HILTON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE EMU MAIN DESK: $8 UofO STUDENTS $12 GA SAM’S TO GO ◄ Fresh Salads ^ Homemade Soups ◄ Daily Lunch Specials 12th & Alder • 343-1141 Approximately 1,000 people have died in the last thirty days. Not a shot was fired or a condom worn. sponsored by the A • I • D • S EDUCATION TASK FORCE . Jl ■Wt*I / EUROPEAN I AUTO RFPAIR AUTO REPAIR foftMWt- fn f A.S.E. Certified Technician BOSCH AUTHORIZED SERVICE CLOSE TO CAMPUS