il27 years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount to U of O students on all repairs. O"*’ oood m,ouoh 2,28/91 2025 Franklin Blvd .342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 Would You Like To Travel? If so, join us for an evening with RICK STEVES Author of Europe’ through the Back Door and lec turer on the best way to travel on a budget. Friday, February 22nd, 7 p.m. 177 Lawrence Hall rv i Afu>, join u' ill (hr Interna ttonal SduirnM Association coffee hour Feb. 22, 4-6 f> m. Inlcrrumoiuit students mil speak about their court tries $2.1X1 donation re quested of non students ro benefit ISA S|x>nsomJ hv Valentine’s C'.unpus Travel and k’UCJN Radio. TAPES & CD S ARTS (iiutlnv photo The Crazy Hs will he performing in Eugene this weekend as part ol the hand's ninth annii ersary celebration. The show will take place at 9:30 Friday night in the Community Center for Performing Arts (W.Q.W. Halil, 291 IV’. Eighth Ave. Crazy 8s’ ‘mutt rock’ hits Eugene By Layne Lakefish f nwrald Enierlammenl tdiloi It was nine years ago that the band came to gether Since then, the Crazy Hs have become a favorite in Kugene. performing frequently at many local establishments com ert halls and fra ternity fum dons This weekend they’re coming liac k to ( elebrate In the spirit of their ninth anniversary, the Crazy Hs will perform Friday night at o to in the Com munity Center for the Performing Arts. \V Kightli Ave "This show will actually take place one week before our ninth anniversary." said Man: Maker. Crazy Hs manager "Hut since Kugene has lieen one of the best places to us. we de< ided to ki< k off the whole anniversary one week early so we can do it in Eugene " "And one thing's for sure." In- said "If you're going to see the Crazy Hs live, you're going to see a killer show Friday's performance will represent nine years of making music together It will represent both i onstants and changes "The hand has grown up and expanded." f{alter said "By going out and seeing the world and seeing the different ways people live, the members have expanded their horizons and ma tured." Over the years, the Crazy Hs have performed and perfected a style that comes close to avoiding labelling Plainly stated, a concert goer will hear music, all sorts and styles "It's not heavy metal or jazz or anything specif ic," Wanaka said "There's something for every one Kven if someone doesn't like all the songs, they’ll probably like some of them "I call it mutt rock." Baker said "There's so many influences and there's so much going on It's like a mutt dog walking the street of rock "You can't sav 'Oh. it's rock.' or ‘Oh. it's new wave,' or 'Oh. it's punk It's just a little of every thing It's this "little of everything" that makes the Crazy Bs such a big hit on college campuses. Baker said Tickets to the show will be on sale at the door for $7 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENT L< jam