PERSIAN GULF WAR Infantry patrol involved in skirmish with Iraqis NORTHKKN SAI D! ARA BIA (AIM A i>t Infantry Di vision patrol skirmished ear ly Tuesday with an Iraqi re connaissance patrol that at times acted as if it planned to surrender, unit officers said The 1st Infantry patrol played cat and mouse with the Iraqi patrol for about four hours before firing mat bine guns at the Iraqis, reportedly hitting at least one "We started to pick them up in ones and twos through our thermal sights." said I.t. Col. Skip Baker. lie said one patrol leader appeared to he holding a flag as if trying to attract the at tenlion of t' S soldiers to surrender But as the patrol advanced, it would periodically drop down into small ditc hes and disappear. then reappear elsewhere After repeated similar ini i dents and with the patrol still heading south. Maker said he dei ided the unit had given it ample opportunity to surren der. "We fired them up," Baker said. "We know we hit one. we could see >i pool of tdood in the thermal sights." said ("apt Kick Orth. to. of Port Jefferson. N Y WEEKEND SPECIAL $4200 250 FREE MILES Friday to Saturday 72 Hours 683-0874 110 W. 6th (By the Hull Center) Some restrictions • Must be 21 A-WAV REN^I^AR Eugene Athletic • Ivory Trading FINAL MARKDOWNS WINTER CLEARANCE SALE FALL • WINTER • HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE TEN-DAY EVENT FEBRUARY 22 THRU MARCH 3 ADDITIONAL SAVINGS M BASEMENT ATHLETIC SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ^^ Mon thruTho/s 9 30 7 Fn 9 30 9 ? [ 0 j 94 West Broadway • Eugon*. Ortgon • 343-1288 _______ Downtown Eugene Bill unfair to U.S. servicewomen WASHINGTON (AIM Defense IVpartment offii dais '..nil Tuesdai that a bill In prevent the as signmeiit ol l«itl> military parents of vmmii i hil dren to .1 war /one would turn American serve nwomen into sei ond class military i iti/ens Ibis legislation threatens to turn hack the i lot k to the time when marriage and motherhood caused a discharge or discrimination in assign ment." said Christopher Jehn assistant secretary of defense for fori e management and personnel Ihe comments by the Pentagon of fit ial < ame as a House Armed Services sulx nmmittee exam med several hills pending in Congress to limit or prohibit sending both parents or a single parent to a i onihat area The war in the Persian Gulf and the images of both parents leaving small ( llildrcn for servile in tin1 gulf prompted the introdur lion of nuttier mis hills The Defense Department has said in. too sole-i ustodv single parents, and l.-’UO couples with children, have been deployed in Operation Desert Storm As the sulx ommiPee on military personnel and compensation reviewed the issue. Defense Secretary Die k Cheney, testifying elsewhere on Capitol Hill, reiterated his opposition to reversing much! wafer bed ^center 3SHI 823 HIGHWAY 99 NO. EUGENE • 688-9753 All mIo iUhi Itm.lOTl U> aUxli on Kand I'rudixla one nmumf U* llluat/aWan A majr not irvloda all Icalurra ahown rwaaraly limiUd quanlUioa, mo •Nov «ari? Not all produata shown ar* aaatUbla in a**ry alor* Alt >lrme ora auhjart U> poor aala and aarljr ad»«*Oiaing daadi.noa IWI